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Filler chapter, mostly just cute for the sake of being cute. Enjoy!

"Wait, this is the Tahoe exit. I thought you said we were going to Vegas." Toni said to me as I drove down the exit to Lake Tahoe.

"Yeah, but I realized Tahoe is prettier, and I've always loved snow... and hated smokey casinos full of old people and drunk twenty one years olds." I scrunched my nose up in distaste, "That's okay, right?" I asked, not really caring if she said yes or not.

"Definitely." She smiled. "We got a hotel room?" She asked, and I rose my brows in a playful manner.

"You'll see."


"This is adorable, baby." She gushed as we walked through the threshold to the little one bedroom cottage I rented for the two of us. "Board games." She scoffed with a laugh as we walked through the house to the room with our bags. "I haven't played one since I was twelve."

"Maybe we can play strip twister tomorrow." I grinned, and Toni corrected me.

"It's three in the morning. So you mean today." She grinned, and I rolled my eyes as I walked through the door to the large, circular bed in the middle of the room. It was made beautifully, just for us to mess it up.

"I'm happy we could do this." Toni admitted as we pulled the sheets back and laid down together. "Especially after such a drowning week." She sighed, pulling the blankets over us. I scooted close to Toni until I was flush against her, my chin in her shoulder as we face each other, eyes closed.

"I know," I hummed, "A wedding, a funeral, an unwanted family reunion, AND two thanksgivings? Never again."

"And I feel like everything is taking a toll on you, so you really need to take a mental health day. I was getting worried you'd burn yourself out." I felt her wrap her arm around my head and her hand begin to stroke my head.

It was touching, knowing someone cared about me beyond my physical well being, and that of my family. She really was a catch, the second best thing in my life. I love her.

"I love you." I muttered against her shoulder, and I felt her body relax against me when I spoke my affirmations.

"I love you too, princess." She hummed.

"Am I your girlfriend?" I asked, my eyes falling as my mind drifted off.

"That's all I want from you right now." She whispered, and felt myself smile as my body shut itself down for sleep.


"Good morning, girlfriend." I heard as my eyes began to open, my gaze immediately catching the eyes of Toni, who was looking on at me with a big grin on her face. I smiled when I realized who was talking to me, and I leaned my hand up to caress the side of her neck.

"Good morning, girlfriend." I hummed softly, leaning in to kiss her lips deeply.

"I can't believe I get to spend all weekend with THE Cheryl Blossom." She hummed, rolling close to me and snuggling against me. "No interruptions, no work stuff, just you," She moved her nose close to my face, her hand running along my abdomen beneath my top. "Me," She kissed my jaw, "and five new rooms to..." She trailed, her right hand playing with the hem of my lace panties. "Spend all weekend in." Her lips opened against my jaw, and I hummed as she moved her fingers from along the hem of my underwear, down over the fabric of them, teasing me through the lace.

"Mm," I moaned, "not if you plan on teasing me." I threatened, and she pulled away with her eyes wide, as though appalled that I would make such a threat. "I mean it." I shrugged from beneath her, and she huffed. "After what you pulled yesterday at your place, I'm wary, and I'm willing to take precautions." I laughed, and she dropped on me in deflation.

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