I wake up to rain knocking on the roof and warm arms wrapped around my waist. Lifting an eyelid, I see that Slenda is wrapped around me. She looks so beautiful. I move a stand of her bangs out of her face and just look at her. I wish I could stay here all day, but I have to get up. Sigh.
I carefully and sneakily head out of her room and go straight to mine naked. Its about two a.m. and thank God, everyone is still asleep. I don't want to get caught naked in the hall in the middle of the night, especially not by Sally. So, I duck into my room and quickly close and lock the door.
Lightning illuminates my room and I get fresh clothes and head to the shower. I try to turn on the the light, but the power's out, but I don't mind, I still need to take a shower, even if its cold, but I take cold showers anyway.
~Time Skip~
After I get out of the shower, I decide to sit on the windowpane and watch the water drops race to the bottom of the window. I give out a weak smile as I see my chosen drop win, then I just lean my head on the cold glass and stare off into the forest. Its totally dark outside and I can't see hardly nothing, that is until a flash of lightning flashes amongst the trees and I see my father?!
Rubbing my eyes, I try to see if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but they're not. He's standing by a tree and just waving. Why is he here?! How did he find me?! I continue to stare at him, but in a flash of white light, he disappears and I'm left pissed and confused.
I get off the window pane, and grab my katana. Its black and very very sharp. When I unsheathe it, purple flames cover the blade because its ment to kill and absorb anyone or anything's souls, living or undead. I take off my shirt and head into the hallway.
Tip toeing down the stairs, I head to the kitchen to go out the back door, but when I get in there, I almost get scared to death by Jess, showing up in the lightning in front of me. I automatically go in defense mode before I even realized it was her. "Woah y/n! Its just me!" My heart is jumping out of my chest, but it starts to cool down when I lower my sword and place a hand over my heart.
"Jeez Jess! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! Why are you up?!" I try to control myself. "I was thirsty and came to get a drink... Why are you down here?" I slick my bangs back over my head, "I saw something in the forest and I was going to go check it out." "You're going out in the pouring rain to go check something you think you saw in the forest without a shirt on?" I look down, then back up at her, "Yes. I don't want it to get soaked." She facepalms herself, " That's why they invented jackets. Now go put one on, or you'll get sick!"
I bounce right past her, "There ain't no time." I go and reach for the doorknob, but she grabs my wrist, "Y/n, why are you in a rush? What's out there? Is it dangerous?" I escape her grasp, "Just stay here, and no matter what happens don't let nobody in or out. I'll come back in when I'm done investigating." I kiss her cheek, then I run out the door. "Wait, y/n!" I hear her yell, but I take off deeper into the forest.
The cold air and pouring rain is hitting my back hard, but I have to push through it and find my father. His laugh echoes through the trees as he calls my name. I end up in a clear spot in the woods. "Come on old man! Come out and face me!" I look around me, but only the trees and rain answer my call. I turn my head, then a flash of lightning presents the man I'm looking for, right in front of me. "Hello, son." Thunder claps as he greets me.
~Jess's POV~
I yell for y/n to stop as he runs into the forest, but he don't listen. "Ugh!" I close the door and dash up to Slenda's room. Slowly I enter her room and I see her lying on the bed naked. It looks like her and y/n had fun last night, that lucky girl. I shake my head, no Jess, we are here to alert Slenda about y/n running off, not get jealous because she got lucky with him. I sprint over the bed and gently shake Slenda. "Slenda! Wake up! Its an emergency!" I say in a whisper yell. She begins to stir, "W-What? Y/n?" She then gasps and cover herself up with the blanket, "J-Jess! What are you doing here?!" She replies in the same whisper yell.
"Look Slenda, I went downstairs to get a drink and then y/n came down with his soul catcher katana. He said he saw something in the forest and he told me not to let anyone in or out, then he took off." "What!" She yells very loudly, but the sound is covered by thunder claps. She quickly gets to her feet and puts on some clothes. "Where are you going?" I ask her concerned. "I'm going to find him." I get off of her bed, "Then I'm coming with you!" "No you are not! You are going to stay here and watch the others and make sure they all stay in here, understood?" I know that I can't argue with her, so I just nod and she puts on a jacket and teleports away. "Slenda is going to kill him, but if she doesn't, I will."
~Y/n's POV~
"Hello father." I say emotionless as thunder continues to clap around us. "My boy, its been so long... How have you been?" "Cut the bullcrap, what do you want?" "Awe, no family love? Not even a hug?" He opens his arms and I point my sword straight at his chest. "You lost your right to be called my family, when you killed my mom!" I yell with venom in my voice. "Fair enough." He holds his hands up in defeat. "Look y/n, I came here because I need your help with something important." I laugh, "Ha! You need my help?! Are you really that stupid to come to me for help?! You freaking killed mom and had me locked up! I'm just a kid! I have my whole life ahead of me and you just decided to lock me away on false charges because you are afraid of me!" Venom spits out of my mouth and my eyes turn a fiery orange.
He let's out a laugh, but then he gets serious, "You think I'm afraid of you little boy? I'm much older, stronger, and wiser than you. What makes you think you're better than me?" My knuckles turn white around the handle. "Number one, I'm younger, there more, less fragile than you. Number two, I had to learn to fight and defend for myself because your enemies would come almost everyday to find me and kill me, but they never did. And number three, you are the one who came here to ask me for help because I know as my powers grow stronger with every second, your's become weaker. You're time is almost up and that's why you need my help with whatever because you're to weak to do it yourself!"
He grabs my throat and lifts me off the ground, but I don't let him have the satisfaction to see me suffer. "Why you little." I spit in his eyes, then he wipes them and squeezes my neck tighter. "You have no respect for your elders, but once I get your help and teach you a lesson afterwards, you'll learn." "What... Is it that... You want exactly?" I choke out. He smiles, "I need your help taking over the Underworld." My eyes widen, "I will never help you!" "Oh yes you will, if you want those girls to live." "Don't you dare t-touch them... Or else!" He tightens his grip more and I can feel my body go cold. "Or else what?" "...I'll kill you!" I take my katana and stab him in his shoulder. He flings me into a nearby tree and I crash to the ground.
"Y/n!" I hear Slenda say as she teleports beside me. "S-Slenda! G-Go b-back to the m-m-manor! I-Its not s-s-safe here!" "No! I'm not leaving without you! My father slowly approaches us and slowly claps, " Awe, would you look at that, my boy has a girlfriend." I growl and use all my possible leftover strength I have and launch at him, but he slits my throat with his fingertips. "Y/n!"
I grab onto my throat and squeeze it tight. Gushes of blood pour down my body and it seems like time slows down all around me, except for my father. He reaches down and picks up my sword, "Don't worry son, you'll live. I'll give you a month to recover, but when it strikes midnight on the last day of next month, I'll come for you." He bends down and clutches the back of my hair, gives me a kiss on the forehead and vanishes while laughing manically. "Y/n!" Slenda rushes over to me, "Oh God! No!" She holds me. "I-I-I l-love y-you." I mange to cough out with a little bit of blood and before I can do anything else, numbness takes over my body and I feel cold. Darkness is the last thing I see before it takes me under.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.