Twenty One

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Some smut for y'all. Be sure to comment and vote and share.

"God, I miss this apartment." I sighed as I looked around at the apartment. I looked down just in time for Yoshi to come running to me, whimpering and crying for me to pick him up and cuddle him.

"I miss you." Toni mumbled as she locked her door, and I smiled softly, walking up to kiss Toni's lips softly. She placed her finger under Yoshi's chin to pet him once before taking him from my hands and taking him to the kitchen, where she fed him, allowing him to eat. I sat down as she put down her bag and removed her gloves before coming my way and sitting beside me. "Cheryl, I just wanted to apo-"

"Don't." I shook my head, "Yes, I'm still upset, I admitted, "but I love you so much more than my anger or emotions could ever let take me." I assured before taking her hand in mine, assessing the open wounds on her knuckles, obviously from hitting Nick so many times. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" I asked, and she chuckled before shaking her head.

"He was drunk when we first got ahold of him." She divulged, and I rose a brow.

"We?" I asked.

"Jellybean got him drunk and seduced him, where I knocked him out and tossed him into Lulu's truck, where we drove to her shop with him." She said quickly.

"What all did you do to him?" I asked, and she sighed.

"How about we talk about that in the morning?" She suggested, moving my hair out of the way of my neck and pressed a kiss there. "Mm, I missed you so much." She hummed, and I hummed back, smiling slightly.

"You didn't even have to ask." I assured, and she chuckled, nipping at my collarbone.

"Yeah, but consent is sexy." She teased before standing up and pulling me toward the ladder. It wasn't long before she was standing beside her bed, looking into my eyes with intent as she unbuttoned the buttons on her blazer, allowing her breasts to fall astray, nipples already taut. She stepped out of her high heels and shimmied out of her pants and underwear before stalking back across the room to me to sway in front of me, taking my hand as she hummed a tune I vaguely recognize, spinning me around until I faced away from her. She wrapped her arm around my waist and continued to move her hips against mine, pressing her lips against my spine, beyond the confines of my backless dress, where one of my burn marks stood adamantly.

She untied the tie at my neck, allowing it to fall down around my waist, where I shimmied my hips against her naked body. I bent down as I moved my hips, feeling her center become hot as I finished uncovering myself. I turned around, and her eyes studied me, from my eyes, not stopping until she went all the way down, and came back up.

"I can't believe he did this to you." She whispered, and I was ready to become offended before she stepped forward to take my scar covered forearm to kiss it tenderly, looking me in the eyes. "He tried to take you down, but you managed to come back even more beautiful as before." She muttered in an amazed tone, and I scoffed.

"They're scars, Toni. There's nothing beautiful about them."

"No," she shook my head, guiding me to her bed by the hand of mine she held. She guided me to lie down, to face the wall, and she climbed up behind me, lying her chin in the crook of my neck to look over my shoulder at me. She ran her left hand over my right thigh over my body, tracing every bump and ripple of the blemished skin. She kissed my shoulder as her digits trembled over my flesh. "Nobody else in the world looks like this." She whispered against my ear. "Nobody else in the world has ever had your strength." Her right hand came between us to run along every inch of my back, which had some sort of ugly mark or scar. "You survived something terrible, and now, you've come out stronger. There's nothing more beautiful than that, Cheryl." She kissed a scar on the back of my neck, and ran her fingers up my thighs until she began to trace to damp folds.

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