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(Cheryl's Viewpoint)

Look at her, sweating, despite the fact that the temperature in this house was set at 68. Wearing those overalls in a way that even I, of all people, couldn't criticize. I don't know how a sports bra could possibly be regulation in safety, but I don't think I cared, because the way her stomach muscles clenched while she banged the tiles from the kitchen walls with a hammer was something of a masterpiece, enthralling me in a way that made my thighs clamp shut. The hideous washed out pink in her hair was even growing on me as it stuck to her forehead, which beaded itself with sweat constantly from working so hard on the job I had hired her to do.

Today was her last day on the job, as she's just finishing the paint job before making her leave from my life forever, and this effected me in a negative way.

Work was hell for all of my employees, but I honestly could not bring myself to care about the terrible way I treated the employees of my fashion empire, as I was upset. This contractor, this Toni Topaz, was leaving my life, and I never got to sink my claws into that tan skin.

This is the exact reason why I decided to take the afternoon off. I sat there at the small, round table in the room between my first dining room and the kitchen she worked in, sipping on my iced tea and peering over a blank laptop screen at the woman as she reached up and curled down low to finish painting the walls the pale pink color I had requested of her. I remained silent the entire time, drinking in the sound of her heavy sighs or soft grunts deeper than I was downing the tea in my glass. I ran my fingers through my hair and bit my lip until it was sore at the way her back muscles tightened when she stretched upward, the veins in her neck strained as she worked to pound something into the wall with that trusty hammer of hers.

"Thank you for your service Miz Topaz." I hummed, looking up at her through my lashes as I grabbed my checkbook from my wallet and wrote in it quickly, handing it over so she could take it gratefully.

"Please," She scoffed politely, removing the baseball cap from her head and wiping the sweat from her hairline with her toned forearm before replacing the article of clothing, as well as a perfect smile of accomplishment. "I like being called Toni." She grinned.

"I bet that's not all they call you." I murmured under my breath in a blink.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" She blinked at my back question for a second before shrugging it off. "Well, if you ever need anything else, give me a call. I also work in maintenance as well if you need anything."

"Definitely," I hummed, blinking softly and slowly before biting my lip. Her grin morphed into a smirk, then her eyes met mine, then raked down, then back up my body for a moment, making my body buzz with excitement as her eyes rolled over my body with every inch. She dropped her tongue on the inside of her cheek, causing it to bulge out on the side of her mouth, a smack coming from the action.

"And if there's anything I can do for you," she brought her arm up above her head so she could lean against the doorway of the new kitchen slyly, her eyes raising up as she met my eyes, "if there's anything I can do TO you," she emphasized, and I hummed, tilting my chin up as I let out the slightly erotic sound from my throat, my eyes closed blissfully in thought of what she should do.

"Definitely," I repeated, a moan coming from my lips this time as I provoked this contractor.

"So long as I'm not crossing any lines, that is." She grinned, the tone of her voice low and gruff as she bit her lip up at me.

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