Chapter 48

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What do you do after a lame and cringe worthy confession such as mine ?

You try to forget it .

And this is exactly what I do as dressed in my battle gear I stride towards the weaponry .

My sword is already waiting for me and the sight of it fills me with a strange calmness .

I'm done being worrying over Ayelet's every next move .
Done anticipating a battle against her ,for better or for worst I'm facing Ayelet today .

No one is going to raise an evil , brain washing masseiah on my watch.

The first thing that hits me as soon as I step into the ongoing battle is the smell of blood and the screams of wounded and dying . The growls of the flying monstrosities that Ayelet has concocted with her black magic dominate the air.
Those winged beasts and demons swoop down from the sky and pick away our soldiers shredding their bodies mid flight . Violence and despair thickens the air as weapons clash against each other and elements lash out raining destruction .

Chaos rules the battlefield , but their is a certain order to the chaos as well and it is to simply destroy the enemy and protect your people.

Easier said than done specially when the aerial army that my side commands is outnumbered, We knew the aerial forces were weak in number to begin with but nothing could be done about that now. Prince Arham leads the ruks , giant winged birds that are as magnificent as they are fierce but constantly fall short because of the enemy's absurdly large numbers.

" How will we survive this ?" I mutter looking up at the sky, It is dotted by Ayelet's monsters.

" Have patience " Jabeen says fisting her hand anxiously and then let's out a cheerful shout .

It takes me a while to spot but from the East numerous winged bodies are steadily flying in the direction of the battlefield.

Who ? I barely form the question in my head as Jabeen whirls towards me " It's Ather , the first Prince of Husalam , My betrothed "

" You never told me you were betrothed !" I accuse wide eyed.

" Surprise !" She says grinning " He is here to level the battlefield for us " With those words my cousin leaps up towards the sky and the only riderless ruk beside a dark haired man in golden armour, who I assume is the Prince swoops down and hoists her up .

I barely catch a glimpse of of my cousin's soon-to- be- husband before he dives head straight into the battle. No time for formalities or introduction he has flown to my aid from a far off place but that brief glimpse is enough to see that he is the definition of tall , dark and handsome.

My reeling over Jabeen's revelation will have to wait because I have a war to fight .

The emergence of the new ruk army had considerable affect on Ayelet's air force and though the fight in the skies is still ongoing my concentration now turns on the ground .

The first time facing an enemy Djinn I was hesitant to attack, a part of me still flinched at the thought of harming a living being but the way his eyes shone with malicious glee as his sword cut into my side and the winds summoned by him had send me careening into a tree proved that these creatures would not show me any mercy and if I show them any it will be nothing but foolishness that will very much end up getting me killed.

Thanks to my battle gear I wasn't bleeding severely and the pain was easy to ignore as adrenaline rushed in my veins soon making me forget about the djinn as I struck it down and seek out another enemy .

There is no shortage of enemies on the battlefield just as there is no shortage of dead bodies on the bloody ground . My heart trembles with sorrow each times I see faces that I recognise among the dead.

Be strong I chant in my head though I feel tears stinging my eyes but I assure myself that their will be a time to mourn them properly .I would not let their sacrifice go to waste. Their kingdom will remain free of Ayelet's fifthy rule.

Ayelet and her army ruthlessly kills their Djinn brotheren whereas it is against a Djinn's honor to kill another of their kind .
I see the numerous trees summoned on the battlefield by those in the armies of our allies and every other honorable djinn as they attack their opponent and the thick roots of the ancient and powerful trees wrap around their resisting bodies like huge scaleless serpents and draging them down into the ground.

Covered in blood and gore ,with my sword swinging and slashing from the furthest corner in the battlefield where I had been forced to take position despite my protests because my comrades unnecessarily fear over my safety I make my way at the center of the battlefield. I see familiars fighting beside their masters in the battlefield snarling and growling as they tear into each other in vicious animalistic violence .

One of the Djinns comes rushing towards me but all I had to do was cut off his air supply and he drops like a bag of stones . The continues usage of my element is taking a toll on me and soon I know I'll be too exhausted to summon my magic but I can trust my sword to keep me alive .

I leap over a sudden fissure that splits open in the middle of the battlefield as if a giant animal opening its jaws but many soldiers go stumbling into it and never emerge out . The howling of winds fills my ear but I block it out . Everyone is using elements and swords in this war eager to survive and eager to win .

Amidst the battle my eyes search for Prince Ruslan.

I know he will be in the center of the battlefield after facing them at the base of the mountains where the war will be at it's strongest.

But I don't see him . I spot Jabeen and her betrothed in the sky both of them bloody and injured but not fatally .

I soon realize that Ghazanfar who is fighting fiercely is the reason behind the strategic splits in the ground .

Prince Yaman despite the chaos has succeeded in keeping the right flank intact as soldiers steadily crash over the enemies like sword brandishing waves.

The enemy solders are fighting back just as fiercely .Their dark magic and bloody swords never halt their assault and so does the monstrous cries of their demons that fight alongside them.

But I don't see even a single flash of familiar silver hair or the sight of him on his brave hearted war steed.

Where is he ?
My eyes scan the battlefield field frantically as dread begins clawing up my insides .

Neither do I see a single of his viciously powerful and magnificent familiars on the battlefield.

Has something happened to him ?


Let me know what you think of the battle and if you see any growth in Amelia's character through the chapters because that is what I'm aiming at , her transformation from a clueless teenager to a brave queen and I would really your feedback to know if I have succeeded at it .
Though I welcome creative criticism I would apprentice it if people are not too harsh or negative

And most importantly !! What do you think is up with Prince Ruslan ?

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