"Wow Jacky, all this looks amazing." White candles, sparkling water, a steak dinner for me and a kidney dinner for her, all spread out on a red and white checkered blanket. "Thanks Y/n, Slenda helped me make it." She says as both her and I both take a seat in front of each other. "Well you two did a great job." I give her a smile, which makes her rub her arm, "Thanks." "So, what made you want to come out to the middle of the woods to have a picnic?" I start to try to make small talk as we both start to eat. She has her mask tilted to the side which only allows me to see her mouth while she eats. "Well, I was wanting to do something special for our date away from the others because I didn't want them to interrupt us." I get that. I barely do get some one on one with each individual girl without another one interrupting us.
~Warning Lemon~
I wipe my mouth with a napkin to get the juices from the steak off, but when I look back up and Jacky, she has a little blood on her lip and I can't help but chuckle some. She doesn't even realize its there. "What's wrong Y/n? Why are you laughing?" I lean over to get close to her, "You have a little blood on your lip." She goes up to find and clean the blood off with her fingers, but I prevent her, "No, please, allow me." I give her a nice, soft kiss with a little tongue on her lips to get the blood off, but to my surprise when I try to pull back, she grabs me by my shirt collar and pulls me onto her with a deep kiss.
The food and their dishes scatter and make a mess on our clothes as we get more passionate with each other. I break the little make out session as I come up for air, "So much for the picnic, huh?" She kisses me again with a smile, "Forget the picnic. I want you." Her hands go down to my jeans and try to unbutton them, but I prevent them. "What's wrong Y/n?" I give her a little smile, "Nothing's wrong, but I was just wondering that if you get to see all of me, that I could see all of you?" "What do you-" She pauses and then finally realizes what I'm talking about. "You want to see me without my mask, don't you?" I give her a slight nod, "If you don't mind."
She sits up on my waist and holds her arms across her chest, while looking away from me, "You'll think I'm ugly." My brows knit at that thought. I sit up and hold her hands, "Jacky, I would never think that you were ugly. Nobody is ugly, everybody is perfect just the way they are." Her hands squeeze mine, but she eventually returns her face to mine, "But I have no eyes Y/n. People are terrified of me. You were too when you first came to us." I cup her cheek, "Jacky, I do admit that I was terrified when I first came to the manor. Why? Because beautiful killers helped me escape from prison. I didn't know what I was walking into when I saw a manor full of killers. I knew that y'all wanted me to stay, but I didn't know how long that was going to be. But for some reason, all of you kept me around and I grew to love each one of you, not because of y'alls looks... I fell for y'all because none of you wasn't afraid to be yourselves." She smacks my chest playfully, "Y/n..." "What? I'm just telling you the truth, that looks don't matter to me. The only thing that counts to me is inner beauty, not the way you look on the outside."
After I get done with my little speech, I see a smile creep on her face. "You know what Y/n?" She takes off her hoodie and shirt and starts to reach for her mask. My eyes go wide when she takes off her mask and two endless black voids meet mine. Wow, she's beautiful. "You're right. Inner beauty should be the only thing that counts." She unhooks her navy blue bra and her beautiful breasts come into view. "Now, let's get you out of your clothes and you can show me your beauty."
~Goatman's POV~
Flying above the different color tree lines of this large forest as a small crow is excruciating. I've been searching for this boy forever it seems. I found him on the island and I marked him with my scent, but after I went back to Zalga and turned in my report to her, she made me return to the island, but he was gone. For some odd reason, she became fascinated with this boy over the past few months and I don't know why. I'm in a relationship with her, but she don't admit it. I know that she only uses me for sex because I can shapeshift to whatever she wants, but I've grown feelings for her, even though she's my boss.
I hear a shriek of a woman in the distance, so I make a beeline towards that direction. As I fly closer and closer, my senses are starting to pick up on that boy again. What would he be doing out here in the middle of the woods? Is he involved with that screaming woman? All my questions are answered when I spot the two getting intimate with each other. Oh. Um, this is awkward. I really don't want to see this, so I turn around and go back to where I came. I'll just tell Zalga that he teleported away before I could get a hold of him, but the truth is they're doing it like animals in the woods. I roll my eyes at that.... Kids.
~Y/n's POV~
"Y/n... This feels amazing..." Jacky is on top of me and is riding me hard. She made quick notes of our clothes and hopped on me as soon as she did. Of course her hymen tried to prevent me access, but she helped me in like the trooper she is, letting out a painful shriek when doing it. But after a few minutes of thrusting slowly, she became more comfortable and now I'm trapped beneath her.
The sweat coming from our bodies feels like cold water because of the frigid fall breeze, but neither of us mind because we're keeping each other warm with our friction. I sit up and kiss her, while she wraps her arms around my neck. It feels so good to see that Jacky trusts me to see her this way. Vulnerable, but herself. I start to kiss and suck on her sweetspot causing moans to escape her lips. "Y/n... I want to be your first anal virgin." My eyes widen, but I continue to thrust in her when I come face to face with her. "Are you sure? I know that its going to hurt just as bad as your-" She cuts me off with a kiss, "I'm sure."
She hops off me and my manhood is still at attention, despite the cold air. Lowering herself on me, she let's out another pain filled scream as I go all the way in her. I hold her breast with my left arm as my right one finds her clit and starts to rub it. We both share sloppy kisses as she begins to thrusts slowly on me. She's soo warm and tight. "Mmm, Y/n... I'm coming..." I rub her clit faster as she begins to ride me harder. "I am too..." "Cum in me Y/n... Make me your's." As if I wasn't already her's. After a few more thrusts and fast rubs thanks to the superspeed, we both cum and detangle from one another. "That was great Y/n... Thank you for convincing me to come out of my shell... Or should I say mask." I smile and kiss her for that one, "No problem. Thanks for being my first anal virgin. We both got our firsts." She gives me another kiss, "Anytime..."
She looks down at the ground and my eyes follow her's, "We're not the only things that's a mess." Food is smudged everywhere, including on our bodies and clothes. Her gaze meets mine, "What is the others gonna say if we show up like this?" She asks me as she puts her mask back on, "We'll get teased about this forever." I smirk and bring her knuckles up for a kiss, "They won't say anything because I'll just teleport us to my room and we can shower there, okay?" She leans over and lifts her mask for a quick peck on my cheek, "Thanks Y/n." "No problem." We both stand up and I used my telekinesis to pack the picnic basket. I grab Jacky's hand after she grabs our clothes with one of mine as I hold the basket in the other, "Ready?" She gives me a nod, "Yeah." After I know she's ready, I snap my fingers and we go back to the manor.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.