Like a Train

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Chapter 19

Like a Train

Tbh this story is so far one of my kinda best ideas so far but once his story is finished I need your guys opinions if I should create a sequel!

QOTH (question of the day):


Please comment!


The drive was silent but the thoughts remained. I was still not over what he said.

'Try thinking about what your heart says not your mind. Your hearts the key.'

But what is there to think about?

Before I could even answer my own question we arrived at my house, Luke opened the door for me and held out a hand for me to take. I accepted and stepped out the vehicle.

We walked to the door hand in hand onto the porch. We arrived at the door and I turned to face Luke.

"Thanks for the date, I loved it." I smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine, your were amazayn (amazing)." He smiled back and kissed my cheek.

I was startled at first but relaxed. "Night."

"Goodnight Casey. That Nathan kid must be really happy to have a girl like you near him, your truly perfect."

Before I could even take it all in realisation hit me. I smiled at him as he walked down the steps and into his car and drove off.

Try thinking about what your heart says not your mind. Your hearts the key.

Now I know.

I unlocked the door. I felt the other side opening as well. The door was wide open and stop there was Nathan.

"Hey Cas, I'm gonna go to the Shops. I'll be back in a bit." Before I could say anything he was out the door and drove off before I could even reply.

I rolled my eyes. Thanks. I closed the door behind me and I was engulfed in the darkness.

Thoughts were pouring into my mind and I refused to answer them until it was at peace.

I rushed up stairs ignoring the darkness. I felt my way up the stairs and into my room. I closed the door behind me and lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling. Letting the thoughts fill me totally.

Why do I feel butterflies?

Why am I feeling this way?

What is making me feel this way?

Nathan. That's who. He's making me feel this way. His touch is causing me butterflies.

What is making me feel this way?

I'm not so sure.

Try thinking about what your heart says not your mind. Your hearts the key.

Okay Casey. Think. Feel. Release Your Pressure. What is your heart telling you?


My eyes shot open, my mouth agape.

What? Nathan?

'Nathan. Casey. Your in love with Nathan. And he's in love with you.'

I don't. Whether my heart doubts it or not. I don't.

'Your just too stubborn to accept your feelings.'

I can't take this anymore. The confusion. The denial. I opened my eyes and a tear fell from my eyes. It trailed down my cheek and slid down my cheek and landed on my bed. There was more to follow.

I sat up on my bed and wiped the tears with the back of my hands. I stood up and sat by my window.

I purposely put a place by my window so I could sit down and think. It was my little thinking spot when I was small. That and my closet.

I opened the window and sat next to it. I brought my legs up to my chest and turned my head to ace the window. The cold breeze blew threw my hair and left shivers up my spine. The same way I felt when he touches me.

Nathan. Casey. Your in love with Nathan.

Your just too stubborn to accept your feelings.

Try thinking about what your heart says not your mind. Your hearts the key.

Your hearts the key. Was it really? And if it was. Do I like Nathan?

Realisation hit me. Like a trains impact. My eyes widened and a smile creeped up on my face.

I like Nathan

The way I feel butterflies when I'm near him, the way I get tingling feelings in my stomach when we touch.

They aren't messed up feelings. My thoughts are all just riddles from the mind. I do like Nathan.

I pushed him away because I didn't want to figure it out the truth.

After all this time I never realised it. The date with Mathew. That's why he left at lunch. It all flashed back into my mind. His reactions. The date with Daren.

I stepped onto my room floor and stood up straight. The smile was still plasters on my face and I doubt I was gonna go away.

"I like Nathan..." I whispered. I took a step closer to the window. "I HAVE A CRUSH ON NATHAN!" A pedestrian was walking by and heard me sudden outburst.

It turned to look at me but I quickly hid behind the wall. I couldn't believe I was that dense. I do like Nathan. I bit my nails, grinning ear-to-ear.

The question that still lingered is:

Does Nathan Like Me Back?



So Casey finally realised that she likes Nathan. But does she know that Nathan likes her back?

- Impatient Nat :)

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