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It was now november and Louis's mum was getting worse day by day. The treatments are not working and Louis is breaking down. He couldn't loose his mum. She was his bestfriend, his anchor, his everything.

"Hey mum, here's your breakfast." Louis said   coming into the room tiredness evident in his voice.

"Thanks love. Did you have breakfast?"  Jay asked.

"I will eat in a bit." Louis said smiling at his mother

"No, you should go home. Love, you look like hell. You need some rest." Jay said.

"But what if you need something?"  Louis asked.

"Love, there are plenty of nurses here. If I even need which I probably won't I can call any of them" Jay said raising her eyebrows

"OK, I will come back soon". Louis said standing up.

"No mister. You are not coming back until tomorrow morning"Jay said.

"But.."Louis was cut off by his mother again.

"No Louis. You need to sleep."Jay said in a tone that meant no further discussion.

"OK" Louis sighed giving his mother a hug before leaving.

When Louis reached home he saw a car in the driveway. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion while parking.

"Hey lou", lottie said opening the door

"Hey lot, whose car is that in the driveway? "Louis asked taking his coat off.

"Why don't you see for yourself?"  Lottie said pointing to the living room.

"What do you me.". Louis stopped talking when he saw who was sitting on the couch

"Hey babe." Harry said standing up smiling a dimpled smile.

"Harry, oh my God." Louis said going into harry's warm arms when he opened them for him.

"I thought you were busy with filming."Louis said wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.

"I am never busy for my boobear" Harry laughed as Louis groaned at the nickname.

"I missed you love" Louis said kissing him. It was a sweet kiss but was interrupted by lottie's coughing.

"Please don't make out while I am still here" lottie sighed dramatically.

"Oh piss off "Louis said looking at her while Harry blushed all the way to his neck

"Whatever" lottie said walking away rolling her eyes.

Louis? "Harry asked.

Yeah babe?" Louis asked turning to look at him.

"Louis,haven't you sleeping? " Harry asked worried.

"What do you mean? " Louis asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"You look like hell love."Harry asked again.

"No, it's just I was with mum at the hospital for a few days and I couldn't sleep well" Louis said.

"Oh but lou, that's not healthy love. You can't exhaust yourself that much." Harry said.

"I swear you and mum are sometimes so similar that it freaks me out" Louis said chuckling.

"Well, that is because we know what's best and we are worried about you". Harry said proudly.

"Now after breakfast you are taking a nap" Harry said walking to the kitchen.

"Only if you nap with me. I missed your cuddles". Louis said pouting.

"Sure." Harry replied blushing when all the girls cooed. They weren't noticed by the couple until now

"Harry, how are you?"  Daisy asked.

I am fine love. How were my little monsters?" Harry asked tickling daisy and Phoebe.

"We are good Harry "phoebe said laughing.

"And how have you been mini lou's?" Harry asked picking up Ernest and doris

Oh don't ask. They are quite the little troublemakers". Louis said chuckling from his chair.

"Here's breakfast!!"  Fizzy and lottie cheered bringing freshly made scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Yeah breakie!! "Ernest shouted making everyone chuckle.

"Lot, where's the twins babyfood? " Louis asked.

"It's ready. Let me get it." Fizzy said.

"Will you feed them or?" Fizzy asked.

"I will. Haz, help me please" Louis said giving Harry the bowl which he gladly took nodding.

"Harry, when is your movie releasing?" Lottie asked.

"No clue to be honest but we just  finished filming. So i think in 2017." Harry said smiling

"Oh so you finished filming. That's why you are here aren't you?" louis asked narrowing his eyes at  harry.

"Yeah and because i missed you". harry said  cheekily making louis's sister coo.

 After breakfast Louis and Harry went
to nap which they both very much  needed.

Boo?" harry asked

Hmm? "Louis hummed looking at Harry both of them lying face to face on his bed with harry on his chest.

How are you?"  Harry asked.

"Fine I guess" Louis sighed knowing harry meant with his mum getting sick.

"Love, it's not your fault and you can't do anything. You feeling bad isn't gonna solve this." Harry said cupping his face.

"Haz, can we please talk about something else? " Louis asked his eyes filling up with tears

"Sure if you want". Harry said.

"You know, Zayn called me yesterday". Harry said softly hoping Louis will stay calm because louis and Zayn got in a fight the last time they met on louis's birthday on Zayn's sudden leaving of 1d.

Why? "Louis asked calmly

"He wants to talk to you but he said you weren't answering his calls." Harry said.

"Well I don't wanna talk to him. He can just leave it like how easily he left all of us" Louis said glaring at the ceiling.

"But lou.."

"No Hazz. I am not going to talk to him. We had a fight and we could have easily made up but no he had to go and diss about 1d. He was my best friend and he said he never really wanted to be there. So no I won't talk to him." Louis interrupted him.

"OK. It's your wish. I have a surprise for you BTW". Harry said smiling.

What? "Louis asked.

"You will see. Now let's nap" Harry said  snuggling up to Louis.

After a long time they cuddled to sleep.

  Whoever reading this: I love you.


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