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Next morning ******

Harry woke up next morning to his doorbell ringing.

"God! who is here?" Harry groaned but it got only worse as he stood up from the couch.

"why am I on the couch and why do I have such a bad headache?"Harry said clutching his head as the doorbell rang again.

"Liam?" Harry asked as he opened the door.

"Yeah. I see you woke up"Liam said entering.

"Thanks to you" Harry said rubbing his temple.

"Harry, do you remember what you did yesterday?" Liam asked sitting on the couch.

"No but how are you here Liam? You were in New York last time we talked and how did you know my address?" Harry asked confused.

"I was in NYC but now I am in LA obviously and I know your address because I was here yesterday with lou when you were out partying" Liam said crossing his hands over his chest.

"That's why I have such a bad headache."Harry said

"I came to meet him. He isn't here?" Liam asked.

"I just woke up. I don't know. But He should be Harry" said standing.

"lou? Are you in the bedroom?" Harry asked going to the bedroom.

"OK I have checked everywhere. He isn't here". Harry said

"where could he be? He doesn't know LA that much. Call him Harry" Liam said.

"Yeah. He isn't picking up"Harry said after calling more than two times.

"Harry, I think you did something wrong last night. He was really angry at you when I left yesterday" Liam said.

"Why? What did I do?" Harry asked.

"I don't really know but you were apparently out with a girl partying and when Louis called you, you hung up on him" \Liam said.

"WHAT!!! Are you kidding me? Shit! I remember now." Harry rubbed his hands over his face.

"Do you remember?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. I met Nick after so long so he just dragged me to a party and there we met kendell Jenner. So we were catching up and I guess I got drunk somehow" Harry groaned.

"So that was the girl."Liam said.

"Yeah"  Harry said.

"Wait, Harry is that a hickey?" Liam asked.

"Fuck! li fuck!!" Harry said

What? Liam asked.

"I remember everything now. When I came back home last night we had a fight because he saw the hickey and when he asked who gave it to me? I replied it was Kenny as in kendell." Harry replied.

"Ouch!!! That is probably why he isn't here. And BTW how did you get a fucking hickey From KENDELL??" Liam said shaking his head.

"We were playing truth and dare and I don't remember who but someone dared kendell to makeout with me and I guess that's how I got a hickey.  Fuck li, I cheated on him.  God!!!" Harry groaned.

"He probably figured as much. That's why he left. You should do something Harry. You know his anger and I just hope he isn't that angry" Liam said patting Harry on the back.

"But what should I do? He probably went  to Doncaster and he isn't picking up my calls" Harry said his voice desperate.

"Let me call him"Liam said.

"Hello, Louis?"

"Yeah. What's up?" Louis replied.

"I went to Harry's flat and you weren't there. Where are you?" Liam asked.

"I came back to Doncaster." Louis said.

"Why?" Liam asked although he knew but he didn't want Louis to think he was on Harry's side.

"He fucked up. That's why. I mean he came home at 9 or so drunk with a fucking hickey!!!!" Louis nearly shouted and Liam knew his face was full red with anger now.

"OK." Liam said.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now. Bye li."

"OK bye" lou.

"So?" Harry asked.

"I am sorry mate but you are done for. He was so angry that he was literally shouting at me".  Liam said.

"Fuck!! "Harry's eyes now glossy.

"Don't worry. I am sure you guys will be alright".  Liam said giving him a side hug.

But the sound of phone buzzing ruined the moment.

"My phone is going crazy. "Harry said taking his phone. 

"OH MY GOODNESS!!"  Harry exclaimed.

"What happened?" Liam asked worried.

"See this" Harry showed Liam his phone.

"Shit!" Liam said

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"Shit!" Liam said.

"This is all over twitter". Harry said.

"Why am I so stupid when I drink?  Why?" Harry said tears now falling freely.

"Shh. Haz it's gonna be alright"Liam said hugging him.

"I hope so li becau..se I can't b..e with...out him. I kn..ow w..e are apa...rt right now. But... I can't stand n..ot hea..rin..g his.. Vo..ice" Harry said his voice breaking.

"I know Haz I know and I am pretty sure that Louis is crying too. You guys can't stay without each other." Liam said.

"He is cry. ing beca..use of me. I am s..o stu..pid li. I hu..rt him" Harry said sobbing.

"Yeah you did. But crying won't solve it. You have to go and get your prince back" Liam said.

"You are right. I have to go get him back" Harry said wiping his tear stained cheeks.

"Yep and you will get him back but first you have to shower. You reak of alcohol and you look like hell" Liam said.

"Yeah I probably do" Harry chuckled.

"OK bye Harry. I have a meeting" Liam said.

"Yeah bye" Harry said going to give him a hug.

"I hugged you before because you were crying but you reak Harry". Liam said making a face.

"Whatever "Harry rolled his eyes.

"Bye Harry go get your prince."

"I will" Harry nodded.

  So guys, what do you think will Harry get his prince back or their fight will ignite more? Will Louis be able to forgive Harry or not? Will he forgive Harry for cheating or not? Did he see the pictures or not?

Whoever is reading this: I love you really

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