twenty five

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Rehearsal was uneventful. It was basically just me and Jaeden trying not to stare at each other for three hours. Once the few hours were up, the two of us made our way to Jaeden's car and he started driving to the book store. We decided that would be a quieter place to run lines than Starbucks, and I'd hate the idea of Finn or Maddie or anyone walking in and seeing us. It's not like I'm ashamed of Jaeden, I'm not, it's more for my personal well being than my reputation. I know that if Finn walked in with a girl, or if Maddie walked in and tried to interrupt us, I wouldn't be able to handle it. So the bookstore is just a lot safer.

We walk into the small building holding hands, with our scripts in our free hands. We're both memorized by now, being that the show is coming up close, but might as well bring the scripts. I lead Jaeden to my favorite seat in the place, the big couch by the window. We sit on either side of the couch, facing each other. I have my legs stretched out on his lap, a position he seems not to mind. We start saying the lines to the first scene where our characters are alone, but neither of us seem to be really paying attention to the scene being read.

"Do you think the rest of the cast realizes we like each other?" Jaeden breaks the awkward line reading, with a question that makes me extremely confused. I'm not confused at the question in general, I'm confused at the wording. 'We like each other' is what you say when you don't know what you are. 'We like each other's what you say when that's all you know about the situation, and you don't know if you want to be more than just that. And that terrifies me.

"It might be obvious in our loves scenes, but I doubt they're smart enough to notice." I reply calmly.

"Yeah, I guess it will only really be obvious when we aren't hesitant to make out with each other at dress rehearsal." He kind of laughs, so I kind of laugh. "Are you okay?" I think he noticed it was a fake kind of laugh.

"I'm fine, just kinda scared for the show and stuff, it's nothing." I lie. I'm not scared about the show, not at all. I'm scared about why we need to wait for dress rehearsal, and why we aren't just public in rehearsal that we're dating. I mean he didn't say we can't be, but he implied that we aren't and will never be. 

"Don't worry. You'll be amazing, as always." He leans closer to me so he can grab my hand with his and intertwine our fingers. I get the urge to kiss him, so I use my free hand to pull him chin and I lightly connect our lips for only a second maybe two.

"Okay, back to work." I smile as I pull away from him and fall back into the couch. He mouths okay and slouches down into his own side of the couch. We just smile and look at each other for a second, then proceed to run lines. The whole time neither of us stop smiling, despite the opposite emotions of the scenes we're running. We just smile, staring at each other, acting like we are in love, which might be a real life scenario soon.

It's almost 8 when we decide to leave the bookstore, well more like we got kicked out because of closing, but either way we are out on the street. Jaeden brought up walking to the ice cream shop that's down the street, and I gladly accept. We get a cup to share because neither of us are that hungry, and we sit on a bench outside of the small shop. The chill of the ice cream makes the wind blowing against me feel like ice. I think Jaeden notices because he offers me the sweatshirt he had tied around his waist, "Seriously, I'm like cold blooded, I don't need it." 

"Thank you." I say, pulling his big gray Trasher sweatshirt over my head. It smells just like him, a scent that I've grown to find comfort in. I grab my spoon from our cup and take a spoonful of the ice cream. We got two scoops, one of chocolate, one of mint chip, because we couldn't choose. Thanks to me genius, we mixed them together to make a minty chocolate blend, with I am now a big fan of.

"That looks adorable on you." I look up from the cup to see Jaeden just looking at me, admiring what he sees. 

"It looks cuter on you though." I grin up at him.

"Yeah right!" He laughs as he finishes the last spoonful of the ice cream. He puts the cup on the armrest of the bench then looks back to me.

"Yeah, it just looks baggy on me. I like the feeling of it though, like warm and comfortable."

"Why don't you wear it to school or something?" He asks, implying that I can keep the sweatshirt for at least another day, which I defiantly want... but wearing it in school?

"You know I like to dress nice to school." I sigh.

"Ok, then I guess I can just take it back when I drop you off." He crosses his arms in a joking way.

I cross my arms obnoxiously, mocking him. "No way, Lieberher. I'll wear it to school tomorrow." 


hey hey hey sorry it's been a few days, crAZy weekend

but i have a long weekend coming up, which means probably no posts

i can plan ahead and maybe give you a few friday or something ???

i'll see

ok well stay tuned for the next chap

tea coming soon but maybe not for a few chapters because i like that my otp is happy right now

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