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"So what made you want to start acting?" Jaeden asks in between sips. It's been about an hour of us talking, and in that amount of time we refilled our cups and made our way to the living room couch. The drink might have started kicking in, but it's hard to tell considering the orange flavor kinda covers the alcohol.

"Um I guess I've just always loved attention." I laugh slightly, but not enough to make it seem like I'm joking. Because quite frankly I don't know if I'm joking or not either.

After hearing my answer he almost smirks, then shifts his position on the couch to face me better. "Ok now whats the real reason?"

"I don't really know. Maybe the fact that I get to be someone else?" I say. I know that's the real reason, and I know exactly how to put it into words. I just never have outside of my head, and I don't really think I want to.

"For me it's that I get to learn so much through being other people." There is something fascinating about watching people talk about the things they love. The way their eyes glow and the realness of their smiles. I can tell Jaeden really loves acting by the way he talks about it, it's beautiful. 

"So do you like playing JD?" I ask about Heathers, because as always it's all I'm thinking about.

"Yeah he's great, like my dream role. And I assume Veronica is yours?"

"Yeah." I mumble. Now that it's been brought up all I can think about is Heathers, and how soon I'll need to be performing these intimate seems with Jaeden. I can tell he is thinking about it to, the way he is looking at me.

"Is your boyfriend ok with you having a make out scene?"He takes a long sip from his cup. I do the same, realizing this topic might require more alcohol.

"Um yeah, he's fine with it." I say, swallowing a big sip.

"Cool." He pauses, unsure if he should say what's on his mind. "So where has he been all night?"

"Boy's night, remember."

"Yeah, but it's been a while since the party started. He should spend some time with you." 

"I'll text him later or something." I sigh, fake smiling the best I can.

"But he should spend some time in person with you. A relationship isn't real if it's only online." Fuck, this boy knows how to hit deep.

"It isn't only online. He is just busy tonight." I lie.

"When was the last time you hung out in person?"

"Not this week, but we've both been busy. We're fine." 

"Fine isn't good." He hits even deeper. I don't know if it's from the alcohol or what Jaeden is saying, but my eyes start to swell with water.

"He's a good boyfriend, Jaeden." I push.

"But not great, right?" And as he says those four words, I lose it. I completely lose it.

"I have to go." I stand up as the tears start to fall. I rush past people and up the stairs to the bathroom I know is empty. When I get their my face is fully wet and covered in my tears. I slam the door and lock it, as I sit on the floor with my back against it. How the fuck could someone that barely knows me make me cry? 

After a minute of letting it out, I text Maddie to come to me. She is knocking on the door within 30 seconds of getting the text, probably because she was in the bedroom just down the hall. She's holding her shoes in her hand, but all her clothes are on and her hair is still perfect. "Babe, what's wrong?" She says when I open the door for her.

We sit on the floor together, her arm around me as I'm using the toilet paper to dry my face. "I don't really know. One second I was just talking to Jaeden, then we were talking about Finn, then before I knew it he was criticizing my relationship and I was crying." I rant, leaving out the detail of being a little drunk and actually enjoying Jaeden's company.

"Jaeden Lieberher? The weirdo who keeps talking to you at rehearsal?" Maddie uses the definition I gave her earlier in the week. I nod. "He's the kid that lives next door to you right?" 

"Yeah." I say, patting my eyes, finally managing to get them semi-dry.

"He's a creep, C. Don't let him get to you." She says pulling me into a hug.

"Ok, I won't."

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