B/c is beard color
~Time Skip 2 Weeks Later~
Man, my neck itches. I reach up to scratch my neck, but poking plastic stabs my fingertips. Something is pricking the inside my neck and it burns to swallow. The prickling feeling goes white hot before I snap my eyes open and gasp for air.
Something is twisted around my wrist like a snake, made of clear plastic. "An...IV?" Blinking my eyes, I try to adjust to my surroundings. I look from side to side of the dim lighted room and blurry dark solids become furniture. I realize that I'm in my bed, but I'm not alone. Reaching down my left side, I feel a warm body and long hair.
I attempt to sit up, but that's not happening. My body is so weak and I feel like my head is going to fall off, not just because my throat, but I also have a massive headache. I hold my head and I look down to see Sally clinging onto my waist. "Sally?" I ask weakly. She stirs a little bit in her sleep, but then her eyes flutter open and looks up at me. "Y/n?" She asks sleepily. I give her a weak smile, "Hey kiddo."
She basically leaps onto my stomach and gives me a tight hug, "Y/n! You're awake!" I can hear her start to sob as I try not to grunt. I rub her back, "Yeah, hey kiddo. How long was I out?" She looks up at me with tears in those emerald green eyes. "Two weeks!" My eyes go wide, two bloody weeks! I look down at her and I brush some of her ginger hair from her face and comb it behind her ear. "R-Really?" I ask calmly, not trying to sound like I'm in shock or pain. "Yeah! Ann told us that you we're in a coma and it didn't look good, but we kept hoping that you would wake up. I even used my birthday wish on you."
My heart breaks, "Y-you did?" I choke out as tears threaten to escape my eyes. How could I miss her birthday? I feel like a complete jerk. She must see the look on my face, so she tries to comfort and reassuring me. "Yeah, but don't worry about it, my wish came true! You woke up and now we can do things together! Like a princess tea party!" I chuckle, "A princess tea party? Let me guess, you want me to be Prince Charming?" She nods her head with a hum, "Yeah, but you need to shave first. I don't know no prince with a beard."
"I have a beard?!" I raise my voice some, but not much because my throat is still killing me. "Yeah! Wanna see?!" She gets off the bed and goes into the my bathroom and brings out a mirror. She hands it to me and I turn on my lamp. "Woah." I say as I look in the mirror. My short b/c wraps around my chin and lays on my cheeks and upper lip. "I definitely need to shave." I chuckle as I stroke my beard.
"Yeah, I like it, but it needs to go if you're going to be a prince." She says booping my nose. I smile, "I'll shave it for you, but I need to get out of bed." I try to rise again, but Sally pushes my down, "Wait! Slenda said to come get her when you get up! I'll go get her!" She gives me a kiss on my nose, grabs Mr. D and rushes out of my bedroom.
"Y/n's awake! Y/n's awake!" I hear her bang on everyone's door and I just give out a weak chuckle and cough. Ouch! Dang it! I can't even cough! A stampede of footsteps clash down the hallway and I gulp. All of the girls battle their way into my room and fumble into my doorway. They fall like dominos and I can't help but chuckle a little. Like fish out of water, they struggle to untangle from each other, pajamas getting ripped in the process everywhere.
"Woah girls, don't hurt yourself over me." They all look up, "Y/n!" They untangle real quick and swarm me in hugs and kisses. "Can't b-breathe!" I choke out. They all break from me and I see everyone crying for joy. Tear stains cover everyone's face, except for Masky and Jacky, but tears roll down their masks. "We thought you were dead!" Jess let's out a teary choke, then she slaps me, "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT TO US AGAIN OR SO HELP ME, YOU'RE GONNA WISH YOU WERE!" Jess earns herself at least one slap from everyone but me. "Fair enough." I say with a burning gulp.
"Ouch." I say as I rub around my throat, not daring to touch the stitches. Ann wipes her eyes and sits down to the left of me on the bed. She examines me and checks my vitals. "How are you feeling?" Her cold hand meets my forehead. It feels soo good. "I'm alive... But I've had better." "That don't answer my question." I let out a small sigh with a smile and close my eyes, "I feel like death, to be honest. Sally said that I've been out for two weeks and I believe it." I pause for a moment, then continue.
"My throat is killing me. I have a huge headache and my body... Well I feel like I've been hit by a semi." "Do you want us to kiss you and make you feel better?" Benny asks jokingly. Flustered, I think about it for a second, then smirk. "Actually, I think that would make me feel better." I tilt my head to the side and smile. Benny blushes a bright pink, alongside all the others except for Sally. "Oh... Okay." Benny mumbles out.
The girls line up to kiss me. First its Sally, she kisses me on the nose and I kiss her back on her's. Then it's Benny, she kisses me with a little bit of tongue. Then it's Jess, she kisses me with a lot of force, but it's sweet and desperate. After she pulls away, it's Jill. "Well, they do say that laughter is the best medicine, but love works just as well." She says as she kisses me softly and bites on my bottom lip. Next is Masky and Hoody. They push and shove each other to see, who gets to kiss me first, but they eventually decide on a three way kiss. That's a first. Jacky kisses me a little with a decent amount of tongue as does Jane and Ann. Clockwork gives me a small kiss and walks away blushing. And last, but not least, Slenda strides over to me slowly swaying her hips and plants a real deep kiss on me that lasts for about a minute. "Don't ever scare us like that again." I smile at her a little, "I thought serial killers don't get scared." She runs a hand through my wild hair, "We do when we almost lose someone we love." She kisses me again and returns to the others.
By the time they all show me how much they care for me, my heart monitor is having a little heart attack itself. I'm flustered. "Awe! He does love us!" Benny shouts and everyone let's out a little 'awe'. I smile and roll my eyes. "Yes, and he also needs to breathe." Slenda says looking at me, with a hint of pink still on her cheeks. "Working... On...It." I say between breathes, then Slenda makes everyone go back to their rooms, so I can work on it more.
They all say goodnight and that they love me, then leave. I love my crazy family, I think to myself and turn out the light and put my mirror up. And I know they love me. Then I drift off to sleep after thinking of all the love.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.