Chapter 6

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~Anastasia's POV

1 month later

"Is it too much? Is it too muggle? Is it good?"An was pacing in the room while muttering those,then Adrianus grabbed her calmly."You.are.amazing. Now stop you are making me nervous too!"they couldn't help themselves and laughed together."It is time to go,dear Anastasia." Adrianus hold his arm for her to hold,she acted "very very" kindly and they went to ballroom.As she entered the room, her eyes crossed with Teddy.Adrian whispered a woah."Did you arranged this?" An talked with panic and a red face"W-what no! How could we? It is a coincidence..." her voice became a whisper when Teddy came to talk with her"Good choice, Snape"said he with a smirk."Same goes for you too,Lupin" she said with the same smirk and elbowed giggling Adrianus. Everyone was watching them, including some envious look,Victoire Weasley."Well well well,looks like you two are wearing same things." "Yeah looks like we are" Said An with the same voice tone.Air was tense but Teddy waved it off with an "amazing" joke."I look better,duh." everyone laughed,except An. She was rolling her eyes grinning."But everyone knows that i am a better dancer"Said when the music starting."Why don't you show me then?" Teddy offered his hand to An with a smirk on his face."Why do you act so competitive to each other?Just drop it and have fun for once,isn't classes enough for your bickering!"Adrianus pushed Anastasia"Fine! But don't get your hopes up Lupin"She smiled.They danced in slow song.She was looking at everywhere but Teddy's face"You know that i can see your face is red under all that make-up" Teddy teased her while finishing the dance."What?No!"An pouted while trying to hide her face.Then realized Victoire coming towards them."I came to steal Ted" Vic smiled."We were still dancing actually"An crossed her arms. "Oh, i thought you had other things to do." then Victoire spilled her drink on Anastasia."Oops. My bad." An was shocked and angry. She opened her mouth but her words were cut by a loud door opening sound. Severus Snape rushed in while quarelling with Sirius Black.The night was so different than they expected.

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