Chapter 1

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  ~Anastasia's POV:
"I am so excited Adrianus!" Ann said giggling. "Me too! Be ready for the new adventures!" Adrianus said while walking. Juliet sighed sadly "i wish i could come with you too..." Ann rubbed her back "we'll write you everyday Juliet." Stephen called out "C'mon kids walk little bit faster, you're gonna be late for the Hogwarts Express!" "Coming daddy!" Ann shouted back and the kids rushed. "It's time to say goodbye to my baby boy..." said Stella while hugging Adrianus tightly. "Muuuum i can't breathe!" She chuckled with teary eyes and kissed his cheek. Ann and Adrianus said goodbye to their families and got on the express.
Ann and Adrianus were joking around while looking for an empty compartment. Adrianus pushed her jokingly but Ann tripped over a suitcase. But luckily someone was quick and held her. She lifted her head to see who held her and saw a pair of brown eyes and blue hair. "Hey, you okay?" Asked blue haired boy. Ann smiled sheepishly and nodded. She was charmed by the boy. He helped her to get up "if you're looking for a compartment, you can sit with us" he smiled "i'm Teddy by the way" then led her to the compartment. Adrianus poked Ann's arm and grinned "you'll thank me for pushing you one day" Ann giggled and hit his arm. There's an old man sitting in the compartment. "This is uncle Sirius" Teddy introduced him and sat down. "not uncle, Teddy. It's professor now" Teddy rolled his eyes. "Nice to meet you sir. I am Anastasia and my cousin Adrianus" Sirius smiled "i'll be your transfiguration professor, Sirius Black"  

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