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It was a lot for me the night home from the hospital, because now I had this new information, and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking things like, what if the phone was actually hard to find, and she took the time to look for it, at the risk of my life? Or, what if she only wanted the phone, and she knew she had to grab me if she wanted to pull off seeming innocent, but she tried to wait as long as possible in hopes I would die, or I would never wake up?

Why did she even want my phone?

All those questions, suspicions and fears would be put to rest now, anyway, because her I was, sitting across the desk in my office from my girlfriend, arms folded as I assessed her face.

She was watching the footage I watched the night before, her eyes completely crushed, lips quivering as she looked on in horror. She pressed the spacebar to pause the video, and looked down at her hands before covering his face with them to let out a sob.

"Why did you grab my phone, Toni?" I asked, my voice calm, but still interrogative, because my brain was going everywhere, and I needed to know.

"I-I thought you'd want it." Toni tried, and I shook my head.

"Don't you dare lie to me." I demanded, my voice shaky from stress, and paranoia, and lack of sleep.

It was silent, and she looked down at her hands nervously.

"I just need a real answer." I said, tired and ready for this to end when she gives me a good explanation. Any explanation.

All I needed to trust Toni at this point was an explanation, and I'd let it go.

But the explanation that was true, proved me wrong.

"I thought you were cheating on me." She whispered, looking up at me through red, puffy eyes.

The audacity.

"You what?" She asked, and she cleared her throat, sitting up to look me in the eyes timidly.

"All the lying, sneaking around on your phone, staying at work late, I thought you were cheating on me. I thought that you were gonna leave me, or that you weren't, and that I'd be strung along." She began to stammer, and I held a hand up in front of her face.

"You picked up my phone before you picked me up." I whimpered, and she sighed.

"Yes." She muttered, and the rage in my body came out in the form of my fists falling onto the desk angrily.

"You thought that finding out if I was cheating was more important than my life?

"No, I-"

"No, Toni. You walked into a burning building, and you picked up my cell phone, before you thought to save me. That's it. What if I got a call from my lover then and there, hm? Would you have left me in there to die? Left Mason with another dead parent? Hm??" I asked, standing to my feet as rage filled up within me. "You're crazy enough to do that, would you have stayed in there too?" She was silent, as tears fell down her face, and my entire body was buzzing with anger, but also begging me for rest. "You want to know what I was doing that whole time, while I was on my phone, Toni? I was arranging a birthday party, for you!! And now, I'm a social pariah, my friends and family is suffering, you destroyed my reputation, Nicki's reputation, the reputation of potentially half my employees, and you cost me millions of dollars, just because you didn't trust me enough to mind your business, and do something that you committed to!"

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