Chapter 33

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Jabeen takes me to the royal library hoping it would improve my mood , it's a beautiful place with huge columns of marble pillars at the center is a spiral staircase that leads to the upper floors of the domed library
The numerous rows after rows of books is enough to cheer up anyone who has a love for reading.

I manage a smile. I would have loved this place may be have done a happy dance too , had not Prince Ruslan left the fort again. Three days ago .

Ayelet's troops had attacked a village at the borders that is loyal to the throne and he had left with soldiers to fight them off as soon as the news reached us.

He had hardly spend a day after his arrival from suppressing the revolt and now he was gone again to handle the next one.

When I argued that I would accompany him he denied it ," Your life is too precious to risk "
were his precise words.

" So is yours " I point out " You are a royalty too , a Prince . Isn't your life in as much danger as mine ?"

" Not currently , and not as much "Is all he says before giving me a look that is silent and inscrutable as his violet eyes hold my face for a long time and then he strides away in silence without looking back.Not even once.
But I think I hear the wind carry a whisper of his words " Take care of yourself "

That was the last I saw of him .

I guess my days with him in the forest had got me so accustomed to him that his absence makes me feel hallow inside.

Though he had always been a silent companion his absence seem to have taken away my peace of mind.

" I hope you will like this place though the royal library at the main palace is more magnificent than this one ,this isn't too lacking either " Jabeen says as she stand us in front of a huge silver framed mirror with beautiful intricate design in the far corner of the library.

" All you have to do is speak into this mirror and it will guide you to the book depending upon your mood "

" Really ? " It's hard not to be impressed.

She nods " It's an Amir , protector and guardian djinn . You can always count on it to be smart and loyal "

A wispy figure appears in the mirror his voice gruff as it speaks from the mirror " I have been protecting this library from the past one thousand and fifty two years princess , worry not, I will never lead you astray"

" One thousand and fifty two years ?" I repeat astonished.

" I have been serving your ancestors and so shall serve you " The Amir replies in a grave voice.

" What book do you think I should read right now ?" I question , testing if it will actually be able to guide me to a book I will find tasteful in my present state of mind , which I admit is pretty glum .

" I sense sorrow in you" The Amir replies " But greater than that I sense an hunger to prove yourself "

I hold my breath because his words are nothing but the truth.

" But to know oneself one shall have to know their history, for without a past there can be no existence of an identity "

" I want to know " I reply eagerly " Guide me! "

" I shall when you are ready "

" I'm ready! " I have been for a long time now .

" Not yet ,My Princess" The Amir replies respectfully but firm "Not yet "

I sigh as my cousin places a hand over my shoulder " Willing to check out the history section ?"

Since the Amir had strongly suggested I give the history of my ancestors a read I let Jabeen lead the way.

She takes us up the staircase to the second floor " the history section is here and you can---"

" What's that ?" I interrupt her pointing towards the huge wooden doors at the corner. The doors are so enormous they run the entire length of the library's wall .

" That is our grandmother's private library "

" Private library ?"

She nods " The visions of the future were never gentle with her .They say life at the main palace was too hard for her so she moved here in the serenity of these mountains "

She reminds me of my aunt Vic , she could see future too and she had warned me to stay away from that violent pheonix that day in gym class .
The memory seems too far in the past now.

Did she know this was going to be my fate ?

" The books she valued the most are in here " My cousin adds " It is said her library had never opened to anyone after she faded away in the daråkth groove to seek peace "

My curiosity is instantly piqued " Let's give it a try "

" The Amir watches over it just like it watches over the entire library " Jabeen says dropping her voice into a whisper" I doubt it will open the door for you " Though she quietly follows me.

" Who is asking it for permission ?" I remark standing in front of the wooden doors.

Now that I'm close I can see dull golden designs spread all over the entire surface of it.
I quickly look over my shoulder making sure no one in the library is watching us as I place my hand over the surface of the door and push it .

It doesn't budge .

The result is the same every time I try which frustrates me so much that I hurl my entire body weight against it . Still no use .

" Challenge accepted ! " I snarl under my breath glaring at the unmoving door and summon the winds ready to blow this stupid obstacle out its hinges .

" Amelia stop ! " Jabeen yells alarmed.

But I don't as I hurl the collected winds towards it and just as suddenly get shoved back by the collective power of my own winds. Knocked down on my butt.

I'm stupefied to know that my power is used right back at me !

Gritting my teeth I dust my back and prepare myself to repeat it again
" No, Princess " The voice comes from within the door itself though there is no doubt who the gruff sounding voice belongs to .

Thoroughly creeped out I look over my shoulder but see no one except Jabeen who looks no better than me .

"This is worst than a CCTV camera " I hiss moving away from the door .

" What's a CCTV camera ?" Jabeen questions looking excited as she always does when I talk about something related to the human world.

It is funny to see my supernatural Djinn cousin get so thrilled each time about the most mundane things of the human world.

She must feel the same when I get amazed over the things in Djinn world that seem simple to her.


Hi ,

I would like to apologize in advance if the chapter isn't good enough. I'm not feeling well today but I still wanted to is the result .

Let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to vote if you like it : )

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