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Lot's of stuff here! 6k words, but no smut here. I think youll still be very happy with what is to come though. Enjoy :) and remember: voting, commenting and sharing ensures a faster update!

"Is that us from last night?" Gasped Toni, whose eyes were plastered on her own cell phone screen.

"'The Romantic Bombshell on Cheryl Blossom?'" I scoffed, "What does that even mean?" I scrolled down to the article and began reading aloud; "CEO of Blossom Industries and fashion magazine, Bombshell! Mag, Cheryl Blossom, does not seem to be the all-work and no-play business woman we all thought her to be. Blossom was spotted with her mysterious dame on the South LA beach, early Sunday morning. Who is this mystery hottie, and what did she do to sweep our Bombshell off her feet? We all want to know!'" I rolled my eyes before handing Josie's phone back. This was bad, I thought as I tugged on fistfuls of my hair from the sides of my head.

"I'm so sorry, Cheryl, I shouldn't have done tha-"

"It's fine," I lied, holding my hand out in front of me for a moment. I clenched my jaw and inhaled deeply, closing my eyes momentarily before exhaling. "I guess I'll have to formally come out to my mom soon." I sighed, and Toni's eyes widened, tilting up in remorse. "Let's get to work." I exhaled, tucking my skirt beneath my legs before seating myself again. "Toni, go ahead and show her the pictures, would you?" I requested, and she followed suit as I excused myself and walked out. I walked to the break room and dialed the phone number of my mom, exhaling as the tone beeped, and beeped, and bee-

"Hey, honey!" I heard my mom's happy voice through the speaker, and a part of my heavy, pounding heart settle down, just a little. It reminded me of the way she used to hold me after she adopted Jason and I.

"Uh, hey, mom." I stuttered slightly, "I just wanted to know if we could meet up tonight and talk?" I asked, my teeth gritted in dread at the idea of having to come out to my mother.

"Yeah! I haven't seen you in weeks. I'll invite your brothers and sisters too!" She suggested, and I shook my head at myself.

"Uh, no, I just need to talk with you alone. And don't go on Twitter or anything, please. I need to tell you something important." I revealed, and without missing a beat, my mom responds.

"Oh, are you talking about the whole beach girlfriend, you being gay and not telling me thing? It's fine, I've known for years. I just want to see you, maybe meet your new girlfriend!" Her voice was laced in excitement, and my eyes went widened, my expression likely one of dumbfoundment. "Tonight, six? Jason will bring Midge around, and I'll invite Polly and Chuck."

"O-okay." I blinked, and I could hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm excited to meet your new girlfriend, what's her name?" She asked, and I couldn't think. I uttered the first name that always sat at the front of my head.

"Uh, Toni." I droned.

"Great!" She cheered, "I'll set a table for ten tonight. You probably have some fashion crisis though, I'll see the two of you tonight. Bring wine!" She hung up before I could say anything else, and I grinned hugely, stuck in my position for a moment, shocked. She accepted me.

She didn't think twice.

She already knew!

I walked back to my office, face-splitting smile ever present as I walked back in and sat at my desk, both Josie and Toni watching my every move. I plopped down in my chair and just smiled at no concrete thing, just the idea that the most important person to me accepts me with no issues at all.

"Hey, what happened?" Josie asked after a moment, and I turned to her before exhaling.

"My mom said she knew, and that she doesn't care!" I cheered, and both girls looked at each other in excitement.

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