3.Separate ways.

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"And you have to vacate the house you all live by 1st January. " Simon announced like it was nothing.

"Where are we gonna live?" Liam asked.

"You can't live together but we will arrange separate places for you guys" . Simon said.

"Are you serious? We can't even live together?" I asked

"No and specially you and Harry. You can't live in a same apartment again."

"No Simon, please I can't and won't live without harry. I didn't say anything when you brought me a girlfriend but I won't accept this."I said determined.

"Yeah, I will not either" harry said holding my hand.

"No way, are you guys staying together. People already suspects you guys and if you live together it will only add fuel to the fire". Simon said now standing up.

"I still don't get why we have to hide. People are more accepting now". Harry sighed.

"Because there are still homophobic people out there and you will lose fans if you come out. No parents will want their children to have a gay idol". Simon said this time sternly turning towards the door motioning us to leave.

Harry ran out without saying anything and I knew it hurt him. It hurts him whenever this comes up and I hate not being able to do anything to stop my hazza from hurting.

Me and liam leave too to find harry and Niall. We find them in our van with eyes red and dripping with tears.

I went and pulled them both into a bone crushing hug. It broke my heart that we only had few months left before we had to go separate ways.

It broke me more because after a few months I won't have my hazza with me like before. I won't be able to go home to him. I won't be able to wake up next to him every morning. I won't be able to eat his baked cookies whenever I want , I won't be able to hug or kiss him even if it was in just private.

After arriving home, we decided to have a movie night. Me and Harry sat on the love seat on the couch while liam and Niall sat on either side of us. Liam demanded we watch toy Story so we were watching toy Story for the hundred time.

Harry and I were snuggled up to each other while watching the movie.

"Lou?" Harry said from where he was laying on my chest.

"Yes love?" I asked looking down at my love.

"You will not leave me right? Promise me that even If we have to do long distance you will not break up with me" harry said looking at me with his green eyes. Those big Green eyes were filled with sadness that actually broke my heart.

"Hazza, get one thing in your head that even if you tell me to leave I won't leave you. I love you too much to leave you" I said cupping his cheeks with my hands as his eyes became full of tears.

"I love you too, loubear" he said as one tear made its way down his cheek.

"Don't cry hazza, I will always be with you" I said hugging him close and burying my face into his curls. I knew that whatever happens I couldn't ever fell out of love with this boy if only I will only fall more in love with him.

I know it's emotional. But so is Larry. I mean the love they have for eachother is heartwarming.

No I Won't Stay Away(Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now