After a quick shower, I put on some fresh clothes and grab my prepacked suitcase, then head down the stairs. I don't wanna leave, but its only for a few days and I'm pretty sure my head would appreciate it. Sally automatically runs up to me and hugs me, "Please Y/n, don't go. We promise to be quiet." I ruffle her hair gently, "It'll be okay Sally, I'm only going away for a few days, but then I'll be back." She looks up to me with a sniffle, "You promise?" I give her a small smile, "I promise." She gives me a little squeeze then goes and stands by Slenda, holding her hand. The girls all come up to me and tell me goodbye in their own ways. Clockwork gives me a hug with a simple peck on the cheek. Angel hugs me, kisses me, and smacks my butt, "I hope you feel better." I arch a brow with a smirk, "With that encouragement, I'll be better in no time." She trails off me with a smirk. Jacky comes up and gives me a hug with a small sigh, "Get well soon," she looks up and meets my eyes, "you still owe me a date." I squeeze her back with a smile, "I know, and I'll make up this inconvenience to you." She lifts up her mask and kisses me, "You better." I smile as she leaves and Jane is up next with a hug. "Take care of yourself." "I will." Masky and Hoodie gives me a double hug, "Be good." "And careful, we don't want you in any more pain." "Y'all do the same." I say as I give them both a kiss on the cheeks. Jess and Benny slowly approach me with their heads down and hands behind their back. I arch a brow. What are they- "Grab him!" Benny yells and before I know it, there's a rope around me and a knife at my neck. It'satrap! Clearly, Captain Obvious! I manage to snap my fingers and appear behind the duo before they can secure the rope. Benny looks behind her, "Dang it Y/n! We were trying to trap you!" "I know! That's why I escaped!" "Well played Y/n. Well played." "Thanks Jess." I use my telekinesis to take away her knife from her and make it disappear. "Where did it go Houdini?" Jess asks in slight surprise. I smirk, "Its in your room, but that's all I'm telling you." She let's out a small growl, but it fades when I give her a kiss, "I love you." I then kiss Benny, "And I love you too, but please don't try to tie me up and keep me captive... It feels like prison again." They hug me, "Sorry, we couldn't help it." Jess says. "Its just in our nature." I roll my eyes at Benny's statement, but release them with a squeeze. Jill comes up to me and gives me a tight hug with a frown on her face, so I try to make a joke to cheer her up. "No funny business from you Jill?" She pulls back and looks up at me, "That's a good one, but I still feel bad that I couldn't make you feel better." I cup her cheek and kiss her with a smirk, "Oh trust me, you did make me feel better." She looks back up at me with a small smile, "I did?" I place a kiss on her forehead, "Yeah, and I thank you, but my head can only feel better for a little bit and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to help me like that all day." She smirks, "I wouldn't mind." I give her a hug, then release her. I know that none of them would mind, but I don't want to be a burden to them. Ann is next to come up to me. She gives me a kiss and hugs me, "If you need anything, I'm just a portal away." I smile and give her a kiss, "Same here." Walking over to Slenda and place a quick kiss on her lips. "Take care of yourself Y/n." "I will. If you need anything just call me." She kisses me, "I will. I love you." "I love you too." I look back to all the girls, "I love you all too." They all tell me the same thing as Slenda opens up a silver portal when I pick up my suitcase. "Where are you sending me?" She traces a line down my arm, "To somewhere peaceful." Before I can ask where again, she pushes me through the portal. "Bye Y/n!" The girls yell as I land on black sand? Looking back to where I came from the portal closes. I stand up and dust the sand off me and take in my surroundings. There's a beautiful view of the ocean from the beach and a huge beach house. Thick trees and vines divides the sand from the endless green jungle and I realize that I'm in some sort of paradise. "This is going to be awesome."
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