(Bold Italic is The Goatman's inner voice.) After a short shower, Clockwork and I join the girls downstairs in the living room. "How was the movie date?" Benny asks both of us with a smirk. Clockwork and I both look at each and we both have a shade of pink on our faces. I clear my throat and look back at Benny, "It was great." "Do anything... Fun?" Jess asks wiggling her eyebrows. "That's none of your or anyone's business girls." Thank God Slenda speaks up. "Come you two, sit." Slenda pats the two vacant seats on the couch next to her and we take them gratefully. I sit between the two girls and they both snuggle up next to me. "So Slenda, any word about where your sister is?" I ask as we all watch The Goonies on the massive flat screen. "No, but she should be here any sec-" A huge gust of wind comes from my left side like a hurricane. When we all look over, we see a black portal opening and a woman, along with a man come out of it.
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Slenda stands up from my side and straightens out her suit, "Hello Zalga." A smile makes its way onto Zalga's face, "Hello... Sister." She snaps her fingers, closing the black hole, but it leaves the smell of smoke behind. "Seth, here now." She snaps her fingers and the man who looks like Darth Maul comes to where she points. "Sister..." Zalga walks over to Slenda after handing Seth her small purse and gives her an awkward looking hug. "Its been too long." Slenda reluctantly hugs her back, "Indeed." They break the hug after a few seconds and they both straighten their outfits, but then Zalga's eyes land on me. "Who's the hunk?" She bites her lip as she looks me up and down. I rise to my feet and offer a hand, "I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n." I bring her knuckles up for a kiss when she accepts my hand, "Ah shante." I blush at her greeting and we both drop our hands. "He's a keeper Slenda, you lucky woman." Zalga begins to greet the other girls by giving them hugs and sharing laughs with them, while Seth on the other hand is just standing where he was told to, not speaking at all. Being the kind hearted man that I am, I go over and introduce myself to him. "Hello, I'm Y/n." I offer my hand and he takes it, but when he does my mind goes black. Youhavenoideawhatyouhavedone. Youareminenow. Pain and rage fill my head as I stare into his red eyes. Dude! Letgonow! I-I can't! Seth leans into me, only an inch from my face, Youaregoingtopayforwhatyouhavedoneandwhatyouwilldo. He's talking to me, but his lips aren't moving. I can feel my inner demon trying to surface, so I use some of my super strength to break away from him. When I finally get loose, my head clears up and everything goes back to normal and I can't remember what happened. All I know is that I'm standing in front of Seth. "I'm Seth, its a pleasure to meet you." I back away from him and bump into Jacky. "Y/n, is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." I look at Jacky, then back at Seth. My head is starting to hurt me bad, but everything seems normal at the same time. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, but I'm going to go to my room." I storm out of the room in a slight hurry and lock myself in my room. I head straight for the bathroom and straight for the toilet. My head hangs over the white porcelain and I begin to barf my brains out. "Y/n? Are you okay darling?" Angel's voice comes from outside my bedroom's door. I hurl another big thing of vomit, but when I look up from the toilet bowl and look down to see its contents, I'm surprised about what I see. Its blood. My eyes widen at the shocking content making up the bowl's containment and another knock, more urgent from the last comes from the door. Once again, its Angel asking if I'm okay. I stand up and flush the John, then go and face the mirror. My reflection reveals that the whites of my eyes are now blood red and my pupils are dilated. Youareminenow. A dark voice comes to my blacked out mind and I can't fight it off right now, but as soon as it comes, it goes and I can't remember what I'm doing in here. "Y/n...!" I hear Angel yell my name at the door really loudly. Better go see what she wants. I go to the locked door and open it up, "Yes?" She stares at me with a concerned look, "Y/n dear, are you okay? Slenda sensed that you weren't feeling to well, so she sent me to check on you." I prop my elbow on the door frame so I can lean comfy, "I'm fine." She crosses her arms, "Then explain the blood on your lip." Blood? What blood? My fingers find the warm liquid on my lip to prove Angel's right. "Oh, um..." I don't know how blood showed up there. "Well?" Say something. "I accidentally bit it." "Thats the story you're going with?" She asks in annoyance. Yep. "Yep." She rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She kisses me and starts to walk away. "Oh yeah Y/n, you're sleeping with Slenda and Sally tonight, so she can keep an eye on you." Really? Sigh, I'm not even feeling bad, but I do have a slight headache. The Goatman must be close. Looking down the hall, I see that it's abandoned. Perfect. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Are you thinking that we should go hunting? Yep, but I wanna go without the girls. Same, but we have to have somebody to come with us. Yes, but who? A lightbulb appears in my head. Who's great at hunting with a bow and arrow? Do you think he's free? We haven't seen him in a while. He should be, besides he can help me check the woods for The Goatman. It would be a good time to catch up with him. True. I go back in my room and give my friend a call. A few rings later, my old friend picks up, "Hello?" "Hey Cookie, what's up? "Y/n?" I smirk, "In the flesh and out of prison." "Dude! Long time no talk! How's The Jersey Devil doing?" I walk over to my closet and start changing into all black. "I'm alright, living with the female creepypastas, you?" "Dude, that's awesome! I'm really good friends with them." A smile grows on my face, "I know. Hey you wanna hang out tonight? Zalga is in and the girls are catching up with her. I was thinking that you and I could go hunting." That peaks his interest, "Hunting? Hell yeah, I'm in! When and where?" "Now in the forest. I need to try to find The Goatman." "Why?" I finish gearing up my body with swords, knifes, and a bow Cookie got me long ago, before I went to prison. "Because he's after me and I need your help tracking him." Silence make up his end for a moment until he sighs, "Fine, but you're buying me a new bow if mine breaks if we end up finding and fighting him. Deal?" I smirk, "Deal. I'll be over in a bit to pick you up." "Alright, bye." "Bye." Well, my night is set, now to go tell the girls. I'm not looking forward to that. Just sneak out. Do you want to die? ...Maybe. Well I don't, so we're going to face the music, capeesh? Ugh, fine. I smirk, good.
Shout out to cookieslife101, he mentioned me? Us? In a few of his chapters, so I'm gonna return the favor. Thanks dude.