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So doctor, when do we start her treatment?" Louis asked Emmy.

"From tomorrow. Today, you guys can go home and pack her bags. She will have to be here for a while".

"OK thanks doctor" Louis said his eyes burning with tears

"Mr.Tomlinson, don't loose hope. You have to be strong for your mother. She needs you now more than ever" Doctor Emmy said smiling sympatheticly.

"I know. Thank you doctor" Louis said walking towards his car where Jay was waiting for him.

What did she say?" Jay asked

"She said, it will start from tomorrow. She also said you will need to stay here during the treatment". Louis said not looking at his mother.

" Son, don't worry about me so much. I will be okay". Jay said cupping his cheeks and looking straight into his eyes

I love ya mum."Louis said hugging her

I love you too love". Jay said

Let's go home now"Louis said starting the car.

As Louis was parking the car Dan came out to help Jay inside the house.

"Hi Honey. Hey son. What did the doctor say?" Dan asked.

Louis was dreading exactly this. He didn't know how he was supposed to tell his dad that his wife, the love of his life had blood cancer.

"Let's go inside first k?" Louis asked biting his bottom lip.

"Why? What's wrong?"  Dan asked seeing through Louis.

"Let's go inside yeah. We gotta tell the girls too" Louis said looking at his mother who nodded.

"Hey lou, so what did the doctor say?" Lottie asked from the living room as they entered.

"Lot, Where are the boys?" Louis asked.

They are taking their nap. Why?" Lottie asked confused.

"Call the girls yeah? We gotta tell you guys something."Louis asked sitting beside Jay on the couch.

"OK. Everyone's here. Now tell us what's going on." Fizzy said.

"Ah. The doctor said that ahg" Louis stammered.

"Come on lou. Spit it out" Lottie said.

The doctor said mum has leukaemia." Louis said

"What? Louis, don't joke! " Dan said looking between Louis and Jay.

I am not joking dad." Louis said his eyes brimming with tears.

"No no no!"  Lottie shook her head while the twins and fizzy were crying.

"Don't cry girls. Nothing will happen to me". Jay said trying to calm them down.

"Are you sure lou? This must be a mistake "fizzy said standing up.

"I asked the same thing but that's not likely to happen." Louis said

"She can be treated right?  Please tell me she can?" Daisy said crying.

She can babe, she can" Louis said "hugging his sisters.

"When does treatment start?"Dan asked after some time wiping his cheeks.

"Tomorrow. Mum needs to stay at the hospital during it" Louis said.

"Okay. Now girls don't cry. Your mum will be completely fine, she has to be." Dan said looking at Jay.

"Yep. I will be fine girls. I am not going anywhere anytime soon. You guys are stuck with me" Jay said trying to lighten up the mood.

Excuse me"Louis said going to the bathroom.

"Why God,wh.y? Why m..y mu.m?" Louis let out a sob as his phone rang flashing Harry's name.

"Hey boo, how are you?"  Harry's voice boomed through the phone.

"Boo?" Harry asked when Louis didn't reply.

"Boo, why are you crying?"  Harry asked hearing louis's heartbreaking sobs.

"It shou..ld b..e me H.ar.ry. W..hy my m.um?  She do..es. n't de.. se..rve this". Louis said his voice barely audible.

"No boo. Yeah she doesn't deserve this but it shouldn't be you boo. Nobody deserves this". Harry said his own eyes filling with tears.

"Then w..hy Ha..rry?  Wh..y? I ca..n't li..ve witho. ut my mum haz" Louis said his tears falling freely.

"I know boo. I know. Please don't cry love. Your mom will be fine. She has to be". Harry said crying too.

"But what if she.."

"Don't think like that boo. Don't loose hope. You gotta be strong for Dan, lot, fizzy, the twins" Harry said.

"Yeah you are right. I gotta be strong for them atleast." Louis said washing his face.

"Yeah. I love you babe. Be strong OK?" Harry asked wiping his own tears.

Hmm "Louis nodded. I love you too.

And babe?" Harry asked.

Yeah? "

"Don't ever even think about leaving me OK?" Harry said

"I told you I can't even if I want to" Louis said smiling

"Yeah Yeah. Bye love you"

Love you too". Louis smiled.

        Happy new year to all!!!!!! Love you. I hope this year brings everyone only happiness and success. 🎇🎆🎉🎈

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