*Ann's POV*
The smell of popcorn, the sounds of screams and the feeling of being surrounded by family on this in home movie night is the perfect night, if it wasn't full of awkwardness. Sigh, I should've known not to address Slenda about such an important topic in a dead silent hallway, in a home full of female serial killers. I found out from Sally singing the little song about a couple sitting in a tree kissing, then getting married, then having a baby that she found out that Slenda was pregnant from overhearing Jess and Angel talking about it. Then whenever I confronted them about it, they said that they all knew except for Y/n, Benny, Seth, and Zalga, so I confronted all of them and made them swore not to tell the others about it for everyone's sake, including mine, which thankfully, they all did. I guess they must all value their life and don't want to get punished by Slenda if Slenda found out that they knew. After they all found out that Slenda was pregnant, they all asked me if I could take their blood and urine to see if they were, and to everyone's relief, but in a way, disappointment, nobody else, including myself, was pregnant. I guess we can see who Y/n has fun with more around here, I think to myself with a smile as I put Slenda's feet on my lap. She looks over at me from Y/n's chest and is probably giving me a small smile because she isn't putting them down. My smile grows more under my fake skin mask as I see Sally sit and munch on popcorn on Y/n's lap as Slenda cuddles him from the side. Y/n is going to make a great dad and possible husband if he decides to marry. "Sorry we're late everyone, Seth ran out of extra large pins and we had to teleport to a store to get more crochet needles." Zalga comes and takes the closest vacant seat next to Y/n dressed all in black. "Who are you supposed to be?" Jess asks for us all. Zalga chuckles, "I'm Diana, from Lights Out and Seth is Pinhead from Hellraiser." "You look like a black blob of ink to me." I chuckle slightly at Jess's 'compliment' as Zalga just gives her a forced smile it seems, but she don't say anything. Seth takes the other vacant seat near the TV, "Where is that girl, Benny? The Missing Link?" "Oh trust me Seth, she'll be here very soon." Y/n says into his cup as he takes a drink of his beverage, eyes not leaving the TV screen. Seth looks over at the screen to see Samara coming to the screen. Heh. Classic Benny. I see where this is going. Samara just keeps coming towards the screen and Seth readjusts himself in his seat, looking a little bit nervous. "Man, can you imagine if she was in 3-D? Now that would be scary." I smirk, here it comes. Suddenly, 'Samara' comes out of the TV and basically right into Seth's lap. He screams so loud that he starts to change forms? My eyes widen. What the?*Y/n's POV*
I start to die of laughter as does the other girls at Seth's reaction, that is until he starts to change forms. He pushes Benny to the floor. "Hey dude! It was just a prank! Relax!" He let's out a demonic growl as he starts turning into more demonic forms, "I hate pranks! I hate you all!" He looks over at Zalga and slaps her, "I hate you!" I stand up and put my girls behind me, as my eyes widen with fire and rage in them. Seth's attention then falls onto me as he turns into his natural form, I assume. He stands about twelve foot tall with a head of a ram and a pale, buff body of a male in slave's clothing holding a double sided axe. "Goatman." The girls gasp behind me, except for Slenda and Benny. Goatman lowers his head and gets face to face with me, his piercing red eyes trying to look down into my already black void of a soul. His axe's blade tip lifts my chin,"And I especially hate you for being Zalga's love obsession." "What do you mean lamb chops?" Angel asks, which makes Jill laugh, "Good one, but baaaaad timing. Haha!" I don't break my eye contact with him as he explains to us all. "Yes, let's shine some light on all this." Slenda says as she turns on all the lights in the manor with her telekinesis. Goatman squints as she does, but then he starts talking, "Well, you see Slenda, your lovely sister," he looks over to Zalga, who got knocked out from his slap, "had a thing for your toy's father, and was seeing him until he killed him. On that day, she swore that she would make him pay, but not by her hand because she knew that he was your's. That's why she hired me to attack him. And me being the fool that fell in love with her did everything she asked of me. Did everything she wanted. Agreed, until she 'suddenly' decided not too." "Why did she change her mind?" I ask without any seriousness leaving my voice. He turns his attention away from the girls then back to me with a demonic laugh, "Are you blind or stupid? Or are you both?" I arch a brow and he throws back his head with a laugh and looks down at me with an arched brow, "I guess both." He leans down to my face once again and motions to the girls with his eyes with a small smile, "You see Slenda over there?" I use my peripheral vision to look at her, then nod as he looks at me straight on. "The only reason she changed her mind is because she's pregnant." My eyes widen, as all the girls shout pregnant in unison. "Pregnant?" He laughs, "Yes, but unluckily for you, you won't be able to experience fatherhood when I get done with you." I look up at him, but as soon as I do he grabs me, and throws me out through the wall. I shield my head from the ruble and land hard on the ground. "Ouch." I hear The Goatman laugh as he steps out through the new doorway, courtesy of me. "Come on Jersey, I wanna fight!" I see him drop the head of his axe in the earth and starts dragging it towards me. He lifts it up like an executioner about to behead some one. "Y/n!" "Let's see what you're made of." He swings his axe down at me and I barely manage to roll out of the way. "Grah!" Looking over, I see that his blade is stuck in the ground. Hehe, now's my chance. I kick up and make my way over to him, igniting my right hand as I do. He struggles to pull his blade from the hard earth, so I decide to help him by uppercutting him with all my might into orbit, with me following close behind him in a launch.
*Angel's POV*
We all rush out of the manor as soon as Y/n just uppercutted Goatman into orbit. I smirk as I see different color of flames ignite from behind the cloudy night sky. Its like a firework show for us down here, but its Hell for The Goatman up there. Silhouettes of Y/n and The Goatman's battle gets lit up by the sudden storm that has come upon us and my smile drops, "This isn't going to be pretty."
*Y/n's POV*
I keep throwing fireball after fireball of different colors to entertain the girls, to the jerk, who has threatened not only me, but my family and my unborn child and I'm going to make him pay, even if that means if I have to die in the process. Nobody ever threatens my family and lives. My father is the prime example of that. I'm about to deliver yet another blow to this wanna be Billy goat, until a sudden bolt of lightning and a rumble of thunder makes me lose my concentration and drop him. "Oops." He screams as he hurdles towards the Earth and I can see him trying to shapeshift to try to change into a bird of some sort. "Oh no you don't." Launching myself at him, I punch him as he turns into different types of birds and other flying creatures. "Slenda! Open a portal! Daddy's coming in hot!" A red portal opens at the snap of her fingertips in the ground at my command. My demonic form then shows itself by engulfing us in a literal ball of fire as we plumit through the red portal. The Goatman tries to scratch and claw at me as I manage to wrap my hands around his new hawk form's neck, but is unsuccessful. Fire ignites in my eyes as I address him one last time before I end him, "You flown too far to The Sun and now, you're going to get burned." He screeches as I spin him around quickly and break his neck in this red void, but as soon as he takes his last breath, he turns back into his original form and we land in a lake. I emerge from the lake spitting water as Goatman's lifeless body floats to the surface face down. Looking over at him, a huge smile grows on my face as my headaches seems to disappear for good. "Yeah, boy! That's what you get! Haha!" I splash water over at his corpse as I drag him out of the water, but whenever I do get him drug out of the icy water, I'm met with two knives straight at my throat. "Who are you? And what are you doing here?" I look up to see a male with blood red eyes, midnight black skin in a mask and suit addressing me, alongside what looks like another version of Jane in a black dress. Slowly, I raise my hands in slight surrender, "Listen, that demon I just killed tried to kill my family. My Creepypasta family." The duo looks at each other then back to me, "There's others?" I smirk at this dimension's Jane's question, "Oh yeah, there's plenty, but I'm no threat," I look over to The Goatman, "neither is he anymore." "Then if you don't mind us asking, who the Hell are you?" My eyes snap back at the male stranger's with a smirk and I carefully rise to my feet and extend my hand, "I'm Y/n. Y/n L/n. But you can call me The Jersey Devil or Jersey for short." His eyes widen and he sheathes his blade, along with Jane and accepts my hand, "We have one of you. She's awesome and if you're anything like her, you're a friend of mine. I'm Blackheart." I nod, "Pleasure." We drop hands, then I look back at Goatman, "Well, better get back to my girls and dispose of him." "Wait Jersey." I look back at Blackheart, "Yes?" "This may sound weird, but I eat criminal's and abuser's hearts. So, I was wondering if I could..." I wave my hand towards Goatman with a smile, "He's all your's."

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.