Chapter 25

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Two things come to my mind when I gain back conscious :

One , I have fainted twice today.

I have never in my life before had fainted and it be really annoying if it becomes a habit

Two , the wind is lashing on my face as if I'm running .

Running ?
That confuses me .

I open my eyes and realise that Prince Ruslan is carrying me .

We are running .

Why are we running?

And that's when the terrible reality of what had happened comes back to me" Oh my God !" I gasp
" Where are we ? How....How am I still alive ?
I heard Emir saying the fog was poisonous .

A terrible thought fills my head .
We are the only ones running "Where are the others ? Are they---?"

" We are miles away from the caravan the poisonous fog can't effect you anymore " The Prince replies his speed never slowing down " The others stood behind to fight the Dothrakaäns " He looks so forlorn as he says those words I know he wanted to fight by their side , brothers in arms facing life and death or whatever the battle had to offer together.

I know he hated leaving them behind, it must be eating him inside but I was the reason he had to do this.

It makes me feel guilty and if possible even more scared for them than I was before .

" Will they be fine ?"

" They aren't called the best of their kingdoms for nothing " He says with such conviction in his eyes and voice I find myself believing him.

I really hope they are fine.

We continue deep into the forest. The trees covered landscape is unfamiliar to me but Prince Ruslan 's pace doesn't pause or falter for even a second
" You can put me down now I'm much better "

" No time " He says suddenly whirling behind a tree" They are still on our trail " His voice is low but clear in my ears as he points towards the sky.

I squint trying to see through the gaps of leaves that form thick canopy over our heads but when a winged form passes through the air screeching I stiffen " I heard this before " I say under my breath " It's the phoenix" The terrifying bird that send me running into the boys changing room back in school , it seems ages ago but the memory is fresh in my head.

" It belongs to Salaäm" The Prince says his features hardening , alert as his eyes scan the forest around us and then settle in a single direction. Fear races up my spine realising that the enemies have found us just as the Prince have put me back on my feet .

" No ! " I scream " You can't do this again ! "

But he is already a good feet away from me and the trees surrounding me start closing in forming a huge cage.

" Ruslan ,Stop !" I scream but the trees have already trapped me and I see a luminous blue surrounding the circumference of my cage, and somehow I know my voice no matter how loud I scream won't go beyond the cage and neither will my appearance be visible to my enemies.

I'm trapped ,truly and literally trapped as Prince Ruslan risks his life for me.

" Where is the half Djinn Princess ?" One of the many assassins who have surrounded the Prince making a loose circle around him sneers.

Trapped by the trees I can only see Prince Ruslan's back .

His sword is glinting with the promise of violence by his side as he stands tall and proud in face of danger.

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