"Mmm, what time is it?" I move my head to face the alarm clock on Ann's nightstand. The red numbers read a quarter pass twelve p.m. My eyes shoot open at the time, "Crap! Why did I sleep in so late?!" Looking over to my right, I see that Ann isn't beside me. She's probably up along with the others. I don't know why no one didn't wake me up. Throwing my legs over the bed, my head starts to feel light headed. It takes me a minute or two for it to stop, but when it does, I go back to normal. "Okay, that was weird." Shaking my head, I get up and grab my clothes from Ann's chair she has in her room. She must've cleaned and folded them for me, how sweet. Instead of putting them on, I just teleport myself to my room to put on some new clothes.
After I put on some new clothes, I make my way down the steps and into the living room. Hoodie and Masky are in there playing a game of chess. Sally is playing with Mr. and Mrs. D. And Benny is playing on her Nintendo DS. "Good afternoon ladies." I go over and sit down on the couch. "Y/n!" Sally comes over and jumps into my lap, giving my neck a hug in the process. I obviously return the hug, "Hey Sally." "Its about time you wake up." Benny says closing her DS and making her way over to me and joining me and Sally on the couch. "Hey, even I need my beauty sleep. This," I trace circles in the air around my face, "doesn't happen overnight, ya know?" She rolls her eyes, but kisses my cheek, "Smart aleck." "And proud of it." I say with a smirk.
Getting back to my normal tone and away from the jokes, I ask them the question I ask myself this morning, "Why didn't anyone wake me up seriously? I could've went with the others wherever they went." Benny let's out a sarcastic chuckle, "Like you said Y/n, even you need your beauty sleep. You have been getting up before the chickens ever since you got here, so I guess your body wanted to sleep in a little more." She's got me there. Ever since I came here, I've been running myself ragged. From beating and killing my father, to surviving a manor full of beautiful female killers, my body has the right to be tired. "Yeah, I guess you're right Benny." "Aren't I always?" "No." The whole room besides Benny says in unison, which makes Benny blush a little. "You know what," she gets up and goes to the TV, "forget y'all. I'm going to my room." She jumps through the TV and leaves. I guess we really embarrassed her.
"So Sally, where are the others?" She looks up at me from playing with her bears, "Slenda took Jane, Jill, and Jacky to the store, and the others are doing perimeter patrol." A sharp pain makes its way in my head. "Ouch." "What's wrong Y/n? Why are you holding your head?" I open my eyes to see all the girls looking at me in slight concern. "It's nothing..." I say shaking my head, "Just a headache." Lucky for me, it doesn't last long. "You should go let Ann check it out Y/n." Masky speaks up, as she and Hoodie avert their attention back to their game. "Nah, I'll be fine. Its nothing." "Check mate." I look at Hoodie to see that she has won against Masky. "Good job Hoodie." She looks over at me, "Huh? I was just telling you that you should go get checked out." She then looks back at the board, "Oh. And check mate to you too Masky." Masky hangs her head down in defeat, "Dang it." She looks back up and shakes Hoodie's hand, "Good job." "You too."
"So Y/n, who are you going to take on a date today?" Sally asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know. Whoever wants to go out." "We'll go with you Y/n." Hoodie says getting up and giving Masky a hand so she can stand. "Both of y'all? At the same time?" Masky shrugs, "Why not? We're a package deal." I'm game. I sit Sally down beside me and stand, "Alright, we'll go out when the others get back, okay?" They both nod, "Alright, but we're picking the activity." Hoodie says. I smirk, "That's fine with me." I go back up the stairs to my room to wait on the others. Maybe I can try to escape from the sharp pain in my head for a little bit before my three way date.
~Time Skip~
Running through the dense forest of the trees at decently 'normal' speed is not how I imagined a first date. Hoodie, Masky, and I are playing capture the flag, but with weapons. Since there are two of them and only one of me, I let them team up together because like Masky said, they're 'a package deal'. I stop behind a tree to catch my breath, but I don't stay there for long, especially when an arrow lands in the tree right beside my head. "Really?!" I see Hoodie start to reload an arrow with a small chuckle, "You have our flag Y/n! And we want it back!" Another arrow comes flying my way and I barely manage to dodge it. "Okay, Robin Hood! Come get it then!" I make a beeline back to my base, which is on top of the manor.
Its starting to feel like The Hunger Games out here... 'May the odds be ever in your favor.' That saying doesn't apply to me right now. Both teams have scored one point each. I scored the first point, then the girls scored the second. So it all comes down to this, best two out of three.
My base is right in my sight, but getting to it won't be that simple. Since Masky and Hoodie can't teleport like I can, I made it fair by not doing it myself, but I can use my other powers, besides that and superspeed. Masky is guarding the manor with a crossbow in hand and I can hear Hoodie on my tail. Looking up, I try to find a large tree that's near the manor so I can climb up and possible jump to the roof without them spotting me.
Bingo. I spot a huge oak tree that branches out right above the roof.
Quickly, but quietly, I scurry up the black tree with flag in mouth. As I approach the desired limb that I have my sights on, my head is starting to get dizzy. What is going on with me today? Shaking and attempting to clear my head, I can't help but hear Hoodie and Masky talking right below me. "Hey, have you seen Y/n? I was chasing him, but then I lost track of him." "No, I haven't seen him, but he should be heading this way." I let out a small chuckle. Oh ladies, I'm already here. Getting onto the limb to my right, I carefully stand up and make my way slowly towards the roof. Creaks fill up the atmosphere louder than I expected and it doesn't take long for the girls to look up.
"There he is! Get him!" I hear Hoodie yell. Crap. I take the flag out of my mouth so I won't drop it when I speak. "Good luck with that girls! I'm all the way up here and you two are all the way down there!" They look at each other then back up at me as they draw their weapons and aim them at me. My eyes go wide, "Uh-oh." Arrows take me by storm and I do my best to avoid them. One arrows goes straight between my legs near my boy. "Hey! Think about my children!" "You don't have no children Y/n!" Masky responds. "Someday I might!" They both look away from me for a second. Ha! That put them off guard, now's my chance.
Not wasting another moment, I run across the long branch. Arrows trail me, but they seem to stop after I leap from the end of the branch. "Y/n! What are you-" I tuck and roll after I land on the roof. "I win!" I yell as I hold up my arms in triumph. I walk over to the iron metal of the roof and look down at the duo. "I was winning. That's what I was doing." They set down their weapons and applaud me. I take a bow, but when I rise back up, the world starts to spin on me. "Y/n, are you okay?!" Masky shouts, but when I try to answer her, mumbles come out. My legs start to make me fumble back and the next thing I know, I fall back and land on the roof, hard. What is happening to me? I ask myself before my eyes drift off into darkness.

Female creepypastas x male reader
FanfictionJust a story I came up with. I don't own the cover photo, nor the characters, all rights go to the original owner.