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          "Is he dead? He ain't waking up?" I hear Benny say along with a slap, "Ow Jess! Why did you do that for?!" "For being an idiot! He ain't dead! He just passed out." I feel cold fingers on my forehead, pushing my bangs out of my face. They feel soo good, I wish it wouldn't stop. "He probably just got overheated and dehydrated. He should be waking up soon." Ann informs the others. "I hope so because I'm next in line to go on a date with him." "Jill!" The others groan out and I can't help, but not smile a little at that. "You... Girls are... Ridiculous..." "Shh! Everyone be quiet, he's waking up." Slenda instructs the others and they obey. "Y/n honey, can you open your eyes for us?"
          Fluttering my eyes open, the fuzzy silhouettes of the girls become clear. "Oh, thank goodness." The girls let out a sigh of relief. Slenda is sitting on the edge of the sick bed by my head and is running her fingers through my hair, "Y/n, are you okay? Are you feeling alright?" "I'm...okay. Just a little... Dizzy." I try to sit up, but Ann pushes me back down, "Don't move. You're hooked up to an IV." Looking down at my right arm, I realize she's right. The clear tube is wrapped around my arm like a snake. "What happened?" The girls all look at each other, then Jacky speaks up, "You don't remember what happened?" I shake my head, "Unfortunately, I don't." "Man, you passed out on the roof while playing extreme capture the flag with Masky and Hoodie." Benny catches me up. I arch a brow, but ask one of the most important questions, "Did I win?" Half of the group facepalms themselves, while the rest groans.
           I look at them with an amused little smile, but Masky answers me, "Yes, you won, but barely." Success! "That makes me feel a little better." Hoodie playfully, but gently smacks me. "Hey, what was that for?" "For scaring us." But then both Masky and Hoodie come over and gives me a kiss each on the lips. "And that?" I ask smirking. "That was for giving us an unforgettable first date." Masky says putting her mask back over her lips. Heat rises at my cheeks at that one. Now my attention goes back to Ann, "When can you pull the plug Ann?" She let's out a small chuckle, "You can get up twenty minutes after the IV bag drains." Looking over, I got almost a half bag left. Ugh. "But what if I tell you I'm feeling better?" She shakes her head, "Nice try." I look back over at Slenda with my best puppy dog eyes, but she let's out a small chuckle, "Sorry Y/n, doctor's orders." "Haha, nice one Slenda." Jill says with a laugh.
          "Okay, everyone out. Y/n needs rest." They all head towards the door, "Wait Slenda, can someone stay with me? I'll die of boredom if I have to stare at the ceiling for about forty minutes straight." The girls look at Slenda along with me to wait for her answer. She returns the girls' and my stare, but shrugs, "I don't see why not. But who is-" "I'll do it!" Sally comes over and hops on the bed with Mr. and Mrs. D and phone in hand before the others can object. "Awe man." Benny says for the group and Angel pats her shoulder, "Its alright. We'll get him next time." She says with a wink towards me. I gulp. "Okay, let's go everyone." They all head out at Slenda's command, but when they're out of sight, I sit up and Sally automatically makes her way in my lap. "Hi Y/n." I smile down at the young girl, "Hey Sally." She pulls up Netflix on her phone, "What do you want to watch?" She asks scrolling through the different genres. "Anything you want. What do you wanna watch?" "Mmm..." She swipes through the different movies, "How about Chucky? I like him. He's a killer doll." I smile at the young girl's excitement, "Okay. Let's watch it."
                    ~Time Skip~
            I end up in my room laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while listening to music.

           Coldplay always helps me clear my mind, them and One Republic. Their smooth voice and the way the instruments harmonize with each other soothes me. Ann said that I should try to take it easy after today's events, so after dinner, I decided just to lock myself in my room and relax. I'm starting to drift off to the music, that is until I get a text from Masky.

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