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Watching Finn's band rehearse was fun, as always, but my mind wasn't really focused on Finn or the music. My mind wasn't really focused at all, it was just kind of wandering back and forth from topic to topic. Somehow always making its way back to the topic of Jaeden Lieberher.

"You can sleep over, if ya want." Finn says once the rest of the guys start piling out of Finn's basement where the band practice was held. Finn asking me to sleep over was a once in a blue moon occurrence, and normally I'd jump at the opportunity, but tonight I'm just not feeling it.

"My mom wants me home for dinner tonight, sorry." I lie, and a bad one at that. It was already 7:30, and everyone, including Finn, knows my mom's motto is dinner is at 7 and if you miss it microwave your own pizza.

"It's all good." He says kindly, grabbing my hands and pulling me closer to him. "Need a ride?" 

"Sure." I smile up at him, taking him being extremely nice today as the best thing ever. He smiles back, and wraps his arms around my waist to pull my into a hug. Shit, why is he being such a good boyfriend today? The day my head is being wonky as hell?

Finn gives me the aux when we get in the car, and I shuffle the playlist I have dedicated to him. Ok, I don't actually have a playlist dedicated to him, but I do have a playlist off all songs that I like and he doesn't mind listening to. So close enough. He drives, both of us silent, letting the music surround us. Occasionally he will sing a line of the song that's on, and I'll smile at the sound of his voice, just loving that I'm here with him. I finally end my silent streak to sing along with a song that's never gotten old for me, Psycho pt.2 by Russ. I begin to sing along to the first line when Finn cuts me off.

"I'm over this song, skip it." He says gesturing to my phone that the music was being controlled from.

"Ok." I suck it up and skip the song. Whatever, I like the next song too. 

"Hey," Finn says pulling into my driveway as I was about to unbuckle my seatbelt. "uh, wanna go out to dinner before the party this Friday?" 

It's been so long since we've been on a real date, of course! "Of course." I smile, looking at him looking at me. 

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7?" He adjusts his seating so he is fulling facing me, staring at me with those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Yeah, can't wait." I can't help but smiling so fucking big, and Finn actually is too.

"Me either." He leans in and kisses me. Too long for it to be adorable and sweet, but too short for either of us to leave satisfied. 

I love you. I wish I could say. "See you tomorrow, babe." I say instead. He says bye as I exit the car. And for the first time in a while, I leave Finn feeling nothing but happy. 


sorry guys don't worry jaeden is coming soon

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