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"Happy thanksgiving, Cheryl." Smiled Fangs as he hugged me. I smiled and kissed his cheeks.

"Happy thanksgiving, hun." I said in response as he opened the door for me to enter. "It smells really good." I hummed as I sat my bag on Toni's piano, removed my shoes and ran to the kitchen to see Toni. She was faced away from me, basting the turkey, so I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her waist. I kissed her cheek and rested my chin in her shoulder, causing her to grin.

"Hi baby." She said giddily as she put the baster down and turned around in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips deeply, causing me to hum against her lips.

"It smells amazing in here." I smiled against her lips and toyed with the tie of her apron around her waist, and she pulled away with a smile.

"Fangs, Lulu and I have been cooking all morning." She informed before turning away to put the turkey back in the oven. "Where did Lulu go, anyway?"

"Betty told her when we got here, so she's being greeted downstairs by Lulu now." I divulged, and she rolled her eyes.

"She's supposed to finish the cheesecake." She grunted in annoyance, and I smiled softly, deciding she needed her space to finish.

"Where's Yoshi?" I asked, and she answered without looking up from her stuffing.

"Under the piano."

I looked down to where she said he was, and noticed he was looking at me, so I got on my hands and knees, and began to crawl to him, causing him to get up and run towards me. I opened my arms and pulled him into my embrace before rolling onto my back and petting him as he laid on my chest, kissing my hands as they moved around to run through his short fur.

"What the hell are you doing?" Betty asked me upon entering, and I shrugged.

"Playing with my other son." I said simply, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Okay, weirdo." She looked up at all the books at once, and her eyes widened in awe. "Toni, can I look at your books?" She asked, not moving her eyes from the shelves.

"Yeah, just put them back into order based on letter and genre when you're done." She said distractedly, and Betty grinned excitedly before running to the ladder nearest her bed.

"Don't go upstairs!" Toni warned, and I remembered that we haven't cleaned up in there since Josie and Veronica's wedding, since she only goes up there anymore when I'm with her, considering the fact that she basically lives with me. "Babe, can you go upstairs and clean up the room?" She shouted, and I shrugged before putting Yoshi down and going up the ladder before Betty moved it. I looked around and picked up our clothes everywhere, putting them in the little burgundy hamper in the corner of her room, beside her bed, on the other side of the bed side table. I began to make the bed, and smirked when I saw the purple tie hanging from the bed. I put it around my neck and tied it before finishing making the bed. I blushed when I saw the red dildo standing upright on the side table, the strap it connected to lying on the ground at the foot of the bed.

I had to wash it, because god knows we weren't going to wash it before we used it next. We never think about that kind of stuff when our minds are clouded by lust. I got into Toni's drawer, slid a big hoodie over my black dress, and put the dildo inside. I walked to the edge of her room, and noticed Betty had put the ladder back so I could climb down. I did so, and rushed across the front room to the bathroom. Before I could open the door, Toni was walking toward me with a smile.

"You look so cute in my clothes." She mumbled, walking up to me and kissing me, her hands on the pockets, so to pull me closer. She put her hands inside the pockets to hold mine, but her eyes widened when she felt the ridges of the silicon toy in my hands. "Oh?" She chuckled, and I blushed furiously.

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