Treehouses's and Dates

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Chapter 3
Treehouse's and Dates

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I took my phone of charge and looked at the screen.

'Im at the tree house open your window!'

I looked out my window and saw Chloe waving her hands about like a lunatic. I laughed and opened my window.

I picked up the ladder underneath my desk and pushed it through my window I placed it on my windowsill and Chloe tied the ends securely and crawled her way over to my window.

I held the ladder firmly in place and Jack helped Chloe into the room. I gently pull the ladder from the knots and pull the ladder back in my room and under my desk.

"Ok, Casey take a bath and when your done, we'll work on your hair and make up, I'll place some clothes on you bed and you can pick what you want to wear."

I nodded and walk to my bathroom, I turn on the shower and take off my clothes and step into the hot water.

I let the water run down my body and into my hair. I grab my bottle of apple scented shampoo. I pour it into my hands and rub it into my hair, followed by conditioner. I rub soap onto my body and rinsed it all off. I grabbed my towel and dried myself. I wrapped it around my body and walked in to my bedroom. I looked at the clothes on my bed and picked, jean shorts with black stockings and a red and black buttoned up shirt with a small collar. Along with the outfit, black boots.

"Good choice" I looked at Chloe who is sitting on Jacks lap on my swirly chair. I smiled and walked to the bathroom. I changed and walked out side and did a little twirl so they can see from all directions.

"You look amazing, Casey" I smiled at Jack and at Chloe they both up and made me sit on the chair.

Chloe combed my hair and dried it with a dryer. I looked around and saw Jack sleeping on my bed I giggled and looked at Chloe.

"What are you doing with my hair?"

"I'm going to curl it up and let it out."

She put the curling iron on and set it aside for it to heat up.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what are we going to do about your blue highlights! You look better with just black hair, you know."

"Clo, I've had this speech a million and one times ok? I'm happy about my hair. It looks fine. Maybe better?! I might not have your red hair and black eyes or Jacks blonde hair and blue eyes but I have my blue eyes and black hair with blue highlights and I like it." She laughed.

"Have you planned this speech?"

"Maybe once or twice..." I looked down and blushed. "...just shush and curl my hair woman!"

"Ok man geeez"

She grabbed the curling iron and curled my hair. I looked at my hair from the mirror and smiled. Oh gosh my hair looks amazing!

"Your not don't yet," she swirled my around so I was facing her and she put eyeliner on my eyelids alone with mascara and some light pink lipgloss. "There, now your done."

The front door slammed and I got up from my chair and looked out the window, my aunt was leaving the house she turned left and then was out of sight. I rushed to my door and unlocked it. I ran to her room and I saw a note lying on her bed.

'Hey Callie, I'm leaving and I'm not come in back. I've have enough with your bitchiness you slut. Fuck off. I'm not coming back. EVER. Got that idiot? Never. I taped a Credit card to the back if this note it have all your mother and fathers savings and money. And it's fucking a lot.'

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