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Continued from last chapter *****

Harry's pov******
We all cried but in a cool way as we hugged after nour last performance.

After our performance we were all pretty much crying backstage.

"That was an amazing performance as usual boys" Simon said coming backstage.

"Louis, I got you a flat for now, here's the address and Harry here's your flat address" Simon said handing us some papers.

"What is going on? " Niall asked standing up.

"Oh sorry, here's your address" Simon said. "And Liam I suppose you will live with cheryl or should I arrange a flat?"Simon asked.

"I will live with cheryl but why do we have to live separately from today. I mean it's new year for God's sake" Liam said his voice breaking.

"Well it's not hiatus if you guys live together" he said so easily.

"Well I don't care I am gonna spend new years with my boyfriend and my mates" Lou said

"You should care because you signed on the contract which clearly states I am your decision maker and you have to agree" Simon said voice ice cold.

"Well you know what Simon you can be our decision taker but we still have some rights. We are gonna spend new years together. I am not going to let you do this to us on new year specially not to Lou and Harry" Niall said raising his voice a little surprising us all and making Simon raise his brows.

"OK then but you guys have till Jan 2nd to move out" Simon said and left.

"Wow, nailer I didn't know you had that in you" lou said hugging him.

"I can do anything for my brothers" Niall returned the hug.

"Group hug" Liam announced and pulled us all into a giant hug. I am really gonna miss my dorky friends. Just the thought of not being with lou everyday is breaking my heart.

"Liam, you invite cheryl over. We are gonna have a big sleep over" I announced as we got into the car.

"Done" Liam said typing on his phone.

"And Niall do you wanna invite Hailey?"I asked

"Harry!"Niall said as his cheeks flushed red.

"What?" I asked innocently. I knew he had a huge crush on her.

"Sure" Niall said rolling his eyes and typing away on his phone.

"I thought we were gonna spend New year's alone"lou whispered.

"But it will be more fun with everyone" I whispered back.

"No no baby, it would have been so much fun. You have no idea" lou whispered his hot breath hitting my ear as he squeezing my bum and I let out a moan, yeah with li and Ni right there.

"God guys, atleast control yourself until we reach home"Niall said mocking us.

"Sorry nailer it's my fault. I mean how can he control when I am sitting so close to him" lou said shrugging.

"Yeah right" I snorted out." I moaned only because..." I said without realizing what I was saying

"Only because?" Liam asked

"Yeah, tell us only because what?" lou asked smirking 😏

"Shut up"I said burying my face into niall's shoulder

"Harry!!!"lou pouted crossing his arms.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you so close to niall?" He asked pouting

"Aww, my baby's jealous" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes" he said nodding with an adorable pout.

"So sorry" I said kissing his cheek.

"No problem"love.


"Hi cheryl"I hugged her opening the door.

"Hi love. How are you? "She asked. She was my favorite of all liam's girlfriends.

"Good. Now let's go inside. Liam must be getting inpatient."

"FINALLY!!"Liam overly sighed as we entered the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Chill mate. We are here"I said sitting beside lou.

"Whatever.Hi Baby,"Liam said

"Now that everyone's here let's start the movie"I said clapping my hands.

"Let's watch Love actually,your favorite" lou suggested.

"But this is the last time we are watchi....."Niall started but realized that it was probably the last time.

"Niall, this is not the last time. We are always gonna be together"I comforted him and me.

2th January >>>>>>>

This past few days seem to pass by quite quick. I guess time flies when we don't want it to.

Louis's pov****

We are currently packing our staff since we have to move to our own houses today.

This packing is torture for me. Not just because I hate packing no its because me and Harry have the same closet. And when I take my clothes or search for something I see Harry's clothes his adorable sweaters, his sunglasses which reminds me of our cute and happy times together.

"Maybe I should take one with me" I say to myself and take his white sweater.

"Babe, you done packing? "Harry asked from our closet door his voice sad.

"Yep" I said closing my suitcase. "You should get started too" I said to Harry standing up.

"I don't want to" Harry said his eyes filled with tears.

"I know babe but it is what it is" I released a heavy sigh, raising my hands to wipe away the tears that slipped down his cheeks.


"Yeah?"I asked looking into his beautiful sad emerald eyes.

"Please don't ever leave me? I will not be able to live without you" he said more tears sliding down his cheeks breaking my heart and filling my own eyes with tears

"I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to babe. Because you are my soul and I am pretty sure one can't live without its soul" I said cheekily wiping my tears. That made us both chuckle.

"God, why do I love this dork?"He sighed wiping his tears.

"Because I am your dork" I said standing on my tiptoes to kiss his forehead.

"That you are indeed". We both laughed and started packing. I know for sure that whatever life may throw at us we will get through it. We always will, right? 

I cried fucking a lot writing this. Love you guys. And again sorry for this late update.

I used Simon as the "villain" but it is completely imaginary. Do not take any offense.

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