Fun-Day & Bottles.

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Chapter 5
Fun-Day & Bottles.

It was a Friday evening and Chloe was coming over to get our 'party outfits' I disagreed and said that sweatpants and a shirt would do the trick.

I mean that would decrease the number of Teenage pregnancies right? Maybe not. Just a thought.

It was 8:00 and I finally finished all my homework I looked all around my room and placed my books and folders in my bag.

Chloe is supposed to be here any second. We went clothes shopping on Thursday. I didn't buy anything but I did buy a whole make up kit.

I walked to my cupboard and unhooked different coloured dresses and my make up kit and made my way down the stairs. I placed the clothes on my couch and the make up kit on the table.

I took out two cans of coke and a bowl of candy. I opened a packet of crisps and poured them into a bigger bowl. I placed the food and drinks on the coffee table.


Knock knock knock

I sat up and looked around the room. I dozed off on the couch. I opened up the door and Chloe with a big pile of clothes was in her hand and she placed them on the sofa where all my stuff was.

"Hey Chloe, lets do this, you pick my dress and do my hair and make up while I munch on some chips and sweeties" I smiled and plopped myself on the couch.

"No, You pick your dress and you have to do your make up. I'll do the same but I'll check and help out if you need it" Major throwback. I thought the deal was that she does everything?! Maybe not...

We lay the floors all around the room, we pushed the sofas against the wall so we had room to put our clothes.

I walked around the living room floor looking for a dress. The room was pretty spacious.

A dress caught my eye and I grabbed it immediately. It was red and was simply. It was bouncy and was up to my mid-thigh. It was full sleeved and cut off a bit after my elbows. The weather wasn't chilly tonight so I didn't need stockings. I slipped a pair of black shorts under my dress short enough so Chloe won't see them.

I made sure I waxed before the party at the Spa. Clo set an appointment for us to get our nails, legs and arms done.

Chloe picked a green and black dress. It had one sleeve was green that crossed over between her left shoulder and her right hip. The rest was all black. It was fully sleeved and went too up to her mid-thigh.

"Good pick" I smiled and nodded my head at her. "You too" she smiled too.

We headed into the bathrooms to change. I came out first and Chloe went in after I came out.

Once we were done changing we both looked at our selfs in my full-length mirror. We both looked amazing (amazayn-directioners). The dresses fitted perfectly. We both had curves, it wasn't to fancy or too perverted. Just perfect.

We let out our hair and I let my hair be straight and flow. Chloe curled it and tied it into a messy pony tail.

We walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. We placed the sofas where they rightfully were and put all the dressing in my cupboard. We sat down on the couch ready to put out make up on.

"Please Clo! Can you please pretty please with a bust load of cherries on top?! PLEASE I DO NOT WANT TO LOOK SHIT!" She laughed throwing her hair back and her red hair bouncing up and down with her head movement.

"Do you really think that I'm going to let you do your make up?! Are you mad? Not yet Chase," she winked and I gave a disgusted face. "Jokes Casey calm down. but yeah I'll do your make up."

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