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"It's not what it looks like!" I jump out of the car. The rawness of my throat makes it feel like I'm yelling, but I think it's just because of how hard I'm working to keep the tears back. Maybe the struggle my voice is going through makes what I said sound like a lie (which it was but Finn didn't need to know that) because he still looks pissed as hell.

"Oh shut up, Corinne." Finn says getting out of his car, as if he needs to stand face to face to Jaeden, as if scaring him from the car wasn't enough. Jaeden got out of the car too, probably when I was to busy yelling to pay attention. He is standing next to me, which is a rookie mistake considering it leads Finn to think it was what it looked like. 

"Don't talk to her like that." Jaeden steps closer to him. As he steps further away from me, I realize how much I want him to be closer, how much I like having him close. Jaeden provides this comfort when he is next to me, that Finn could never supply. 

"What are you gonna do about it?" Finn uses a cliche, making me cringe a little. This is by far the weirdest fight I've ever seen happen live.

"Leave him alone, Finn." I decide to open my mouth, risk whatever hate I get for it.

"What? Is he your boyfriend now?" Finn's voice cracks slightly, showing whys might be pain, or maybe he is just yelling too loud.

"Finn," I step closer to him, trying to comfort him or whatever I'm trying to do.

"He's a psycho you know! At parties I always see him trying to follow you around and stuff, and at school he is always staring at you with this creepy ass smile. He is insane, C. He has liked you since we were kids, and I guess he never got the hint that you're mine." Finn is extremely close to Jaeden. Close enough that it's unclear whether any second he is going to punch him or make out with him. Yes, that close that one of them moves without warming and we will have an even more juicy love triangle. 

"What is wrong with you?" Jaeden says, not stepping back. Why the fuck won't he step back? Finn makes a face, as if he doesn't get what Jae is talking about. So Jaeden continues, "Why can't you just let Corinne be happy? If you really love her you would understand that she is more comfortable with me than you and you should just let her be."

"Corinne is comfortable with the you that you're showing her. She hasn't seen you looking through your window into hers. I have, I fucking know you're a creep." Finn huffs. 

I turn to Jaeden, confused as ever. "You do that?" I stare up at him, tears haven't stopped streaming down my face since I stepped out of the car.

"He's insane, Corinne." Finn tries to walk over to me but I step back. Whatever creepy shit going on with Jaeden doesn't matter right now. What matters is that Finn isn't helping, and hasn't helped me since the day we met. All Jaeden has done is try to help me. 

"We're done, Finn." I cry.

"Well good. If you'd rather be with him than me, maybe you're psycho too. You're meant for each other.

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