I wake up to darkness around me and Benny in my arms. The past few days have been long and bloody and we needed this rest, even though Benny had a different kind of rest in mind than me. She looks so at peace sleeping on my chest and I don't want to get up, but I have too. Slowly and quietly, I carefully slide out of bed and put on my clothes and tiptoe to my room.
I head straight for my shower and freshen up. When I get into the shower, I put the water on cold and just let the water trinkle down my body. Shivers go up and down my spine when the water hits my fresh wound and other sensitive scars, but the water feels so good. Whenever I get out of the shower, I attend to my oral hygiene, put on deodorant and brush my hair. I turn off the bathroom light, get dressed and go down stairs.
No one is up when I enter the kitchen, so I start making breakfast. "Hmm, waffles and pancakes sound good." I say to myself and I start to make them. After I get done making them and making Jacky's special pancakes, I lay them out on the dining room table with butter, fresh fruit, milk, and a ton of syrup.
"Y/n, what are you doing up?" I hear Slenda sleepily ask. "Oh nothing, I just made breakfast for us." I turn and face her. "You shouldn't of done that, you have a bad shoulder." She leans on me and puts her hand over my wound. I kiss her forehead, "Don't worry, I'm fine." She hugs me and I hug back. "Thanks for saving us last night." "Hey, it wasn't a big deal." She looks up at me, "Wasn't a big deal? Y/n, you could've died." I smile a little, "It wouldn't of been the first time and I'm sure it wouldn't be the last. Plus, I would die for any of y'all every time if we got in danger. I love y'all." "We would too, and we love you too." She then kisses me.
Its a passionate kiss and she ends up trapping me at the edge of the table. Our tongues fight for dominance, which I always win. We kiss for at least another good minute until a cough interrupts us. We quickly break up and both of our faces are cherries.
"Oh, don't mind me, I was just enjoying the show." Benny says and our faces grow redder if that's even possible. Benny then walks over to me and places a kiss on my cheek. "Morning babe." I give her a kiss on the cheek, "Morning." I feel so awkward and I want to get out of here. I grab a waffle, "I'm going to go for a ride, I'll be back later." I place the waffle in my mouth and head for the door. "Okay y/n, I love you." Both Slenda and Benny say in unison, "Love you too." I muffle and walk out the door.
~Time Skip~
I end up riding to the top of a cliff, where mom and I used to come to when I was little. My legs dangle over the two hundred foot rock and I take in the scenery. The Sun lights up the ocean with its golden rays and I just inhale the salty air. The ocean waves crash down on the rigid rocks below me and it makes me feel happy again.
I feel a warm breeze go past me and it warms my heart. "Hi mom." Even though I can't see her, I know its her. Before she died, we used to come up here to just get away from it all. We used to come up here and we would just laugh, cry, and just express ourselves. We used to come up here usually early in the morning to watch the sunrise or late at night to look at the stars. Some of my best memories we're spent up here with her, but my father just had to get drunk and take my sunshine away.
I grit my teeth at the thought of my father and I can feel my inner demon trying to surface, but I just take a deep breath and steady my breathing. Mom tried to teach me how to control myself, but sometimes the demon won and I would try to destroy everything in sight. When I do go full out demon, I can't control myself. Rage and anger consumes me and I'm just a vessel for my demon. I'll try not to ever show the girls my bad side because if I do, I don't know if I'll be able to control it.
My pocket starts to vibrate and I hear the little jingle that I have for Slenda, so I pick it up. "Hello?" "Hey y/n, where are you? Its almost noon and you're still not home? Are you okay?" I smile to myself, "I'm fine Slenda, I'm just at a secret location where my mom and I used to hang out. Is everything okay?" "Everything's fine, but the girls are starting to worry, so will you come home?" I chuckle, "Yeah, I'm coming." I stand up and head to my bike and start it up. "I'm on my way." "Okay, be safe, I love you." "Love you too." I end the call and I head back home. "Bye mom."
When I arrive back at the manor, I get almost tackled by a pair of small arms into a hug. "Y/n's back!" Sally yells. I smile and give her a one hand hug, "And I brought gifts." I reach behind my back and pull out a light brown teddy bear with a pink bow. Sally's face lights up and she gasps with stars in her eyes. I give her the bear and she just squeezes it. "Yay! Now Mr. D has a wife! Thanks y/n!" She hugs me again, "You're welcome Sally." She breaks the hug and runs off. I have eleven black roses with red splattered drops on them behind my back.
"Hey y/n, welcome home." Clockwork says quietly greeting me. "Hey Clockwork." I pull out a rose out from my back and give it to her. "This is for you." She accepts it happily, while she blushes a little, "Thanks y/n." She gives me a kiss on my cheek, "You're welcome." I walk past her and I go try to find the others to give them their's.
I walk into the living room and see Benny and Jane playing Mortal Kombat. "Hey girls." "Hey y/n." They say in unison. I walk behind the couch and lean between them, "Watcha doin?" "Beating Benny's butt." Jane says calmly, but with a smile. "You had one lucky round! But now, you're going to get it!" They both push all the buttons at a rapid pace, to try to beat each other. I continue to watch until a devilish smirk comes across my face. I lay a rose down on both of their laps and they look down. When they both look back up at me and I place a quick kiss on both of their lips, then I hear "Game Over." I smirk, "I win." I then take off to find the others, leaving them blushing.
After I leave Benny and Jane, I head to the gym to see if anybody's in there, and to my luck, I find Masky and Hoodie having a friendly sparring match. I walk over to the ring and I lean on the apron. They don't seem to notice me because they are still fighting heavily, but eventually I guess they call it a stalemate. "Bravo!" I cheer and whistle at their performance and they quickly spot me. I throw two roses at them and still applaud them. They both pick up their flowers and Hoodie rubs her arm and Masky just holds herself. "How long... Have you been... Standing there?" Masky asks between breaths. I smirk, "Long enough to know never to take you guys on in a fight." I bet they're blushing right now, but I can't see it. "Bye girls." I smile and walk away.
My next stop is upstairs and I overhear Jill and Ann talking in the sick room. "Oh come on Ann, it'll be funny!" "Putting ketchup in an blood bag and drinking it, pretending that its blood is not funny." I shake my head with a smile and knock on the door. "Come in!" I hear Ann say. "Hey girls." "Hey y/n, do you need anything?" Ann asks. I smirk, "Actually I do... I need to give these to y'all." I hold out the roses and Jill quickly grabs hers, while Ann gently takes her. "Thank you y/n." Ann comes over, lowers her mask and kisses me on the cheek. I blush, "You're welcome Ann." Jill then inhales the rose's scent and looks at me with lust in her eyes. She then marches over to me, grabs the back of my h/l h/c hair and kisses me hard. When she pulls away, I'm blushing so hard. "Thanks hun, come back to my room later and I'll give you something." She says with a wink and pushes me out the room and closes it.
I shake my head, "What just happened? I just wanted to give them all flowers as a gift, but now Jill wants to give me something later." Aye yi yi.
~Time Skip~
After I give Jess, Angel, and Jacky their flowers and after Jess and Angel chased me all throughout the house, trying to return the kindness with their bodies, I finally make it to Slenda's room with the last rose. I quickly knock on the door begging to come in before Jess and Angel finds me, Slenda welcomes me in. I quickly run into her room and close and lock the door. "Hey, what's wrong y/n?" I put my finger up to my lips to motion her to be quiet. We hear footsteps outside of her room, "Come on out y/n! You can't hide forever!" Jess yells. I hold my breath as the footsteps stop in front of Slenda's door. "Slenda? Have you seen y/n?" Angel asks and I shake my head at Slenda to beg her to help and she slightly chuckles. "No, sorry girls! You might want to go check outside!" The air goes silent for a moment before Jess says okay and they walk away. I let out my breath, "Thanks Slenda." "You're welcome, please come sit." She pats the spot on the bed next to her and I take her offer.
"Why are they chasing you?" I pant and give her the last rose while I look at the floor. "Oh, thank you y/n." I lean back on her bed, "You're... Welcome." I close my eyes, but then I feel lips on mine. I smile against her lips and I try to get back up, but she pushes me back down.
~Warning Lemon~
"Slenda what are you-" "Shh, let me take care of you." She unzips my pants and starts to massage my crotch. "Oh." She starts to kiss me slow, but passionately as she pulls down my underwear and pants down to my ankles and starts to pump my boy with her tentacles. She's sitting on my stomach and is slowly making her way down on my boy. She takes off my shirt and takes off her clothes.
"Slenda, are you sure you want to do this? " I'm positive. I want to thank you for all you've done." She then starts to suck on my boy. Her head bops quickly on my boy and she grabs my hand and puts NY hand on her head so that she can go deeper. She gags a few times, but after a few more attempts to deep throat, she eventually reaches my base.
"Slenda, I'm close." She then stops sucking and positions herself over my boy and slowly goes down. I feel her hymen resisting me until she plunges down on me and let's out a painful scream. I kiss and hold her tight for about a minute to distract her from the pain, then she begins to rock her hips, letting me know she's okay now. We start out slow and gently, so she can get used to it, but then she starts bouncing faster and harder. After a few minutes of doing this, we both announce that we're coming at the same time. "Let's... Cum...Together...Y/n!" "Okay." Her walls tighten around my boy, then before we know it, we both cum at the same time. She turns let's out a moan of satisfaction and gets off me.
~End of Lemon~
She kisses me softly, and rests her head and right arm on my chest. "I love you y/n." I kiss her back, "I love you too Slenda." Then we both fall asleep.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.