Chapter 16

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Severus woke up early but kept his eyes closed for a while and thought "Yesterday was a nightmare, she is sleeping next to me." But he already knew he was wrong. The bed was cold without her. He opened his eyes and looked around for a sign from her but no. They've promised themselves not to go to bed angry and crossed because maybe it could be the last day. They've always kept that promise until today. That made Severus more worried about Scar, already he had a bad feeling since last night. He walked out the room to go Scar's class. "Here's Severus" Mcgonagall were standing in front of Scar's class with Minister of Magic and Sirius and her worried face wasn't a good sign. Severus felt an ache in his heart. "Morning Severus" the minister approached him. "Morning Dorian, is everything okay?" "Is Scarlett still sleeping? I need to talk to her, immediately." "She isn't here" "Where is she then? It's really important" "I-i don't know... Dorian tell what's happened?" Everybody had a confused expression on their faces after Severus's words and his red eyes weren't helping. "Winston Ainsley, he's escaped. And he's scratched Scarlett's name all over his prison cell..." "WHAT!? HOW COULD HE ESCAPE FROM AZKABAN!?" "We are trying to figure it out. The best aurors are looking for him." "I need to find Scar" he mumbled and apparated. "I need to turn back to the ministry. Let me know if you find her" Dorian apparated too. Sirius looked at Minerva "Who the hell is Winston?" "I don't know the details but he's tried to kill Scarlett, she's retired cause of this. He's obsessed i think." "What..?" "That's all i know" "I will help Snape" "Sirius you stay. Don't need to cause panic." "Don't you see Snape's face. Something is wrong. I am going." He apparated to Snapes's house. "Scar?" The sound of apparation has made him excited until he saw it's Sirius. "There is the door. Why are you apparating in my house?" "I didn't come here to argue. W-wait are you crying? Where is Scar?" "I don't know! I looked everywhere possible but she's nowhere to be found! And she doesn't have her wand with her. I caused that..." He threw one of the wine bottles on the floor. "She never leaves her wand, what's happened?" "It's none of your business Black! Leave me alone!" "Look i am not dying to spend time with you neither! But i wonder what happened because she's fine and happy while we were dancing last night. But now she's lost!" "We argued okay!? Cause of you, surprising right!?" "Cause of me!? We just danced what's wrong with you!?" "Everybody thinks that you are together!" "I know you don't trust me a bit but don't you trust your wife too!?" "I do trust her! I was just..." he sighed and rubbed his temples. "You're 70 but act like 17. You don't deserve her" "Just shut up okay!" "Tell me the problem about that Winston guy" Sev sighed deeply "You know the incident when Scar was 4 right?" "That crazy man broke her grandparents house to murder Septimus because he won the minister election but ended up cutting Scar's neck then Septimus killed him. Scar was traumatized" "Yeah. Winston's that man's grandson. And he thinks Scar is the reason of his shitty life. He tried to kill her 3 times. He burnt our house down, we weren't at home but our cats died... Tried to assassinate her 2 times. We couldn't catch him until the last time and when we did, Scar lost control and nearly killed him. So i have to find Scar before he does..."
  Winston has apparated Scarlett to a dark and dirty, abandoned cave. He threw her into the muddy floor. "HELP PLEASE HELP!!" She had no chance against him without her wand so she tried to call for help. He just laughed and kicked her. "No one can hear you here, just you and me." The kick took her breath away for a moment and she just laid there. He knelt down and grabbed her by the hair "I am your death Scarlett, this time you can't run away from me" he was grinning like a madman. "I didn't do anything to you!" He hit her head into the cave's wall. "You didn't huh!? My grandfather died cause of you after that my father suicided! You stole my life!!" He was keep hitting her head, her screams wasn't effecting him. "H-he tried to... k-kill me! I was just 4!! He's mad just like you!!" She was trying to hit him with all of her power but the alcohol in her blood wasn't helping. He slapped her hard "Don't dare to talk about him ever again!!" Then he took of his wand and did cruico her until she passed out. 

5 days have passed since he kidnapped her. Those 5 days were the worst days of her life. He has tortured her in every way he could think of. Scar was covered with blood, bruises and wounds. Even her mind was blurry. She wasn't fighting against him anymore, she was just waiting to die. Scar has spent her last power to curse him with a wandless spell. It worked but that just made him more cruel. Now she was just lying there,barely breathing. He was watching her while sharpening his dagger. "Tomorrow is the new year day, be ready for it Ms. Rose. You're gonna make a great closing but i am not sure about the opening. You might stuck in this year." He laughed evilly. "Tomorrow will be the best day of my life"   


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