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           After a few minutes of riding, I think Slenda is finally getting used to things. "How are you holding up?" "I'm doing okay. I think I'm starting to get used to it." "Good. Do you need anything before we get to the manor?" "Not that I know of, I'm going to go shopping in the morning." "I'll come with you, I'm usually up at four anyways." "Okay, but you don't have to if you don't want too." "I want too."
         I shift into another gear and press a button on the handlebar as we head into the forest, "What did you just do?" The motorcycle suddenly becomes silent, "I put in on silent, like how you would do a phone, so no one knows that were in here, just in case someone decides to follow us." "That's smart, how did you come up with the idea?" I smirk, "I used to sneak out alot." "Oh."
        When we finally pull up to the manor, we see that Angel and Benny are watching the perimeters from the porch. "Wow! Nice bike y/n!" Benny says as she walks up to us. I turn off the bike and Slenda gets off and removes her helmet. "And you even got Slenda to ride?! Now that's impressive." Her hair is a little messed up from the helmet, but that's okay, she looks cute.
           "Yes and I can't wait to ride her again." Slenda says handing me the helmet. "Oh! I wanna go next!" "Yeah! Me too!" Benny and Angel say hopefully. "If you two ride with y/n, that means the others will want to too." "What will we want?" Jess asks for everyone, but then they get their answer when they all feast their eyes on me and the bike. "A bike! Oh! I definitely want a ride!" Jill happily says, then all the girls start to fight over which one goes first.
        "Hey, maybe y/n don't want you to ride you all." Slenda says making the ruckus stop. "No, its fine, I'll ride em, so who's first?" Sally rushes over to me with her bear, Mr. D and gets on in front of me. "I'm first. Vroom Vroom!" She twists the handle bars and we all 'awe' her. "Sorry Sally, but you must be at least this tall to ride." Benny holds her hand up to her eye level. "Y/n didn't say that!" She turns back around at me with puppy dog eyes, "Can I ride y/n?" I put the helmet on her, "Of course you can, but you'll have to wear this." "Okay!" She turns around and sticks her tongue out at Benny. I chuckle.
                      ~Time Skip~
        After I ride all the girls, I'm worn out. All of them gave me an interesting experience and we all got to know each other a little bit more, even though I had to tell my whole life's story about twelve times, but it was worth it. That's a good new way we can bond without killing someone.
          I decided to go on up to my room after we got back to unpack and Slenda makes the girls stay true to their word and help me. Ann, Angel and Sally put all my books up in alphabetical order for me on shelves. Benny and Jill hook up all my game systems and stack my games. Masky and Hoodie are helping me put up my clothes. Jess and Jane are putting away my knives and swords... I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Clockwork and Slenda are putting my money in a safe in Slenda's office. And Jacky, she's just sitting on my bed with my axe.
            "Finished!" Everyone yells at the same time, then Clockwork and Slenda join in as well when they come into my room. "Y/n, you're so lucky that time is money." Clockwork says winking at me. "Haha, good one Clockwork!" Jill pats her on the shoulder. "Thanks y'all, y'all saved me a lot of time." I wink back at Clockwork and she just blushes. Two can play at the puns game.
         "So, as a request of earlier, my payment for y'all's help in helping me escape from the prison, which they won't never find me, and for helping me move in... I'll play y'all a song, what about that?" They all cheer and rush over to my bed. I'm surprised that all of them could fit on it. Walking over to Jacky, she hand me my guitar and I start playing the perfect song for us.

             All of their jaws drop and they all uproar in applause. Some of them stand and some of them whistle, but they all clap. "That was awesome!" Benny yells and I give them a slight bow in thanks. "Y/n! Can you do one more?!" Sally yells from the small group, I smirk, "Of course I can. Any requests?" "Ooh! I got one! Do Crazy Train by Ozzy!" Jess says. "Alright, is that okay with everyone?" They all nod and encourage me to do it, so I do.

           By the time I'm done with the song, fire jumps off of my fingertips because of the solo and riffs, but it was worth it to hear them scream my name in happiness. "Thank y'all, but I'm tired and I would like some sleep please." With that said they all leave my room after saying goodnight. I put up my axe and take off all my clothes except for my underwear and climb into the cool bed. I think I'm going to like it here, I think to my self as I drift off to sleep.

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