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           31st December, 2015

(I know the date is wrong but I wanted a last birthday of lou with harry)

Louis's Pov****

Today is the day that I have been dreading. It's our last day together I thought looking at my hazza sleeping peacefully. "From tomorrow I don't know what will happen but I promise you hazza I will never give you up" I said to my hazza who was still asleep.

Now it's getting late. I should go before liam freaks out.

Harry's pov *****

"From tomorrow I don't know what will happen but I promise you hazza I will never give you up " I woke up to lou's hoarse morning voice. But what he said filled my eyes with tears. I wanted to hug my lou and say that "me too babe me too" But I don't know why I didn't open my eyes and he left before I could answer. Today was our last day together. Together with my mates and my love before we go on a hiatus for I don't know how long..

"Babe, you awake?" I heard my baby's voice asking from the door.

"Yeah" I said sitting up on the bed.

"Good, I missed you"my adorable boyfriend said pouting.

"I am pretty sure it hasn't been even an hour since you woke up. Then how can you miss me?" I said wittily placing my hands on my hips.

"Well when you have such a pretty boyfriend you can't even stay without him for one minute " lou said coming forward and bopping on my noise.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. but I was a blushing mess. What can I say lou just makes me a blushing mess with his cheekiness and sassiness.

"Really? That's not what your red cheeks tell me" he said coming up behind me.

"Ok, ok now let's go eat breakfast" I said getting out of the bathroom.

"So, what's for breakfast? "I asked getting into the kitchen.

"Ah.i was trying to make tacos"liam said sheepishly pointing at the burnt food on the stove.

"Ok, well then let me cook something quickly. You go sit on the stools" I said searching for any ingredients.

"Thanks mate. You are a lifesaver." Liam said.

"Oi I see, you again burnt the food" lou said sitting beside liam.

"I don't burn the food everyday" liam protested but the truth was he did.  Every single day. I don't know why he even tries.

"Yeah right lou snorted. Where is that leprechaun? "Lou said

"Don't worry. He will be here as soon as he smells food."

"Good morning" Niall burst into the kitchen as on like queue.

"Good morning Nialler. I was just thinking where you were"lou said swinging his arm around Niall as he sat beside him.

'Here you go boys" I said serving breakfast well more like brunch because it was already past 11 am.

At brunch, lou didn't even talk to me. He was busy talking to liam and Niall.  I know it's stupid to get jealous and upset over that but still!

As we were just finishing  brunch liam's phone ranged and as always it was Simon.

"So, what did he want?"I asked liam as he returned to the table.

"Nothing. He was just reminding us about the rehearsal at  for our performance in the X factor finale." Liam said sighing.

"I will miss you guys" Niallsaid as one tear slide across his cheek.

"I will too mate, I will too" I said hugging him. My eyes teary as well.

"Group hug "lou said his voice teary and hugged us all.

"Ok, ok let's get ready. We have to leave soon" liam broke the hug after God knows of how long crying and hugging.

Soon, it was time for our final performance before hiatus. My eyes filled with tears as I sang.....
   " You gotta help me, I am losing my mind.
     Keep getting the feeling you wanna leave this all behind
     Thought we were going strong
     I thought we were holding on
     Aren't we?"

But I didn't cry. I bit my lip to stop it as Niall sang...
"No, they don't teach you this in school
    Now my heart's breaking and I don't know what to do
   Thought we were going strong
   I thought we were holding on
  Aren't we?"

But when we sang the last verse together....
                  So don't let me go
                  So don't let me go
                We can live forever
                Baby don't you know
                Baby don't you know
                We can live forever

I couldn't help it as a tear rolled down my cheek. And we all cried as we hugged after our last performance before hiatus.

   This is the last chapter before all the crying, fighting, missing, well drama between lou and Harry starts. I cried so much while writing this.  I am still crying.  I can't ever get over it 💙💚💙💚💙💚❤❤❤❤. Love you all who are reading this story.  I love you.  Bye till next update.😘


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