Chapter 7

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Have you ever met some who is so annoyingly perfect that even their presence makes you feel hopelessly clumsy?

I'm experiencing this high level of annoyance as I see prince Ruslan move over the uneven ground of the forest. His confident strides are steady and unfaltering even the purple cape that hangs at the back of his shoulders doesn't get tangled in the stupid branches that seem determined to smack me in the face.

The ground is no better.

Countless times now I have barely managed to not fall upon my face in a graceless heap while the djinn beside me walks in his annoyingly perfect grace.

Though I have figured out by now that prince Ruslan isn't big on conversations he has given enough information about who and what I am.

Djinns are beings that have been on earth way before humans had come into existence. They are beings of fierce smokeless fire though they take forms of flesh.
They possess unnatural strength and powers.

This prompts me to ask " If you guys have been around for so long why haven't humans heard about your kind ?" After all, I didn't know a single thing about them until he turned up and literally threw me over his shoulder.

" That is because we are better at concealing our existence from the human race "

" Why hide? Are you guys scared that humans will trap you and ask you for three wishes? " I have seen genie in Arabian nights, I know how it works.

If it is possible for a guy to look like he is questioning your sanity and establish that you are not quite right in the head all the while remaining silent Ruslan is the master of such a look.

" Come on! Why don't you tell me ?" I insist.

" Djinns of the lower class are less powerful and get trapped by humans. As a result, they are  forced to carry out their will "

I arch an eyebrow " What about djinns of the higher class ?"

" They can't be trapped because they are  much more powerful and dangerous than the greedy humans who  set out to trap them"

" How ?"

His eyes briefly  meet mine before he answers  in a calm  voice that has its  unchanged  smooth  timbre but it still  makes me shudder," They can possess humans "

Though he has turned to look straight ahead into the forest as we walk I can't help a sideways glance at him.

He is ridiculously powerful and scary! What the hell am I doing in the world of such beings?

As if reading my mind he looks at me " Do not worry, possessing any living creature is considered a crime. Our law  prohibits us  from doing it "

I can't help the sigh of relief that escapes me, that is until I remember something " The guy at the diner was possessed, wasn't he ?"  I'm hoping he would say no but he gives a small nod.

" Salam had possessed the man " I  still remember the creepy and unnatural moments of the guy as he rushed at me and mom with that maniacal grin.

" You had fought him off " I remember seeing a flash of silver as mom drove the car out of the parking lot and I have no doubt that it was him.

" I had promised Basheer I would keep you safe until you reach within the walls of your palace "

Even the word intimidates me.

" Why had my father....?" I can't bring myself to complete the sentence but Ruslan answers it anyway," Ayelet had been at war with the kingdoms for too long. Her greed for power and bloodthirst devoured every shred of peace and safety" He continues "You might now  understand the reason behind  your father's absence from your life "

" He was trying to keep me safe ?" I ask in a small voice.

All these years I had thought I had been abandoned by my father this new information puts a lot of things in a whole new perspective for me.

" In his own way "Ruslan replies turning his violent eyes towards me or rather the chain around my neck.

Following the direction of his gaze, I lay my hand against the pendant . As silly it sounds I feel fiercely possessive of it. I don't even remember how or when I got it but mom says ever since I was little I was attached to the chain and refused to take it off even for a second.

Of course, the gesture doesn't go unnoticed by the djinn prince," I believe though you might not know what it is yet the djinn blood inside you at some level is aware of its significance"

" Significance ?" I have always thought this was a simple trinket, a trinket I was overly fond of.

" The obsidian  prevents  the djinns from taking possession of you"

Wide-eyed I look down at the pendant around my neck.

My heaad keeps spinning with the shock of the new revelations and each new revelation brings with it a flood of questions.  Questions the answers to which both terrify and fascinate me.


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