Ahh, this is just what I needed. A whole island to myself and peace and quiet. I know that Slenda just dropped me off a few hours ago, but I kind of wish it was sooner. Teleporting another beer in my hand, I'm sitting on a tanning chair buck naked. There's no one around, especially no cops, so I can do whatever I want. Adjusting my shades, I soak in the Sun's golden rays and just stare out into the ocean. Blue waves crash on the black sand sending foam everywhere, but as soon as it takes time to settle, it disappears. The slight sound of seagulls squawking is the only thing that makes up the silent atmosphere besides the waves and thank God that doesn't draw a headache to me. I know that the girls didn't mean to give me headaches, but I think this is the best way to get rid of them.
I take a long sip of the golden brown liquid from the bottle and let out a yawn with a stretch. Every bone gets popped following the long needed stretch and I make myself more comfy in the peach colored chair. Good thing I tan instead of burn because I think I can stay out here all day. No interruptions, no problems. Its just me, myself, and I, along with the occasional voice inside my head, but he hasn't spoke since we got here. He's probably taking a vacation of his own. I haven't had a headache since I've got here, so that's a good thing, but I wonder about the girls. I wonder how they're holding up.
~3rd Person POV~
Everyone is in the living room doing their own thing. For a manor full of girls, everything is semi-quiet. Slenda and Angel are having tea with Jane and Jacky. Benny is playing Call of Duty: World War 2 with Jess trying to pass some time and probably take their anger out on the zombies because of Y/n leaving. Ann is stitching up one of Sally's other stuffed animal's leg while Sally holds it. Clockwork is reading a book. Masky and Hoodie are arm wrestling in the floor and Jill is doing hand stands and cartwheels. Everything seems to be going right in the world until they all let out a bored sigh.
"Man, how long has it been since Y/n left?" Benny asks the air as she pauses the game. Not looking up from her book, Clockwork answers her, "Exactly two hours, twenty five minutes, and thirty two seconds... And counting." Jess let's out a sigh, "It feels like forever." She crosses her arms and pouts. "He'll be back in no time girls, we just have to keep ourselves occupied." "How do we do that Slenda?" Sally asks as Ann puts a band aid on the stuffed yellow duck. "Well, what do you guys want to do?" Angel puts down her glass cup on the saucer, "Ooh, we can have some friendly competitions." "Like what?" Jacky asks calmly and Angel just let's out a devilish smirk.
~Time Skip:Y/n's POV~
I stretch out on the couch and flip on the TV after I clean my dishes from my steak dinner. "Man, that was good. Now let's see what's on TV." Flicking through the channels for a short minute, I find 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest'. I haven't watched this movie in a while, even though I love Johnny Depp. He's a great actor. I'm in luck, I just tuned in and its on my favorite scene.
That's how I feel when the girls basically hunt me down for sex. The struggle is real. After my favorite scene ends, my phone buzzes. Grabbing it from the table I see that its Sally wanting to video chat. My head is starting to feel loopy, but I answer it. "Hello?" Sally appears in front of me with a huge smile, "Hi Y/n!" She waves. "Hi Sally. What's going on? Is everyone okay?" There's a lot ruckus in the background and I see Jess chasing Jane with a knife behind the couch. Jill letting out a battle scream as she swings from the chandelier, dodging Benny below. Benny is trying to hit her like a piñata. Slenda and Ann is running from side to side of the room, I assume trying to control the situation. Angel has her sword out protecting herself from Masky and Hoodie looking like their gonna double team her. And Jacky and Clockwork, well they're playing cards on the couch.
"What in the world is going on there?" "Just some friendly competition between the family. It was Angel's idea." I arch a brow, yeah friendly competition my butt. The only friendly competition is going on between Jacky and Clockwork... Scratch that, Jacky just lost to Clockwork, now Jacky tackled Clockwork and they're wrestling on the couch. Ooh, that punch didn't look pretty, I squirm a little. My attention goes back to Sally, "Okay Sally, put me on speaker and hold your ears, okay?" She nods with a smile and does what she's told. I clear my throat and let out a death hurling whistle, "Okay, everyone chill!" They all hold their ears, but all shout my name when they see who did it. "Y/n!" My head just got painful.
They all come over and fight to squeeze in the screen. "Hi Y/n!" "Hey girls. Is everything okay?" I ask with some concern in my voice. "Everything is fine Y/n, sweetheart. We were just having some friendly competition." Angel responds with a smirk. I lean back on the couch, "Yeah, that's what Sally said. Do I dare to ask what y'all was doing?" "We were doing some ability tests to see who was better at certain things." Jane answers me while rubbing her arm with a slight blush. "But then everyone got too competitive and started fighting each other." "That's probably why you and Ann tried to regain order, huh, Slenda?" She nods, "Yes and we shall not be doing this again because of the outcome." They all groan and I can't help but smirk. "I suppose it was all a big draw?" "Yeah it was until things got physical." Jess confesses. My smirk grows wider, typical.
"So Y/n, how do you like the peace and quiet? Is it helping that you're away?" Ann asks and all the girls go quiet, waiting for my response. I clear my throat, "Its alright, kind of too quiet, but my headaches has managed to stay away." "So, does that mean you'll come home soon?" Benny asks with hope. I shake my head with a smile, "I don't know," I stretch, "I think I may stay here for a while." Benny gives me a death stare, until Jacky speaks up, "You better not," she crosses her arms, "you still owe me a date." "You mean a screwing..." Jess mumbles out, which earns a slap from Jacky. "Kidding!" Jess then mouths at me, "Not kidding!" My cheeks heat up in a slight blush. "Don't worry girls, I'll be home in a few days. Just give me time to clear my head, okay?" They all agree. "Okay Y/n, but if you need anything, just call me or Ann. Then I or one of the girls will come and pick you up, okay?" I give Slenda a small smile, "Okay. But I'm gonna get off here and get some rest. I love y'all." "We love you too Y/n." They all say in unison, then I hang up. I lay down on the couch and finish watching the movie. I'm away for only a few hours and they're already trying to kill each other? I shake my head with a smile, man, those girls are crazy, but I love them.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.