Chapter 5

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Only when I get a noseful of the awful stench do I realize that I have accidentally run into the boys locker room.

But no amount of possible lungs damage can make me go and face the furiously screeching danger outside.

The smell though....aaagh! The smell is horrible ! ...

My eyes are watering and I'm pretty sure my lungs are deteriorating my chest cavity.

Just when I'm beginning to wonder what would kill me first, the terrible smell or the fear.

He appears...

Majestic and tall with piercing violet eyes. His hair is long and silver. His skin is pale alabaster as if he had been carved from the moon itself. 

But it is not just the stunning eye color or his unusual hair that makes me question if he is even real, It's his face. Perfectly symmetrical, sharp, and defined features that are every bit chiseled and an angular jaw that is just as sharp and masculine.

Nothing about him seems ordinary. He is unbelievably and almost painfully handsome.

As I stare at him awestruck one of his eyebrows arch " Are you even listening to what I'm talking about ?"

It's confirmed, he is perfect! His voice is deep and smooth which flawlessly suits the way he is. Masculine and dead drop gorgeous.

" Huh? " Is the only word I manage to utter because I'm pretty sure this guy had stepped out of dreams of every female on this planet.

I can't fathom why he would even talk to a girl like me.

Brown-eyed, brown-skinned, currently out of breath and sporting a tangled mess of dark hair on my head I'm miles away from looking picture perfect unlike this male specimen of walking perfection.

I have never been 'conventionally' beautiful but I manage to look cute and sometimes can even get close to looking pretty on a good day but as it stands, I'm just too ordinary and he is way out of my league.

The guy's expression is serious as he repeats the question looking at me intently.

Are there flecks of white in his violent eyes? How unusually beautiful!

"Did the Phoenix attack you ?" He repeats the question once again enunciating each word as if he is talking to a little kid.

I frown feeling indignation fill me. 'Does he think I'm an idiot?'

Even if he is a hallucination - hands down the hottest one I have ever had, he still shouldn't be talking to me this way.

" That's none of your businesses" I snap.

" Finally a response from you, " He says his handsome face impassive " I was beginning to think Basheer had sired a dim wit "

" Dim wit! " I feel myself bristle with anger at both his words and his dry tone " Who the hell are you calling a dim wit? And who the hell is Bas-- Whatever ?"

He lets out a weary sigh " Basheer is your father and you are needed in the realm of djinns"

" What are you talking about ?" I say holding my hands up palms out in the universal sign of 'Stop right there!'

It's a given that I'm having a terror / bad smell inducted hallucination but there should be a limit to this.

" I don't have time for this, " He says briefly looking around before fixing those unusual eyes on me " The Phoenix is here that means Salam and Hydah are not far behind "

" Who ?"

His features remain unchanged though his words slam into me like a truck " People who are sent to assassinate you "

" What ?" I gasp shocked out of my mind " I don't.....I don't understand what you are talking about "

I'm pretty sure he is a hallucination but oh my God somebody out there wants to kill me!
They want me dead!

How the hell am I supposed to be calm and collected in this absurd situation?

My brain is busy having a breakdown when I hear him say firmly " We need to get out of here "
"Huh? Wha----?" Before I can even figure out what is happening I'm thrown over his shoulder and he is moving.

" Put me down! Are you crazy? " I shriek at the top of my lungs " What the hell is wrong with you? Let me go !"

But neither my screams nor the repeated pummeling of my fists against the broad expense of his back manages to stop him.

I'm defenseless and this guy is crazy!

And oh my God! Somebody out there wants to kill me!



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