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"Your son, huh?" I heard Lulu say from across the kitchen during the reception we had put together at my house.

"Ugh, I don't know why I said that," Toni scolded herself, "I hope I didn't cross a line or anything, I mean, it's not like my name is on that birth certificate."

"Don't worry about it, dude." Lulu assured, "Cheryl knows how much you love Mason, and she'd be a fool to think you're not deserving to call him your son too. You do as much as she does, just because you love him, and you love spending time with him. If that's not an ideal co-parent, then I don't know who she could ask for that is any better."

"Yeah, but I said it in front of all her friends and family. I didn't even talk to her about it first, so I wouldn't blame her if she got upset."

"You really love this girl, don't you, Tiny?" Lucy asked, her tone soft as I watched Toni's eyes soften.

"More than anybody I've ever loved before." She hummed, and I felt my chest tighten happily.

I could safely say that the feeling is mutual.

"When are you gonna make it official?" I heard from directly behind me, and I jumped slightly before turning to see Josie smiling softly, a drink in her hand.

"What?" I asked, and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Toni talks about how in love she is with you, and you're in a committed relationship, but you never even said what you are to each other." She explained, "You tell everyone else how you feel, but it seems like you don't have a clear understanding on how to talk to each other, rather than those around you, or yourself, in your case."

She was right, I was too afraid to even admit my feelings to myself, let alone with Toni. Sure, I love her, and she knows that, but it's different than actually telling her how I feel, deeper than just that emotion.

"See, that's what I mean!" Josie scolded, smacking my shoulder. "You should tell her. Take her on a date, tell her how she makes you feel safe, and have great sex right after you make her your real girlfriend."

"I agree." Said Veronica, showing up from behind Josie, holding Mason in her arms. Josie turned around and kissed her wife before taking my son and holding him in the air, where he laughed at her from above. "Then, you can invite us when you're ready to propose."

"Whoa there." I laughed, holding my hands out in concern, "I met her like three months ago, marriage is not on the table right now." I laughed, and Josie shrugged.

"Either way. We'll even watch Mason, if you do it before Christmas."

"Yeah," Veronica leaned against her wife happily, "We have our honeymoon after that." She grinned up at Josie, leaning up to kiss her cheek.

"I'm guessing you haven't waited to consummate your marriage then?" I assumed, and they shared a look before bursting into laughter.

"Remember that thirty minute intermission between the reception and the dinner?" Veronica asked, and I nodded.

"We consummated in the limo on the way to the dinner venue." Josie finished, and I rose a brow.

"I don't put it past them." Toni said, coming up from behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "They christened my back seat on the way back from the beach while you were sleeping." She divulged, and I cringed in disgust. "I had them over for dinner once last year. I'm never leaving them alone in my house again. I had to replace the countertops because every time I went to cook, I thought about Veronica's bear ass rubbing all over my potatoes."

"That doesn't sound bad at all." Josie said unapologetically, and Veronica rolled her eyes before taking Mason back and going to Alice, Lulu and Betty all sat.

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