Beep! Beep! Beep! The alarm clock yells at me to get up. I reach over and hit it so, it will quit yelling. "Four a.m. time to get up and go shopping with Slenda." "Mmm." I hear someone mumble in my bed. "What the?" I lift up the covers to see Jess staring at me. "Wow!" I stumble out of bed and hit the ground hard. "Ow."
"Y/n, are you okay?" She peeks over the bed, "Yeah, I'm fine, but why are you in my bed?" She gives me a sleepy smile and rolls back over on my bed, "Because you looked comfy." "How'd you get in?" I say getting up. "You left the door unlocked." Dang it. I mentally facepalm myself. Really l/n? You should be used to being locked up. How could you forget to lock the door? Because we were really tired and it simply flew across our head. Thanks Captain Obvious.
"Y/n are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine, I was just talking to the voices in my head." She smiles a little, "You have them too?" I chuckle a little, "Yeah." "What are they saying now?" "They're saying I need to go take a shower." I thumb to the bathroom. "But you can stay here and sleep if you want, I don't mind, but next time give a man a warning, will ya?" She chuckles, "We'll see." I turn around to get my clothes and head to the shower.
~Time Skip~
When I get out of the shower and freshen up, I head down to the kitchen. I put on a pot of coffee and I lean on the counter with my eyes closed, waiting for it to tell me its done. "Mmm, good morning y/n." "Good morning Slenda, how did you sleep." I don't even open my eyes because I can recognize everyone's voice. "I slept well thank you. How about you?" "I slept fine, but I kind of had a rude awakening though." I can hear her come over to the counter and lean with me. "How so?" "One word... Jess." She chuckles, "Yes, her and the others love to sneak up on people. Its in their nature." "I can tell."
Finally the coffee pot beeps and I go and pour Slenda and I a cup. "Mmm, thank you." She says as I hand her a cup. "No problem." I sip on my black coffee as she does and we stand in silence until we finish our cups off. "Ready?" "Yep, just let me wash these." Using my telekinesis, I wash the cups and put them back without moving. "What other powers do you have besides telekinesis and fire?" I chuckle, "I have all the powers that you can think of and more." "Hmm. Interesting." She then leads us out the doors and she teleports us to the store.
~Time Skip~
By the time we come back from the store, the manor is in total chaos. "Should we go see what the fuss is about?" I ask Slenda as I put the last of the groceries away. "I don't want to, but we have to." Sigh. "Okay." We walk into the living room, just to have a knife thrown at my face, but luckily I catch it a centimeter from my face with two fingers. "That's one way yo welcome someone." They all freeze and look at me. It looks like a royal rumble in here.
"Y/n!" They all yell in unison, "And Slenda." I thumb at her. They all look like a deer in headlights. "What is the meaning of this?" Slenda asks calm, but sternly. "Jess and Jane was fighting over killing kids again." Jacky says. "I don't think its a bad thing to kill them, but Ms. Goody to murderess over here thinks that its wrong, even though she killed them too." Jess says pointing to Jane. "It's wrong the way you kill them! You want to kill them in the most gruesome way possible, if I have to kill them, I do it quick and as painlessly as possible!"
They keep on bickering on and on that I'm starting to grow a killer headache. "Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you holding your head?" Slenda asks concerned. "Its nothing. I just get a lot of bad headaches and I don't know why." "Is it because of the girls?" My eyes widen, "No, of course not. I like the girls, and since this is their home, they can do whatever they want. I don't have the right to tell them what to do." "But, this is your home now too, and you can always talk to us. You don't have to be shy about it."
I give her a little smile, "Thanks Slenda, but I'm fine. I'm just going to go workout somewhere. That always helps." "We have an inside gym you can go to." "Really? That's awesome!" She blushes a little, "Yes, let me show you." She then grabs my arm and we teleport into the gym.
"Wow. This place is huge!" The gym has everything a normal gym would have, but more. Its has the usual punching bags, the bench press, and other workout machines, but it also has its own ring, a track, and its own obstacle course. "Slenda, this is amazing! And its all yours?" "You mean its all our's. You are a part of this crazy family too y/n." I turn to face her and I just hug her. I think I surprised her because her body tenses, then she melts into the hug. "Thanks Slenda." "You're welcome y/n, now go have fun and I'll call you when breakfast is done." I break the hug, but I'm still holding onto her shoulders, "Wait, do you make breakfast all by yourself?" She blushes a little, "I do." I shake my head, "Well not no more. I can cook and I'm going to help you." "No y/n, you don't have too, I can do it. I've did it for years." I continue to shake my head, "Well, not no more. I'm going to help you every day, whether you like it or not." She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off by placing a finger on her lips. "And that's the end of it." I then snap my fingers and teleport us back to the kitchen.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.