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Harry was sure now that Louis saw the picture because he isn't picking up his calls. And he needed to explain by anyhow because he knew he fucked up. That's why he is now in a cab headed to Louis.

After Liam left Harry quickly took a shower and left for Doncaster with the first flight he found. So now after 15 hours of flight he finally arrived. It has been a day but Louis was still not answering to any of his calls.

How much longer? "Harry asked the cab driver.

"Just a few minutes sir". He replied.

"OK thank you."Harry was really nervous. He didn't wanna loose lou over something like this. He loves him. He knew he is  the one.

We are here " the driver said.

"Oh OK. Thank you".  Harry paid the driver and got down.

This is it " Harry said taking a deep breath and ringing the bell.

"I got it." He heard Louis say from inside.

"Harry?"  Louis said shocked.

"Hi lou." Harry said

"What the heck are you doing here Harry?" Louis asked through gritted teeth, his shock all gone now replaced by anger.

"I thought I made clear that I don't wanna talk to you " Louis said.

"Louis, please. Let me in first. I know I made a mistake. Please let me explain. Please?" Harry begged.

"Why should I? You left me alone for fucking hours to go partying with girls and to get hickeys". Louis spat glaring at Harry.

"I know and I am sorry I really am. Lou please, let me in. I wanna explain" Harry said taking Louis's hand.

"OK. You can come in but just because I don't want people to see you and cause a big scene" Louis said snatching his hand away from Harry.

"Thank you."Harry said getting in.

"Lou, who is here.. Oh, Harry!"Jay greeted Harry with a hug.

"Hi Jay." Harry greeted.

"Harry!!!" The twins exclaimed happily hugging him.

"Hey girls!" Harry hugged them chuckling.

"Where are lottie and fizzy?" Harry asked.

"They both are in school." Jay replied.

"Oh." Harry said taking his coat off.

"Mum, Harry and I have some talking to do. We will be in my room OK?" Louis said.

"OK. Lunch will be ready in an hour". Jay said walking into the kitchen.

"Let's go." Louis said going up the stairs.

"OK, talk" Louis said as Harry sat on his bed.

"Well, I met Nick after a long time so after we finished he dragged me to a party and somehow I got drunk" Harry said.

"You must be kidding me. Don't blame Nick. He didn't know I was at home waiting for you. And you are not a kid that he took you to the party against your fucking will!!!."Louis spat.

I"I know and I admit that this is all my fault" Harry said.

"And what about this?" Louis asked showing him the picture of him and kendell

"In the party, we met kendell. We were all pretty drunk and we were playing truth or dare. I don't remember who but someone dared kendell to make out with me. That's how I got this hickey." Harry said.

"Harry , did you have sex with her?" Louis asked slowly closing his eyes

"Lou, I was drunk and I wasn't aware of what I was doing. It was a huge mistake. I fucked...." Harry was cut off

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!!" Louis spat wiping his fallen tears.

"No! How could you even think that? When you called I left. We just kissed because of that stupid game. " Harry said truthfully.

"Lou, I am really sorry!!.I love you. Please don't break up with me. Please, I can't live without you. Please Lou, I am really really sorry. I won't ever do something like this. I swear,Lou" Harry said and to Harry's surprise Louis laughed.

"God Harry! Did you really think I was gonna break up with you over you kissing someone? I was just a little upset" Lou said chuckling.

"But you didn't answer my calls and everything."Harry pouted.

I was thinking about it because I thought you slept with her or something but you didn't so you are stuck with me."Louis said wrapping his arm around Harry and bringing him closer.

Are you telling the truth?  Harry asked.

"Yes. Ofcourse haz."Louis said chuckling.

"Oh thank God!!!"  Harry said dropping his head on louis's shoulder.

"I meant it boo. I love you and I am never gonna do something like this" Harry said nuzzling his face into Louis's neck.

"I love you too hazza and I forgive you" Lou said kissing Harry's temple 

"I missed you boo". Harry said taking in Louis's smell. It felt like home. Like sweet dreams.

"Me too love me too."Louis said.

"Now give me a kiss." Harry said. Louis didn't reply he just kissed him. It was a passionate kiss to show how much they both missed each other.

"So everything good? "Jay asked as they sat down to eat lunch.

"Yeah" Harry and Louis both nodded.

"Thank goodness cause I can't take louis's whining anymore." Jay said

"Mum!! "Louis pouted 

"What? It's true." She shrugged.

"Whatever" Louis rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled. 

"Don't worry boo. I cried too" Harry whispered into louis's ear.

"Why? Oh don't answer that" Louis said shaking his head with a fond smile.

"I don't even know why you thought that you idiot" Louis said. 

)What? "Jay asked Louis.

"Harry thought that I was gonna break up with him over this" Louis said.

"In my defense you left without saying anything and you weren't talking to me." Harry said

Aww" Jay said.

"I know right" Harry said looking at Jay.

"Oh hush, you big baby" Louis said shaking his head.

"I am not a baby "Harry pouted.

"You are mine forever and ever". Louis said.

"Awww" they all coed and maybe Louis and Harry blushed crimson red and maybe they had makeup sex after lunch.

   So they made up. But something else is coming louis's way.

Whoever is reading this: I love ya ;)

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