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Continued from last chaper

Third POV***********

"I love your song hazza" Louis said wiping his tears

"Really????? "harry asked

"Ofcourse. it was amazing and you sounded so good babe" louis smiled.

"thank god!!!!!! i was so worried you woudn't like it. i mean it was dedicated to you so i was worried...mmhhm" harry was now rambling but louis cut off his rambling by kissing him

"Guys,other people are here. Please keep it pg." Mitch teased

"Shut up Mitch" harry rolled his eyes as louis chuckled.

"Anyway , harry you have a interview today at 12 with Nick grimshaw".

"Oh ok. lou , do you wanna stay here or go back to the flat??" harry asked.

"I'll just go to your flat". louis smiled.

"OK, I'll drop you off" Harry said.

"OK." Louis said

"Then let's go." Harry said.

"Yeah or you are gonna be late" Louis said smiling.

"Bye lou "Harry said hugging him.

"Harry I am not going back to London. We will meet again in a few hours" Louis said hugging him.

"I know but few hours is way too long" Harry pouted.

"Here"Louis said pulling Harry by his   collar and giving him a passionate  kiss.

"Now I am gonna miss you even more" Harry pouted as they separated.

'Go you big baby. Bye". Louis said exiting the car.

"OK. What should I do?" Louis wondered sitting on the couch." I should call Liam. He was supposed to be in LA" Louis said calling Liam

"Hey li, how are you?"  Louis said.

"I am good. It's been so long. I am missing you guys so much".  Liam said.

"Me too mate. Where are you right now?"Louis asked.

"I am in LA. Why?" Liam asked.

"Cause I am in LA too. I am visiting Harry" Louis smiled.

"Oh. We should meet up."Liam said.

"We should. Harry is in a interview but I am free. Why don't you come to Harry's flat? I am getting bored".  Louis said

"OK sure. Be there in ten." Liam said laughing.

"That was quick."Louis said opening the door.

"Yeah my hotel is close to here. I didn't know Harry was here or I would have stayed with him."Liam said hugging him.

." God I have missed you"Louis said hugging him back.

"Me too mate. I brought fifa I know it's your favorite." Liam said .

"Thank God. I was sooo bored." Louis said dramaticly being the drama queen he is.

"Yeah Yeah, let's play" Liam said waving a hand infront of him.

"Get ready to go down" Payno Louis said.

"I am not losing this time tommo" Liam said.

After like hundreds rounds fifa Louis didn't wanna play anymore.

"I can't play any more" Louis sighed.

"Me too."Liam said.

"Li, tell me does a interview take this long?" Louis asked.

"No, he should have been home by now". Liam said looking at the clock. It was nearly 6 pm.

"Yeah. Let me call him". Louis said.

"Hello? Haz? Where are you?"  Louis asked.

"I am out with some friends" Harry said his voice barely edible by the background noise.

"Harry? Are you in a club?"  Louis demanded.

"Louis, I really can't talk right now."  Harry said.

"Harry, come back!!" a girl shouted in the background.

"Are you with a girl?" Louis asked.

"I got to go. Bye" Harry said cutting the call.

"Harry don't you da...". Louis got cut off.

"What happened?" Liam asked.

"Harry is in a fucking club with a girl partying. That's what happened" Louis said.

"Calm down lou. What did he say?" 

"He said he has to go and hung up on me!!! " Louis nearly shouted.

"OK OK. Calm down. I got a call from my manager. I have to go. Louis don't do anything OK. Bye. I will see you soon" Liam said getting up.

"Yeah. bye"Louis said walking him to the door.

"Calm down OK."Liam said hugging him.

"OK li. Bye". Louis said.

"Honey I am home"Harry's slurred voice came after three hours or so.

"Harry, are you drunk?" Louis demanded.

"A little? " Harry laughed.

"A little?  Harry, you can't even stand  straight. I am so angry right now.  Harry it's been more than 8 hours. Where were you?"  Louis demanded .

"I met Nick after so long so they dragged.. me club" Harry said slurring.

"Are you kidding me?  Harry just go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning" Louis said rubbing his temple.

"OK."  Harry said falling on Louis.

"Harry, I can't take your full weight. Stand on your feet. Help me me out yeah?" Louis said making him stand.

"OK." Harry nodded.

"Wait!!  Harry, is that a hickey on your neck?" Louis demanded.

"Oh yeah "Harry said laughing. 

Are you telling me someone gave you a fucking hickey????? Louis said his face red with anger.

Yeah, Kenny gave it to me Harry replied.

"Is this the girl that you were out with?" Louis asked

Harry didn't even reply. He just passed out on the couch.

"That's it! I am going home". Louis said going to get his luggage.

"I hope you regret this when you wake up" Louis said leaving.

          So first fight. God! Those are always the worst. So what do you think will Harry remember what he did or not?  Will he get Louis back? Will Louis forgive him or not? 

Whoever is reading this: I love you


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