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My limbs were weak, eyes leaking for hours as Toni sat beside me, holding my hand, not speaking, not even looking at me as I awaited in anticipation for this baby's only remaining parent to be okay. My whole world was spinning so fast that I was getting dizzy from the one hundred and eighty degree turn my life was taking on its head. Toni's presence was comforting. It was exactly what I needed: presence, but not pressure. To be touched, but not to be smothered. Toni always knew how to make me feel the best as I could in any given situation.

This though, I don't think could've been fixed.

Not after the words that came from the ever solemn doctor, his hands folded as he fiddled with them in front of him.

"I'm so sorry to say this," He mumbled, and before his words came out, I was already on my knees, my head spinning as I sobbed silently. Toni kneeled beside me, her hand on my back, rubbing it softly to keep me calm.

But there was no calm at this moment.

The only person left from my childhood, the man I grew up with. The man I never knew a day without, was dead. He was gone forever, and I'd never be able to say goodbye. He'd never be able to see his child.

Midge's mother was dead when the ambulance got to the car crash on Hollywood Boulevard. She was killed on impact, whereas Jason's lung was punctured, killing him in surgery.

Their son was named Mason, by my mother, for obvious reasons, and he was sent out into the waiting room with a nurse, who gave him to me, since I was the only one with hair that matched both the child, and his father. I was still crying by the time I sat in the chair with Mason in my arms, but I couldn't help but smile at the wide-eyed little creature as he looked up at me. I tucked my finger into his grasp and watched as he breathed steadily.

"God, Mason." I shook my head through my tears, "I wish Jason were here to see those big, brown eyes, and those adorable dimples." I sniffled, before looking up at the doctor. "Who is he gonna go with?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"That's up to all of you. He is supposed to go to a trusted family member, or whoever is willing to raise him." He provided, and I cleared my throat.

"I want to." I said, looking around at everyone before settling my gaze on my mother. "He'd want me to take care of him." I said surely, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I agree." Alice offered, "You'll be a great mother." She smiled sadly, tear tracks staining her face.


I stayed at the hospital and signed the forms, paying the bills for Midge, Jason, and their son, before signing his birth certificate. Toni stayed with me through it all, holding my hand as I signed the papers.

She kissed my cheek, and made a joke about being the father, making me chuckle, before sitting and waiting all night for the baby to be discharged. Alice left to go get a car seat from Jason's house, as well as some formula, before driving to her house and Ubering back to the hospital. Betty and Lucy leaving shortly after seeing Mason, and Chuck and Polly taking Kyle home since he was falling asleep.

"I can babysit while you work, if you'd like." Alice smiled, sadly, and I nodded.

"That would be great." I smiled just as sadly, until Toni put her hand over mine to get my attention. It was 6 in the morning, so seeing the news on the television mounted to the wall wasn't unusual, besides the fact that there was a headline that haunted me.

"Last night, Doctor Jason Blossom and his Mother-in-law were killed in a drunk driving accident. Sources tell us that Blossom was headed to the hospital to greet his wife, who died giving birth to their son, Mason Blossom." The woman, Ethel Muggs, went to high school with me. She was nice, I guess. But I hated her now, for what was to be said next. "CEO of Blossom Industries, Cheryl Blossom, who just came out as a lesbian in a press conference, is rumored to be the one parenting young Mason." My eyes widened, and I looked around, at the eyes of a brown haired man, looking up at me with a dark smile.

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