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               Night falls over the huge, yet quiet manor. Almost everyone is asleep in their rooms with their assigned roommates, except for a few of us. Benny and I are getting ready to go spy on Zalga and Seth, hopefully they ain't doing anything. I don't need my vision to go out of commission again. "So, are you ready, Y/n?" Benny asks as I finally put on my black shirt. My black pants was a pain in the butt to get on. "Yeah, I'm ready." She comes over and pushes my torso down on her bed with a little force. Good thing I was already sitting down. Her body hovers over mine thanks to her forearms, "You know Y/n... I could've helped you put your clothes on, especially your pants." She says as she bites her bottom lip seductively. My cheeks heat up a little, but I give her a small smirk, "Yeah, you could've, but I don't think we would've made it out of the bedroom." Pink illuminates her cheeks as she lets out a slightly embarrassed chuckle, "Touché." Her light colored lips meets mine, "You still owe me a fu- I mean a date for that game of water volleyball that you reffed. But now it's doubled for helping you spy on Seth and Zalga." I smile and peck her lips, "Alright, lets get started so I can start repaying you." She's smiles widely and gets off me, helping me to my feet in the process. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Before I have time to say anything else, Benny is helping me to the front of her TV. "Ready?" I take a deep breath and nod, "Ready." She grabs my hand, "Then here we," she jumps into the TV, dragging me in the process, "goooooooooo!"
          Static makes up my vision as we fall down the endless gray void. The sound is almost too loud for me to bare, but I suck it up. "Benny! How are we going to get to Zalga and Seth's room?!" She looks over her shoulder at me with a smile, "I know a shortcut!" She looks back at the electric gray wall and points to a small white window. "There! We need to go over there!" My eyes have to squint to see where she's pointing, but when I do see it, I nod at her. "Okay! Let's go!" We have to paddle and kick our way over to the white window in the gravity of the TV, but I have to be extra careful because of my leg. Benny does her best to help me over to the window and thankfully her efforts are worth it. We make it to the window without problem. "After you!" Benny yells. I don't hesitate in going first for once, "Thank you!" She helps me through the window, which leads me into a huge, but silent white room. My ears praise me for finally escaping from that endless noisey void, but it takes me a moment for the ringing in my ears to stop. Benny hops in the room a few moments after me with a small remote. "What's that for?" She smirks as she presents the remote to me, "This remote helps me find the specific TV I'm looking for." I arch a brow in slight confusion, "Like how we use it to find TV channels?" She smirks, "Bingo."
        She aims the remote at me and clicks a button, "Hey! What was that-" My eyes widen as I realize that I'm on mute. "Benny! What did you do?!" She starts to laugh her head off, "Oh, this is hysterical." Her thumb wipes a stray blood tear from her face. "Benny! Unmute me!" She holds her hand to her ear, "What was that Y/n?! I can't hear you! Could you speak up?!" I send her a death glare with fire in my eyes, which makes her stop her shinanigans completely. "Sorry Y/n, I couldn't help myself. It isn't everyday that I get to mute someone." I take a deep breath, "Its fine, but can you please unmute me?" She nods, "You're lucky I can read lips." Her thumb clicks another button, then I can hear myself breathe. "I can't unmute you fully, but I can turn your subtitles on." I arch a brow, "Meaning?" She sighs, "Meaning that I can only hear you from either side of the screen, kindof like a one way mirror." She angles the remote to herself and clicks a button, "There. Now we're even. Only we can see and hear each other now." "That's a neat trick," I smirk, "I should repay you here in this place later if you're feeling adventurous." Her cheeks shine bright and she refuses to look at me, "O-Okay. B-But first, let's tune into the channel we came to see first though." The remote gets aimed at the white setting in front of us and Benny starts clicking a button. To my surprise, the remote is making the white light flicker into different TVs throughout the manor. "This is amazing Benny." I can see her blush from my peripheral vision, "Th-Thanks Y/n." After a few more clicks of channel surfing, we end up in Seth's and Zalga's room. They aren't doing anything bad, but they seem to be in a heated discussion.
                      *Zalga's POV*
       "You have to be kidding me Zalga. Why are you backing out now?" I roll my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose at Goatman's ranting, "Because I changed my mind and don't want to do it anymore." "And why the Hell not?! We are this close to kidnapping Y/-" I quickly turn around and deliver a hard smack to my servant's face. "Keep your voice down, you idiot!" I whisper yell, "We don't want to wake the others!" Goatman holds his face and rubs it some. "We are not going to kidnap Y/n because my feelings for him has changed." He drops his hand and squares his shoulders as he comes to a few inches away from my face, "And what has made it changed?" Returning the intimidating stance, I get right back in his face, "I don't have to give you a reason. You are just my servant, Goatman, and nothing more."
                       *Y/n's POV*
       Both Benny's and my jaw drops as we look at each other with wide eyes. "Y/n, you called it. You were right." I look back at the fishbowl of a screen with slight anger boiling in me. "I bloody knew it!" My feet bring me up closer to the screen, leaving only a few inches between the screen and my face. "How dare you Goatman, come into my own home and manipulate us all?!" Pressure from Benny's hand appears on my shoulder, but its presence doesn't soothe me. "I'm going to kill you Goatman. I'm going to make you pay for everything you have caused me and my family and friends. You have my word." "Y/n?" I look over to my right to face Benny, "Are we going to tell Slenda?" My eyes widen a bit because that thought had totally crossed my mind. How am I going to break it to Slenda that her own sister was behind my attacks because she wanted to keep me as her own? Shaking my head out of that thought, I find the words to answer her, "You don't have to tell her, I will." "But, I could testify for you if she don't believe you. I don't mind." I manage to give her a smile and peck her forehead, "Thank you because to be honest, I don't want to face Slenda alone. She can be scary sometimes." She lets out a little sarcastic, but serious laugh, "Yeah, tell me about it. I've been on the bad end of her tendrils multiple times and it ain't fun." I chuckle, "I owe you one." Her black eyes and red pupils meet mine with a smirk, "Speaking of which," she pulls down my jeans without evening unbuttoning them and gets on her knees, "You can repay me right now." My cheeks heat up as I avert my eyes up to the white endless void. I should've saw that one coming.

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