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"I have sand in my butt crack." I complained in a loud whisper from behind a lifeguard tower, and Toni hushed me from where she stood, camera pointed at the parking lot where Josie and Veronica walked from, hand in hand as they made their way toward the water, Veronica wearing a white bikini, a flowing swim shawl of the same color. Fitting, considering her girlfriend's intentions to see her in white again soon. Her hair flowed with the ocean breeze, Josie's eyes stuck on her in a way that made my heart clench in happiness. I needed someone to love me like that.

Josie held her hand and talked to her with the biggest grin I'd ever seen. It was so obvious that Josie was so incredibly crazy for this girl that she was ready to commit. Josie stopped them at the point that the water met the sand and turned to her, holding her hands together as they looked into each other's eyes. Josie said something that made Veronica laugh as the water kissed the tops of their feet, the strings on the neck of Josie's teal blue bikini flowing in time with her girlfriend's hair. The way they were standing provided Toni with a good angle of Veronica's face as she snapped away on her camera. I started taking a video on my phone so I could refer back to it while I wrote the piece in the magazine.

Josie shook her fingers out behind her in nervousness before reaching into the front pockets of her jean cutoffs, letting her hands sit there while she talked inaudibly. Veronica's smile fell to a neutral expression before her brow rose as Josie's legs moved so she was going to kneel in the water. She kept speaking as she pulled the ring out of her pocket and held it up to the girl, whose eyes were leaking with excitement, hands clenched over her mouth in surprise. Josie said something else, and the raven haired woman nodded, to which Josie slid the ring upon her finger and stood up, jumping to tackle her fiance into a hug, lips finding those of the Actress immediately. She rocked back and forth for a moment, enough time to make me tear up a little, until the taller girl poked the sides of the shorter, causing her to squirm around from side to side before turning around to run away from her fiance.

Toni smiled from behind her camera as she took photos of Veronica running from Josie, laughing and screaming before the taller of the two grabbed her shawl, pulling her backwards until she fell into the water. Josie cackled before getting back onto her knees to tickle the sides of her half-submerged bride-to-be as she splashed around in the shallow water.

Deciding I got enough footage, I stopped filming and sent copies to both Josie and Veronica before locking my phone and sliding it into the beach bag I brought and walking toward them.

"Where are you going?" Toni yelled, and I turned around to face her, grinning and shrugging before approaching the two women to help them up.

"Congratulations!" I exclaimed, opening my arms for a hug, which she reciprocated, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

"You knew?" She demanded scandalously, and I shrugged.

"I was the one taking the video!" I informed before Toni spoke up behind me.

"The only reason we all took this trip is because of you, nerd." She informed, wrapping her arm around Veronica's waist, spinning slowly and marching in a circle as they laughed together.

"You guys are so great," sighed Veronica, wrapping her arm up around Josie's shoulders and kissing her cheek. "Now carry me!" She demanded, picking her feet up, forcing her fiance and her best friend to hold her up, walking further into the water until Veronica squealed when they dropped her in a deeper part of the water.

This was nice.

More than nice, actually.

I loved this, the way they loved each other and felt so comfortable around them. I wished this wasn't just a work thing, but it was, and after this weekend, I'd be back to being alone, aside from Toni's visits. All I'd have is Jason and his family, and Alice's family. It sounds like a lot, but not when they're all busy with their own lives, being loved and understood while I lay in bed either alone or with a woman whose only interest is in getting in my pants.

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