*Time Skip Some Years Later Y/n's POV*
Kid's names and their mothers:
Slenda and Slynnette 13 (F)
Benny and Ben 12 (M)
Angel and Angelina 10 (F)
Jill and 'Jac'queline 9 (F)
Jacky and Jackson 8 (M)
Ann and Antonio 7 (M)
Clockwork and Toby 6 (M)
Jess and Jesse 5 (M)
Jane and Jan 4 (F)
Masky and Cassy 2 (M)
Hoodie and Sookie 2 (F)
*Imagine, all kid's clothes are their mom's outfits*It's quiet. Too quiet. I squint my eyes as I scan my surroundings to look out for any of my wives. Currently, I'm on a top secret mission that can be dangerous if I get caught by any of them. Where am I? Perched behind the kitchen counter. The mission? "Getting cookies for us before any of our mommas find out." I hear Slynnette whisper beside me, finishing my thought. I smile as I look over at my firstborn, then down the counter wall to some of my other older kids consisting of Ben, Angelina and Jackson. Jac decided to take one for the team and be a look out for their mommas because its near supper time and of course their mommas don't want no one having sweets before dinner, but I couldn't deny any of my baby killers' adorable faces. So, me being the cool dad and the sneaky little devil that I am, decided to step up for the challenge. "Yes, and if we play our cards right, we should be in and out before your sister brings out the chainsaws to juggle." "Let's hope she don't bring them out dad, last time she did, she almost sawed me in half!" Ben whisper yells. I look at him with an arched brow, "And what did we learn?" He looks down at his stomach and rubs it, then back up at me, "To run fast?" My finger rises to the air, "Exactly." "She can be a little mean though and chase us around sometimes with them, daddy." My hand finds Angelina's knee cap and gives it a little squeeze, "That's why you have to fight back with that replica of your mommy's sword I got you for Christmas that year. Fight fire with fire." "But daddy, I'm an angel!" She whisper yells. "A fallen one." Jackson mumbles behind his mask, which makes Angelina hit him. "Ow dad! She's hitting me!" "Well, he started it!" The two starts getting into it and it doesn't take long for Ben, Slynnette and I to get involved to try to quiet them down. "Shh kids, be quiet or one of your mommas will catch us! They'll get us if they found out that we were-" "That you all were doing what Y/n?" I freeze mid-sentence as I see a large shadow come into view in my peripheral vision. "Crap." My eyes peer over to see Slenda with her arms crossed and she doesn't look happy. Her blank white face looks like she's raising a brow at us by the way her facial feature moves by her forehead. Beads of sweat drop from my forehead, down to my jaw covered beard. I smile widely with almost squinted eyes, "N-Nothing d-dear." She doesn't buy it for a second. We see her tendrils emerge from her back and then we know that we're in trouble. "Heh." My smile drops, "Run!" We then all dash off in random directions after grabbing as many cookies as we can and split.
*Zalga's POV*
I can't help but chuckle some as I see long black tendrils and hear the sound of screams and dishes being 'rearranged' come from the kitchen. "It looks like Y/n's and the kid's find and rescue mission for the cookies has been compromised." I shake my head as I walk to the living room from the dining room with a smile, only to be met with Angel. She peers over my shoulder with a slightly concerned face, "Did you hear any shouting? I could've swore that I heard shouting coming from the kitchen." I smirk as I simply just pat her shoulder and redirect her to the living room, "Oh Angel... You did. Y/n and the older kids is about to get it from Slenda." She stops in mid-track and faces me, "What did the children get into this time?" "My guess, they we're trying to get the cookies before dinner." Jacky says as she comes down and sits on the couch next to us. I smile, "And your guess would be right." "Every killer for themselves! I repeat! Every killer for themselves! Mama tendrils is on a rampage! Code black everyone! Code Black!" We turn to see the young Link carrying an arm full of cookies and and running away from the crime scene. "Just like his momma." Angel smirks. "I'll go get the bandages." Antonio says as he puts down his book he was reading and starts to walk up the stairs. "C-Can I-I c-c-come too, A-A-An-Ant-t-onio?" Antonio smiles and takes Toby's hand and leads him up the steps, "Yeah, I'll show you where momma keeps all her bandages." "C-C-Cool!" I smile as the duo goes upstairs. They're going to be the best of friends. I go and sit down by Jacky and little Jacqueline comes over and sits on my leg panting with a cookie in her hand, "I managed... to swipe one... from Jackson... It was a game of Jack and... mouse... Haha! Get it? Aunt Zalga?" I smile and kiss the top of her head, "Good one sweety." "Haha! Nice... One." Yelling makes up the hallway behind us in four voices and when I turn my head I see Jess and Jesse arguing with Jane and Jan over some wrestling match that happened years ago. "Come on Jane! Cyberninja should've won that match against Blackheart!" Looking back I just see that Jane is just about had it with Jess, "You're just jealous that my favorite guy beat your favorite guy." Jane says with a smile, which makes Jess angrier. Jan sticks out her tongue at her brother and makes an 'L' shape on her forehead at him. "I really don't want to listen to this again." Jac hops off my lap and goes to turn on the TV, which was a big mistake. Now the four is hooked on the TV and is arguing over a fatal four way match at Creepypastamania 2 that happens to be on a DVD in the DVD player.
Shaking my head, I smile to myself, I don't know how Y/n dealt with all these girls for all these years. "Because like you said many years ago, he's stubborn and he loves us." Slenda says as she appears next to me, wiping a stray bang from her forehead as she does. "Like how he and the kids were stubborn to get to those cookies?" She scoffs, "They're always stubborn like that. He taught them all too well." I chuckle some, "That's a man for you." She let's out an amused hum, "Yes, our man." "What did you do Y/n and the kids anyway? I don't hear no screaming." Her cheekbones rise to form a vacant smile, "Well I grounded the kids and made them be our own little bakers because they love the kitchen that much apparently for three days... and Y/n... Well... I gave him two options." I look over at her with an arched brow, "What was the options?" Her cheeks blush, "Option number one, no," she air quotes, "doing it, for a week." Seems reasonable. "Option number two?" "Option number two..." She gets cuts off by a cough and I look over her shoulder and I can't help but snicker.*Y/n's POV*
I cough gaining Zalga's and Slenda's attention. Zalga looks over her shoulder and snickers, "I guess he chose option number two." Slenda meets my gaze with a blush, "Oh yeah." I'm standing in the living room in a white chef's outfit with a white chef's hat and a whisk in hand. Slynnette, Ben, Angelina and Jackson are all standing at my side as my mini mes, all wearing the same outfits as me. "Haha! You guys look like The Backstreet Boys! All in white!" Jac laughs and I can't help but smirk and teleport her to me, putting her in the same outfit as us. "Daddy! This ain't fair!" She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts. My smirk grows as I kiss the top of her head, "You was involved too sweetheart. We all have to suffer as a team if we play as a team." "That's right Jac Jac," Slenda comes over and kisses my cheek, "we're a team and will always be one." Jess and Jane comes over along with Jacky and Zalga, then soon afterwards all my kids in manor comes up and engulfs me in a huge hug. I return the hug as much as I can, but then I hear the front door open and I see Jill, Benny, Masky, Hoodie, Ann, Clockwork, and a now grown and pregnant Sally come in the door with groceries and a sleeping Cassy and Sookie in tow. "Well, what do we have here? Did a certain group of killers try to get a sweet treat before dinner time?" All of the older kids and I bow our heads with a blush to Masky's question and we hear them all chuckle. "I guess they're our little bakers for a few days, huh Slenda?" Slenda nods at Hoodie's question, "Indeed." They all come and swarm me in yet another family hug, "Well at least we're teaching them about what it means to be a family and being there for one another." Ann says as she nuzzles into my neck. "Don't worry momma, I already showed everyone where the bandages were." We all laugh at Antonio's statement. I pull back from hugging my family and just look at them all. I'm so proud that I came into their life. I'm proud to be called their husband, their father and their brother-in-law. If someone came up to me and asked if I could change anything about my entire life at anytime, would I? I would smile and laugh in their face. These girls mean the world to me. Their children, my children are my world. So, no. I wouldn't change anything. I love them all so much and I know that they all love me.
(I just thought it went with the book.)
Thanks RedBouchey and cookieslife101
So, this was the final chapter guys, for real this time. I hope y'all enjoyed it. Thanks for all the views, votes, and comments. I love y'all!

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.