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Make sure to read the last chapter of my superhero fic, Voltage! Enjoy ;)

"Toni, can you get me a towel!?" I called from the bathroom down the hall from my son's room as I turned the water to the bathroom sink off and readied him to be dried off.

"Here ya go, baby!" She shouted, throwing the towel into the bathroom as she ran by. "Have you seen my earrings?!" She asked from what sounded like my room as I swaddled the now two and a half month old boy in his towel and moved into the hallway.

"I think you left them in the lounge upstairs!" I called, running into Mason's room to get him dressed for Josie's wedding.

We were on our way out, until Mason had an accident, and Toni remembered she had a better outfit in her own closet.

Now, I was the only one completely ready, and the wedding was in two hours, which was a problem, because Toni and I were both maids of honor, and we were required to be there for the times of getting ready for the brides.

"Baby, we have to go!" I warned, placing a simple black onesie on my son, along with a pair of dark grey pants, some white booties, and a matching white beanie. I hooked him in his car seat, covered him up with his blanket and began walking down the stairs.

I waited for Toni in her Jeep for about ten more minutes before she ran out, sporting a black pant suit with a purple vest and tie. Her hair was tied up half the way, and her shoes heels were in her hand so she could drive to the venue.

"Remember," I warned Toni over the music, "do NOT let Veronica use her phone, or any kind of internet. We don't want her hearing Josie's album before the surprise tonight."

"Of course," She smiled at me, placing her hand over my knee in a way of assuring me that I'd be okay. "You know... I've never seen someone make maroon look so good before." Toni smirked, and I rolled my eyes before bringing the visor down to look in the mirror.

My dress had a sheer trim, sewed upon the top of a satin skirt. The top half was lace with a plunging V neck line, the meeting of said V coming together in a knit rose. It had long, lace sleeves that covered the tops of my hands.

My hair was tied up just like Toni's was, since Josie and Veronica wanted all the bridesmaids to be dressed the same, up to the hairstyle. Toni and I were allowed to dress differently, considering the fact that we were maids of honor.

I designed the bride's dresses, and of course, mine.

Once we got there, I ran into the venue, where my mom was waiting with Chuck, Kyle, Polly, Betty and Lucy in the line of chairs already set up for everyone.

"He just had his bottle," I said rushingly, taking Mason out of his seat, checking his diaper once before kissing his forehead and handing him to Lucy, who grinned and immediately began making funny faces at the boy.

I ran into one of the fitting rooms, knowing where Josie was, and immediately saw to taking her dress out of the closet.

"Finally, what took you so long!?" Screeched Josie, and I rolled my eyes.

"Calm down, bridezilla." I rolled my eyes, "Mason had an accident, so I had to take care of him. I'm here now, everything is gonna be great, I promise." I smiled softly, causing Josie's smile to form before she untied her robe and dropped it.

"Let's do this." She smiled excitedly, and I held up her dress so we could get her fitted, considering the fact that her makeup was already finished.


"How is everything?" Toni asked, peaking her head into the door of Josie's room, causing us both to glare at her. "Hey, I'm not the other bride." Toni rose her hands up in surrender.

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