Chapter 18

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Another day goes by and there is hardly any progress in my air manipulation skills .

I suppress the urge to whine  at my obviously disability .

The depression and anxiety filled thoughts that I might never be able to learn gives me a headache which consistently  keeps increasing in face of  my  latest failing attempts.

I groan  pressing my palms against the sides of my head. My temples are pounding.The Prince looks at me and says I need to take a break .

I don't need a breather I need to get these freaking skills .

Realising that frustration won't do me any good I  give him a nod and sit down on the ground closing my eyes trying  to relax.

I have been trying to learn what Prince Ruslan calls are the
'Basics' of Air manipulation from the last three days .

Worry that I might never be able to learn them makes bile climb up my throat.

What good will I be in a world of  dangerously skilled  Djinns if I can only use a sword ?

The Prince's  voice  pulls me out of my glum thoughts " Ready ?" He asks as I take in a deep breath once again feeling the abundance of air around me.

Few more failed attempts follow and I realize how really ' ready' I am.Note the sarcasm .

Disappointment is like a crushing boulder on my chest when the Prince says we should call it quits for today .

The sun is long gone and the moon is peeking out of the dark curtain of clouds

" I'll get us something to eat " The Prince says going into the forest in search of our dinner .

Only when he mentions dinner do I realize how hungry I am. My stomach is growling by the the time he appears with our dinner.

I look at him confused when I see him carrying  piles of fruits in his arms. he shrugs as a way of explanation  " All the animals have hidden themselves well tonight"

I arch a skeptical eyebrow  because I know he is an excellent hunter . Though I have got nothing against delicious  fruits.

He sits down besides a tree and slices open a particularly juicy looking fruit. I see few  drops of juice fall on the ground and eagerly wait for him to offer some to me but he eats up the entire thing.

Next he picks up a delicious looking berry looks straight into my eyes and puts the entire thing in his mouth .

He proceeds to do the same thing with another fruit.

And then with another.....

I feel aghast by  his behavior .
Whatever happened to the basic courtesy of sharing food ?

" I ..." I clear my throat feeling teeny bit  awkward but when hunger and awkwardness clash ,huger wins. 

" I want to eat too "

" You can't " he says back  not even bothering to look at me this time  as he picks up another fruit and releases a content sigh after a taking a bite off it.

" Why not ?" I ask blatantly staring at the pile of fruits beside him.

" Because you don't deserve them "

" What ?" I gasp in disbelief .
What have I done that he thinks it is alright to let me starve  ?

Awkwardness gives way to confused anger " Why are you behaving this way? "

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