Chapter 6

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~Scarlett's POV

"Queen of Hearts is ready for the party!" She grinned and walked out of her room. She went to Severus's room for making sure he's wearing a costume.The room was dark and Severus wasn't around. "Sev?" She's walking to the bathroom when Severus jumped out from his hiding place and hissed like a vampire.She let out a short scream and jumped slightly "Merlin's beard!You scared me Severus!" He laughed and pulled her into a hug.She rubbed his chest"Why didn't you dress up?Don't be a spoilsport" He kissed his way to her neck,nibbling it"I put the teeth" He whispered and sucked her neck softly.She shivered with anticipation.He smirked "Who cares the party.Let's stay here and have our own party"She shook her head "i spent hours for getting ready so we'd better go and you are the headmaster, you should be there" He sighed "fine..."and let go off her unwillingly.She poked his nose playfully "if you be a good vampire,you can suck my neck after the party" He laughed "Scar that's the worst pick up line ever but deal!"

The party's going good so far until couple of first years run in screaming"There is a beast in the garden!" Severus rolled his eyes "there is no beast in the garden.It's probably a dunderhead who trying to scare people" "No! It was something like a wolf!" Some students gasped in fear. "Okay,i'll take a look at that beast." Scar went to the garden.Severus followed her grumbling about students. "I'll go to the left" Severus nodded and went to the right. Scar was looking around and suddenly something jumped on her from the darkness.She screamed and they fell down together.Sev called her name and run over at her way. After hearing the name,the beast turned into human immediately and got off of her "Scarlett! I am so sorry!" Sirius helped her to get up but she pushed him away "what the hell is that Sirius!?" "I was scaring the students,Halloween spirit.You okay?" He tried to examine her but Sev came and hit his hand "don't touch her! You just bring along problem, stay away!" He held her close and walked back to the castle. 

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