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Sexy (as always), sweet and emotional! Have fun with this extra long chapter babes!

Maybe it wasn’t such a terrible idea to go on this trip with Josie and Toni after all. So far, Toni and I had just been driving to McCoy Manner, the house of Josie McCoy, just inside of the Jingle Jangle district.

The Jingle Jangle district of Hollywood was too nice for me even. I could afford a place there, yes, but that was where people like singer/songwriter Josie McCoy and famed model/actress Veronica Lodge lived. I would feel left out, being a person who doesn’t have a talent that makes her indisposable. I liked living in the Riverdale district, it was a nice medium between Sweetwater and Jingle Jangle.

Once Toni had driven her giant green gay Jeep up through the long driveway, a gate unlocked, allowing her to drive another five minutes or so, up to a giant mansion, one at least eight times bigger than mine.

Realistically, mine was only barely considered to be a mansion, but it was definitely bigger than anything I needed. I bought such a big house because I was always sick of not having a big, comfortable place to sleep where I didn’t share a room with Betty, Polly, Jason and Charles, so I over compensated, and now I have a house with rooms I’ve never been in.

“Hey, guys!” Grinned Josie as she opened the large door to her house to hug me. From the door ran a little Pomeranian, yapping up at me from five and a half feet below me. “Gypsy, get inside.” Josie demanded calmly of the animal, who did as she asked, almost without blinking. Usually, I’m not a dog person, but if you could get one to behave like that, I’d probably be able to tolerate it, if it didn’t come near me. Or look at me.

“Ready to go?” Toni asked with a big grin on her face, and Josie nodded before opening the door completely, revealing a regular sized Louis Vuitton suitcase, alongside a Gucci duffle bag.  

“Ronni, it’s time to go, baby!” Called the songwriter up the stairs, and a moment later, the raven haired woman appeared with a simple Jansport backpack.

“Hi,” Grinned Veronica as she ran down the stairs to me, where she shook my hand before hugging me tightly. I awkwardly hugged back and waited for her to pull away. “I’m a huge fan of you, Miss Blossom. When Jo told me you wanted to do an activism issue with her next month, I practically screamed.” She said honestly, hoisting the duffle bag on her shoulder and taking the suitcase in her other hand. I rose a brow at her words, but smiled in stifled laughter over the fact that she brought three bags of a two day trip.

“I’m honored to hear that, honestly. I’ve been watching your movies for years, so seeing you in the flesh without screaming is proving to be quite difficult.” I joked, easing the tension that I seemed to have caused with my stiff hug.

It wasn’t her fault, honestly. I usually just hate intimacy. Don’t ask why Toni’s never triggered such a reaction, I could never tell you. I didn’t feel the same kind of pressure I feel with others, and I didn’t know if that was good or bad as of now.

“Well, maybe we can get drunk and fangirl to each other later.” Joked the Actress before turning to Toni with a big, goofy grin on her face. She squealed and threw herself into Toni’s arms, the two rocking side to side a few times as they laughed with their movements. “I’m so excited for this couple’s outing!”

And suddenly the tension was back.

I side eyed Toni, whose eyes smiled as her lips smirked.

“Oh, me too.”

We had driven an hour to the outskirts of LA,where Toni drove through a small opening in a wall of trees, where Veronica owned a little  deepin the forest, where she claimed to have spent time on acting retreats when she was studying film at UCLA.

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